How do we fix the white male NEET problem?
How do we fix the white male NEET problem?
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Give white men a reson to participate in society again.
Chain them to their beds
Sell better made head sets obviously
Almost quints.
Obviously we have to stop angry white men from getting hold of guns. They're just not trustworthy and dependable enough as a population to allow them to be armed any more.
Someone has to put an end to the carnage finally.
The real question is how do we stop white men from mass shooting people or killing their families?
It's pretty obvious that a gun buyback has been effective in the past and would work again.
>28 year old son
>76 year old father
>63 year old mother
Stop having kids late, makes them autistic aF
Give them a hooker one a week for accomplishing a weeks worth of work. Boost confidence and will he have a booming economy. Hookers help the economy, just look at madmen first 3 seasons
great idea, give up real power for the paper i owe yous.
I couldn't agree more. It's time to disarm this country permanently. ALL guns and self-defense weapons need to be confiscated and melted down for scrap. White men have been collecting firearms and "prepping" since 1865 and haven't done shit with any of that power in all this time. There isn't going to be a race war and white men are never going to get organized and save the white race. There is no reason we should all have to live in fear so they can continue to indulge their ridiculous LARP-fantasies that will never come to fruition.
neets are reviled by modern women being infested cum buckets.
>soyboi numale vidya fag
It's simple, we kill the Sup Forums.
White men have been disenfranchised thanks to Jewish social engineering in the west. So naturally white men disengage from that hostile society/reality.
His mother was probably a loud, obnoxious, sjw cunt so he did what needed to be done.
You BBQistani?
encourage them to become traps, instead of being worthless men they could be valuable women. they can sit at home and clean and cook and play video games. all they have to do is look pretty and please the real man.
>White men have been disenfranchised
That's cute. A new excuse for white men to whine about. The truth is white men have had the money, power, and military might to do whatever they want for 2000 years and managed to fuck up every last one of their empires and now the entire race is facing extinction. You've had 600 years of nonstop warnings about the Jews and other subversive groups and have done nothing.
Stop blaming your limitless failures, laziness, and above all, total cowardice on everyone else and take responsibility for the gross mismanagement of your countries.
Have you seen the rooms most of these fucks live in? Have you seen their diets?
Like the Romans?
will they EVER tell us what game he was playing?
It's worked in Chicago, right?
Spoken like the coddled woman you are. Don't worry, you'll see how the world really is once you hit 30.
If true, put him out to sea. Why we have to pay to house prisoners in prison is beyond me..
Surely there is some island we can send them all to, like Australia?
Found the jew.
The previous angry video gamer has been dethroned.
The new king is whoever the fuck this guy is, because the OP is a nigger and didn't include the name.
I love how pleeeeeenty rather fix the symptom instead of the cause by removing guns.
There are many more ways to autistically kill a parent who won't let you WoW. Ie, Russian kid who killed his dad with a ax or a baseball bat when they took his keyboard away.
she probably had it coming
His name is Matthew Nicholson
>28-year-old Matthew Nicholson was playing video games in his room on Thursday night when he got upset and started yelling.
>Nicholson's 68-year-old mother, Lydia, went to check on her son but Nicholson started arguing with her and ended up breaking his headset for the video game in an outburst.
>According to the police report, he blamed his mother for the broken headset. He then threatened to kill both of his parents and retrieved a handgun from inside of the family's home.
>Nicholson reportedly fired two shots into a wall, and then shot Lydia in the head. Nicholson's 81-year-old father wrestled the gun away from his son, and Nicholson drove to a relative's house in Riverbank.
>Found the jew.
Sounds like he was autistic AF, I blame roasties for thinking 30 is the new 20 when 20 is the new 16
His mom was like 70 years old. This nigger needs to be executed.
good movie
SJW bullshit. The bitch is just an innocent victim who got the shit beat out of her for no reason whatsoever, the white guy is a drunk neandrethal who can't fight against the reightous indignation of some piece of shit mick cop
you obviously haven't seen it
domestic violence is the biggest SJW scam out there. I have seen 100's of cases and have only ever had two of them where the man was actually intimidating and abusing the woman, and in both of the those the woman still didnt want to press any charges. not out of fear, so much as they didnt want their man to go to jail on account of them. the other 99% of the cases were just bullshit drunk arguments that got a little out of hand.
>you obviously haven't seen it
cop, gangster, caped superhero whatever. it is a kike show and an SJW meme
You can't fix it. White men are inherently violent.
shut the fuck up mom, I'm playing overwatch
by just letting them ruin their own lives
They had him when they were both 35 and 48?!
Sickening. I hate time and age gaps
>They had him when they were both 35 and 48?!
he was basically raised by grandparents, and you wonder why he is spoiled
We seriously need teenage pregnancies. Forget career and dreams.
>found the (you)
What game was it lol? Remember when the game was to blame not the White man
>We seriously need teenage pregnancies. Forget career and dreams.
"dreams" what are you some kind of unicorn and rainbow faggot?
Reminder: Killing your parents is degenerate and not all the Nazi way! A good fascist always respects his mother and father.
your mother is, but man can she give good head
>your 40 and your child is 20
>someone else is 60
>child is 30
>be 50
>you're 25
Jesus this is heartbreaking. Also there needs to be a law where you can marry someone close your age.
what if your mom turns repeatedly turns off your video game before you have a chance to save, even though you have rationally explained to her multiple times that all she has to do is give you reasonable notice so that you can have a chance to save your game. I think even Hitler would agree that bitch has to die
People try to rush through life and live the fantasy they want.
All white problems are very simple and could easily be fixed by taking some of the burden of poverty and the extreme stress it creates. UBI takes all that away.
Next question.
Government work programs.
That would fix a lot of problems, actually.
That's what our public schools encourage, retard.
>"Follow your dreams! You can be anything!"
>People try to rush through life and live the fantasy they want.
there really isn't anything more to life than raising a family, that is the entire purpose. I guess if your dream is to become a fairy you probably should be deleted from the gene. Or if you are seriously some kind of aesthetic then fine, sit in a cave and be celibant
>tfw you'll never raise a child with your childhood friend.
They need to gtfo of California though.
>That's what our public schools encourage, retard.
oh my bad, I thought that was sarcasm, but you were literally advocating teen pregnancies. good work. i agree 100%
who is behind that post?
>who is behind that post?
someone making a valid point about ignoring jews and subversive groups for 600 years
Pic related
I never understand when people claim 2000+ years of “global white supremacy” – at best, you could claim Cortés as the starting point.
If whites conquered two continents with less than a thousand people, what the fuck does that say about you?
>If whites conquered two continents with less than a thousand people, what the fuck does that say about you?
that the stone age europeans and americans were highly inferior to indo europeans
Make it so only homeowners AND people who DON'T receive welfare above 18 are allowed to buy luxuries.
This would also solve the minority problem too as many of them would commit suicide knowing they can't buy timberlands or beats headphones with food stamps.
just stop welfare recipients being able to vote and the problem would resolve itself
an 81 year old man got the gun away from him? HAHAH.
>How do we fix the white male NEET problem?
Fix women.
((( )))
You give better head since you had so much practice... for a jew.