"So you're saying..."
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im only 4 minutes in but it is so obvious this woman has an agenda
it's ch4. they usually do have an agenda
t. britfag
Holy Shit this is great.
8 minutes in and lol she is just trying to get him to slip up
>men need to grow up, no one likes an adult infant
All of Sup Forums BTFO.
The whole British media has an agenda, any wrong think is punished with gulag.
Corny bullshit
jeusus she keeps trying to spin his phrase of what makes women miserable -- weak partners make women miserable
And America for that matter
unfortunately this doesn't only apply to Sup Forums.
>What gives you the RIGHT to say this?!
>....I'm a clinical psychologist
lmao ok that was pretty good
1 point for based individualist frog man
lol any time he makes a point the spokeslady moves on to another quote she can take arms with
>men grow up
>reinstate european gender traditionalism
really caused me to contemplate
"why wouldnt you have to battle for a high quality position?"
"moving on to your book..."
lol cmonnnnnnn
made it 9:47 before the female retardation became too much
>i dont have to listen to reasoned arguments when i can just get mad in advance xDDDDDDDDD
2 minutes in, that's what she's doing. She's attempting to cut him off all the time. She's trying to put words in his mouth too, and he keeps catching her whenever she does. But she just keeps on going.
God, she's terrible.
I think that thought is what her sweating desu
Pretty good interview, he remained calm and happy and had an answer for all her attacks. He even managed to completely shut her up on the free speech issue.
People taking issue with "so you're saying" haven't been paying attention. Asking for clarification on your opponents position is a very good way to conduct an interview. It only becomes bad if you don't listen to the answer, which one could argue she does not do. But honestly, for someone completely swallowed by the feminazi ideology, she did really well in processing the information in a live setting. You have to be very intelligent to be able to process new information without going home and thinking about it on your own after the fact. She comes across as a bit abrasive, but it's her job to push the interviewees.
Its crap and she's a moron.
what a great opportunity for him to articulate his positions, what a charmer he is
>you're not listening
>no no, I'm hearing you BASICALLY say blahblahblah
Disgusting. Terrible interview technique. No fucking wonder randoms on Youtube are getting so fucking popular if professionals on TV put words in their guests' mouths and interrupt them LITERALLY every sentence.
Also this is why JBP doesn't get invited to more interviews with the lamestream media. He's actually smarter than they are and they can't get him with GOTCHA questions, so he comes across as well educated and informed and they come off as desperate to land a rhetorical hit on him. Bunch of fucking sophists and marxists.
I understand what you're getting at, but she's being extremely combative to the point of being rude to her interviewee. She ISN'T listening to many of the answers he gives, and she repeats a few of her lines multiple times and Peterson just starts to laugh and reassert a point that he already made.
She thinks that a pink bicycle helmet costs more than a blue one because of discrimination. She doesn't even consider the fact that while women would wear a blue bicycle helmet, few men would wear a pink one, so the smaller market for pink helmets makes them less desirable to produce and a higher risk good.
He is running circles around this cow.
Top fucking kek at the bit at 22:47 where he simply says she's using her free speech to risk offending him right now and her mind bluescreens as her liberal brainwashing glitches out for a good few seconds and she experiences a brief moment of logical thinking where she can't just repeat a talking point before working out how to plug herself back into the matrix.
>implying women understand economics
>implying women understand markets
>implying women understand basic supply and demand
Holy shit this woman is the perfect example of how stupid woman can be.
clarifying isn't the purpose of that manipulation, the purpose is to develop strawman arguments
clarifying would require effort be invested in actually trying to approach what you sincerely believe your opponent's point is, rather than what it is convenient for you to have him believe
shit like this is essentially why leftist morons are convinced that you cannot simultaneously believe in having a home for your race but not in gassing every nonwhite and jew while you cackle with glee
Eh I can see what you're getting at but her way seemed to be "So you are saying... (straw man formulation based off of my confirmation bias and preplanned notes regarding your opinions)." The whole interview is one extended attempt at a gotcha. Embarrassing, the quality coming out on British channels.
No shit
>All of YouTube BTFO
>All of Reddit BTFO
>All of Facebook BTFO
>All of excessive mobile users BTFO
And so on.
it's how the news is in the UK. Everything gets critically appraised/attacked.
I've watched enough news from the USA to know that isnt the case over there.
>grow up goyim
>but don't concern yourself with your race be an individual
Yes, I don't disagree with that. But I think she's used to being able to steamroll her interviewees with almost no opposition, or being able to tilt them quickly. If she was interviewing someone that wasn't able to defend themselves, I would have thought it was a terrible interview. But Peterson can hold his own, so her style worked in this case.
I would have preferred if she let him clarify instead of moving on in many cases. If you think of it as her trying to find out if he is a bigot or not, rather than finding out if his statements are valid, the tactic makes more sense.
Im a burger and living in Ireland now I'm annoyed that 90% of the news media is just British or parroting of British owned firms. It's suffocating really.
lol i thought they had a nice back and forth even if her questions were leading
yeah she would make a good sexist screener
>Young men grow up and unlike your previous generations you will not be working for you and yours but rather for the collective. The collective that ranges from leftist faggots, to hordes of degenerations, to niggers, and your imported immigrant replacements.
Seriously, the solution to solving the "masculinity crisis" is war and conquest. Not the liberal feminist response which is to always turn over and lay on their backs ready to get raped but rather stand up and fight. War is the solution.
she spent the entire time trying to put words into his mouth
metaphorically speaking, yes
I don't disagree, I'm merely pointing out that this phrase can be used both genuinely and disingenuously. Due to her highly disagreeable nature, I think a lot of people interpret it as being disingenuous, when it doesn't necessarily have to be. I think it probably is, but again, I'm merely pointing out that this very same phrase is an excellent tool to use when trying to have a genuine honest debate.
there were a couple parts where she asked insightful questions but yeah pretty much
>If you think of it as her trying to find out if he is a bigot or not, rather than finding out if his statements are valid, the tactic makes more sense.
That's exactly what it comes off as. She clearly seems to have an agenda in this interview, and she's getting visibly frustrated in that she's unable to push her agenda forward. That's why she backs off a lot of the points that she attempts to trap Peterson with and moves on to something different. By the time she pulled up the lobster bit near the end of the interview, it was pretty clear that she'd begun to give up on trying to rhetorically trap him.
Ahaha, and his cheeky "gotcha" made it so much better.
>What gives you the right to say to say this?
>I'm a clinical psychologist
His delivery was gold. You can tell he really was barely tolerating this baiting.
This bitch can't hang. It's really too bad she didn't come into this with honest intentions
I agree that it furthered a discussion but would use "tool" loosely, like a crow using a stick to get a peanut. in this case though it allowed JP to articulate his positions and refute misconceptions
In the greater context of how media has reported on him, I think it's justifiable.
>People claim he's a racist transphobe bigot
>Let's see if it's true
He passed the test.
savage! fucking rekt!
so sad how she slowly made her bed and then he puts her to sleep... she basically showed he was right all along.
War fucks people up in the head amazingly, you can trace back groupings of psychological dysfunctions within a population to the last battle that took place in a war in that area or that their ancestors were involved in.
The solution is just not having a single mother lmao.
I think Jordan has no delusions about race.
Chick desperately shifted the conversation to Peterson's lobster example from his book to prevent everything she believed in from being destroyed.
Dudes in London, order her lobster on a date and you are guaranteed to get laid.
I liked 18:40 where he completely shuts down her line of argument that men dominate markets by emphatically stating that women make 80% of all purchasing decisions, and then she immediately tries to walk it back and put more words in her mouth. Her expression is just perfect here. Look at how bummed she is that she won't get to use her rhetorical killshot and she's butthurt she got shut down, and also a little confused as to why she's not feeling like she's winning the interview.
great interview but the dem shills will pouring REEEing about how he doesn't endorse a Nazi agenda
>make an arbitrary fact about you primary part of your identity
>don't develop as an individual
>become a mindless clone for yet another ideology
22:58 runtime error in feminist programming
Thanks for that user, fuck this barren bitch and British news channels
I think Peterson himself advocates for it's use when he tells people to actually listen to other people. Again, it was used rather adversarially here, but in pursuit of truth and honest debate, it's very useful. That being said, you should be making an iron man of your opponents position, not a straw man.
Iron or straw, it's the same phrase.
No she had a moment of genuine contemplation during the gender/free speech portion thinking this dude is correct if you want to live in a free society. The appetizer began with Peterson's rebuttal of Maoism/Soviet Republic/Identity Politics.
He should have went more in depth about the factors that lead to the pay gap. Should mention that young women make more than young men; that men choose high stress jobs; that "money" isn't more important than other aspects of life; that the top 1% of 1% of men are far more intelligent and industrious than the top 1% of 1% of women
>seek meaning in your pathetic life
eyes glaze over during rest of video
Is it just an illusion that nobody on the left took an introduction to statistics course, or is this problem evenly distributed among the population at large? I don't understand how you can commit this fallacy so regularly and be a moderately functional person in society.
Also Peterson most likely made her horny as anything by messing with her belief system. She probably placed her saturated panties along with a note in an envelope and had an attendant deliver the package to Peterson in the Green Room.
lol... this host is dumb as rocks
I love Jordan. But his fans have become very cringey, his comment sections are completely memefags. Metokur was right he has a cancerous following which is unfortunate as that ends up hurting the message
this interviewer is fucking retarded
i'm mostly indifferent to peterson (he says some good things about the adoption of responsibility), but he absolutely destroyed that cunt
I just wish people weren't such memefags with the bucko/room shit everywhere cuz it's fucking cringey
holy shit, I want to punch that fucking cunt
This, looking at the comments and twitter replies hurts. Mostly retards from both camps, very few moderates. But I guess that's to be expected, in general, reasonable people don't waste time commenting on videos or twitter. And even if you are moderate, making a calm and collected reply doesn't give you any retweets/upvotes.
100 this
jesus fuck the strawmaning
Guaranteed. Getting into arguments with feminists is the easiest way to get laid. You don't even have to make coherent arguments. Just stare at them and don't show any change in emotion at all, no matter how hysterical they get. It's literally free pussy.
>I don't understand how you can commit this fallacy so regularly and be a moderately functional person in society.
Your first point is correct, statistics is an optional class in American high schools so most Americans, even those that go to college, never take statistics and they don't learn it outside the classroom, either. As to how uneducated/stupid people survive, the answer to that is simple and two-fold: First, modern life is not that hard, and even if you fuck up generally you'll get helped back on your feet or you go to prison and get coddled for the rest of your life. Second, nepotism. The vast majority of people get their job through someone they know, then they develop relationships with their coworkers and bosses that make it psychologically difficult to fire them for being mediocre, or even awful at their job. Skill, talent, quality have nothing to do with acquiring or keeping employment. It's literally all about who you know.
The reason I'm spelling this out is because I didn't realize this, nor was I told by family/friends/school, and when I graduated uni with very shallow relationships and no job history it was incredibly difficult for me to find a job even with good grades and a high (tested) IQ and a good work ethic. In fact I never did find a job, I joined the military because they'll literally take anyone who's not retarded. Now that I know what I just explained I've worked on developing relationships (can you tell I'm on the spectrum yet) and have got to the point where even if I did get fired, I have friends in various types of employment who can help me get a job, and people who will sing my praises if I list them as a reference. If you haven't built relationships in your own professional life, I highly recommend you start immediately.
Don't forget to love Israel and God's Chosen people buckos. And remember that all races are equal but Jews have higher IQ than goyim. Don't be a nazis, this is collectivist and bad. Pls buy my rugs.
It was funny back in September 2016 on Sup Forums. Now that it's fucking everywhere, just like any time reddit steals original content and turns it into cancerous shit, it's fucking awful and annoying because it's old, stale, reheated trash.
he has a lot of mannerisms and sayings that he reuses
i think it's funny
Even being an adult infant is better than being yiddish cocksucker anti-racist shabbos goy who brainwashes youth with lies on bidding of his masters. At least former does no harm.
>I'm a clinical psychologist
>(((grow up)))
Even with the BBC pushing "we wuz Englishmen n shit," the British media is head and shoulders better than ours.
The adversarial interview style is in most cases the most interesting and productive.
It really is worth reading. Did it half as a joke over winter break and flew through it. good read.
take a shot everytime she says "so what you're saying"
you won't last two minutes
All you racist bigots want us to live like lobsters.
i want to be high test like a lobster
Even geniuses / movers of history have very little original content.
Aristotle is probably the one major exception.
>TFW no Lobster harem
We can meme this...
let's be honest he probably stole that shit too
it's actually good she asked him all those stupid strawman questions because those are most likely things that actual leftists would think
>not knowing about non_nonsummerjack
Possibly, but his one of his major contributions was BTFOing Plato's rationalism with empiricism.
That quote captures that.
what a libtard. She got BTFO'd hard. how can someone be so fucking dense, really? Peterson saying that it's a bit more complicated than just like that. She goes banal again on the same shit. Tries to make a flip argument, what if men would be treated this way. NO ONE WAS TALKING ABOUT SHIT LIKE THAT ffs.
>"Oh, it's no more divisive than the fact the YoutTube is primarily male, or Tumblr is primarily whal--female."
This. Fucking. Madman.
H.A.N.K pls go