Should more women be elected? Should it be a mandatory 50/50 split

Should more women be elected? Should it be a mandatory 50/50 split

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People should vote based solely on sex, race, and creed

Meritocracy should be what we aspire to in a democracy. I'm anti-democracy, but it's quite ironic we elect people based on any other feature.
Also, I expected this thread to reach 200+ posts and still have 1 post by OP.

Women should never be elected


Yes, we need a mandatory 50/50 split in all fields. 50% of garbage collectors need to be women, 50% of scientists and engineers need to be women, 50% of politicians need to be women, 50% of soldiers need to be women, 50% of people giving childbirth need to be women. It's time to end inequality in ALL fields.

No, dear lord no.

It's been tried elsewhere (here included), it does NOT end well.

On top of that, 50% of every field needs to be black, 50% needs to be asian, 50% needs to be middle eastern, 50% needs to be hispanic, 50% needs to be gay, 50% needs to be asexual, and 50% needs to be bisexual.

identity politics


Absolutely not lmao

>Stop talking about race, gender, and religion you racist bigoted white males!!!


t. someone who's never experienced what oppression feels like

Mock us all you want, but at the end of the day we are just taking back what you whites stole from us

Why is Jewish women on there twice?

The only thing you faggots are going to get is the rope.

i wonder (((who))) could have made that "mistake"

Why cant we elect people based on merit?

It's toxic language like that which you bite you racist assholes in the ass

The Blue Wave is coming baby

Even the Jewish Israeli media called the Democrats on their "Jewish women" twice bullshit.

Shove it back up your ass Jamal, the day of the rope is coming.

>jewish women written twice

really mashes my potatoes

We should elect people based on if they are fit for office or not

Keep dreaming faggot.

I'm sure a number of people here would agree with me on this, but I legitimately don't care about race or sex of a person elected president. I wouldn't want a muslim or transgender president, but I don't care whatsoever about race or sex

fuck off nigger
shit bait

no u

>We should elect people based on if they are fit for office or not
Well according to the left that means only non-white, LGBT, Muslim and Jewsh women need to apply. Keep in mind that tweet was from the official Democrat twitter account.

Nearly time to oppress you into a mass grave.

Sure! Lets elect your mother as capital dick sucker. Happy now?

hey user, thats kind of offensive, turn it down a notch

The reason why white society is destined to fall is because the lack of understanding of meritoracy. How does a race survive when for thousands of years it had been nepotism, then capitalism and now this virtue signalling ruling white nations. China had this figured out thousands of years ago. Communism fucked it up but its on the rise.

>I wouldn't want a muslim or transgender president

IDK m8. The last one wasn't as bad as Sup Forums says.

>gas jewish women twice

let's finish the job the second time through

transgender people make up less than a percent of america, so maybe one of them would make a good president, but it'd be much more likely for said person to be elected due to virtue signaling, rather than merit

No more Jewish women = No more Jewish babies = No more Jewish people

>i dont care if they're black, white or purple! its ideology that matters!

t. every boomer

If 20% of the population is deeply racist shouldn't 20% of the elected representatives be deeply and openly racist?
If 2% are pedos shouldn't 2% of the representatives be openly pedos?

t. lee kwan yew

We should elect women just because they are women

Liberals say this shit because they assume female elected officials will automatically be liberal. Guaranteed they drop this “more women in office” meme when conservative women start getting elected. Look at the contempt for Le Pen vs the fawning praise for Hillary. I don’t think liberals realize there are more conservative women out there then they realize

here's the original