around blacks, they attack from the back
She called the girl a nigger on Facebook, you can't do that
She got what she deserved
Shut the fuck up nigger
You don't know the full story, maybe she is a shitty/alt-right/racist person in real life or on the Internet - just like you
Yeah seems like a real measured & reasonable response.
>words require physical violence
ya ok nigger
Oh i see, well deserved then
next time don't use that word when trying to describe the context, use "the n-word" instead, we whites can't use that word
Niggers are human waste who have contributed absolutely nothing to the world. Every last one of them is living on the charity of white man, and every last one of them needs to be executed.
Very true
I mean, the black chick is literally stuck working minimum wage for the rest of her life, but yeah, she did the right thing!
>It's perfectly fine to beat someone up for getting called a name
The absolute state of liberals.
Guess next time some lib posts their gay cake propaganda, it's okay for me to drop them off a helicopter, right?
> call someone a nigger
> nigger responds with violence
Typica niggers
>human waste
You're being too kind. They aren't human.
kek, literally this.
>you're a nigger
>let me show you how i'm not a nigger by acting like a nigger would
please don't use the n-word, your argument loses its force the moment you use it
Only pussies and niggers sneak people.
This looks weird. She didn't even flinch upon having a carton of milk dumped on her head.
That was some crazy fucking reflexes.
Pedophile nigger.
But they are niggers.
Could it be....?
>1 post
>Stop falling for bait faggots
This is obviously a setup. The girl doesn't react to the milk being poured on her head and that punch is obviously holding back.
>Defend niggers for acting like niggers
>Thinks they chimp out cause of muh racism
The absolute state of libtards.
lol she chased him after getting brutally pistol whipped
when anons ascend
>Gets called a nigger
>acts like a nigger
Looks like the white girl was correct
Only pussies and niggers sneak people.
Came here to post this. If your going to nig out and start shit don't sneak up like a bitch.
this zombie didn't even react
WTF any background on this video?
Whites will eventually have the switch flicked. You can't live next to brutal subhuman monkeys forever.
god damn cumskin cracker
your actions have consequences, racists
>Remember, Whites in South Africa are privileged and thus can't be affected by racism
She's ugly as fuck
shes been broken and betrayed by a land and a people that gave away her inheritance and stole any sense of purpose or pride. she doesnt react because she has no worth losing.
imagine living like this, holy shit
Sup Forums is so utterly retarded, that they fall for every baitthread by other Sup Forumsacks.
Literal puppets. You all need to be gassed.
nigger will rob you
desu he looks like a fag. well deserved
Anyone know if theres a longer ver?
Why do I never see these original webms posted in nigger hate threads?
Truly dedicated to that message.
Truly dedicated to that message.
South Africans live with their heads on a swivel. Holy shit, if the white race survives, it will be led by these glorious people. Talk about being forged in fire.
I live around niggers, and I keep an eye on them. But there's almost no chance I'd have been able to do what she did. She was in reverse, tearing down the street in no time flat. What a lady.
this is why you need a gun
I don't think the GTA'er gives a shit about the color of the person that drives the range rover. They just want to steal the range rover.
Lol is this how burgers actually think ?? You guys are fucked beyond redemption ! Lmfao !
Sometimes if they are in a group they will announce their intentions first as they discuss it among the group, because they don't care about your honky ass hearing them. You have to be prepared for this cue, because it will give you time to run or counter-attack.
Impressive backwards driving skills for a female. I suppose in South Africa they prepare for this sort of thing. That nigger though could easily have shot her as she escaped, around the 12 sec mark
there is literally no reason for the nigress to assert her dominance.
she was completely in the right after the white girl tried to undermine her. get more test, soyboys
Living around niggers led me to start buying guns. I was walking one day and just thought "what if another Rodney King happened?" and "What if major conflict kicks off, how will these people behave." The conclusions I came to were that A) I need to be armed all the time. And B) I need a variety of weapons for different scenarios.
Living around these animals changes you.
to not assert*
She's a white woman in South Africa of course she's on her toes. You know how leftist say whites have privilege? Well being a white woman in SA is probably the worst lottery win possible.
>low impulse control
>targeting whites
Leftist policy is built on encouraging this. How much longer will victims of rape, torture, beatings, theft, intimidation, assault, and murder go on being forgotten?
For ambientation
This why liberals get gassed to. If you don't put them under heel, they'll do it to you. It's literally kill or be killed.
The husband was driving you moron.
I'm trying to hire her for my getaway driver.
You got me with this webm. 1488
It's a right hand drive you stupid fuck.
No one gives a fuck what you think nigger and if you can't hold an argument, because words hurt your fee fees than neck yourself, because you lose eternally.
Yup, can't ever fight fair. Fucking pussies.
Just had a chimp out at my apartment complex at the place below me. Nigger angry about getting pushed out of a blunt. Kicked out of the apartment and then he started breaking shit outside. Cops came and I assume took him away (he disappeared into his nog den a door or two down). I waited patiently with my glock outside my window listening in case shit got real serious but never needed to get involved thankfully. Yay multiculturalism!
2 normal white people doing normal white people things, and then, out of nowhere, it's "Nigger time!"
Do niggers in other countries behave like this? In most European countries, they're either committing theft or beating the shit out of each other or mouthing off to the police, but I rarely hear about blacks attacking whites like this in European countries.
Even in South America, they mainly beat and steal from each other, I don't think I've heard of a brown/white person in a South American country being brutalized by blacks like this for no reason.
It seems like it's only American blacks who attack whites out of nowhere like this, in every other country, they either beat and murder each other and if they do fuck with a white/brown person, it's to steal from them, not hurt them for no reason.
There's a male driver in the car with her.
>feminist getting enriched
She sure proved her wrong by acting like a chimp. So she is a nigger.
Jesus Christ. Not only did I not even notice, but I had no idea WTF you were talking about at first. Don't blame me, I was born burger.
>nobody does anything
fucking pussies
White librarian, relaxing in Cincinnati
t. nigger
>Get called an offensive name
>Resort to physical violence
Why are burgers such primitive savages?
The most shocking thing here is the white girl didn't even react to getting milked. Didn't even look up from phone.
the white race is already dead
>blue hair
>probably a feminist
she got what she deserved
niggers are niggers everywhere. in amy given population about 15 to 20 percent of them are human and the rest are trash. segregation and seperation is the answer.
Well you can, but you cant be unprepared for the inevitable chimpout
Why? you cant just say things based on feelings, fucking why.
>(((we whites)))
Lol. Every time a nigger dies the world improves slightly. Niggers have a negative value.
here come the shills.
id call her a nigger 40 times over in her face,in school out of school and a fuckin sub ape piece of shit.
response just fuckin proves it.
a white dude can walk over,insult niggers verbally and be satisfied with a verbal beatdown.
a nigger has to physically respond because he doesnt have the mental capacity to counter with words.yeah....uhh you muhfucka!
look at fights,they cant do it,shit ill pick a fight just to see them try to figure it out and not be able to summon it.
me on the left
You remember that when a nigger is shot dead bitch.
>the dog considers biting the guy
What a good little bud.
Living in SA as a white person must be like living an eternal survival horror game you can't switch off or escape from.
They are just a machine of impulses and savagery. They can kill you even for a fucking word like NIGGER... Oh my sides. Just with a word of 6 letters they kill you and they even kill your family and steal their bikes.
If parents informed their sons and daughters with real evidence like that video and the thousands of others, the world would be free from the chains of leftist/communist shithole nightmares overnight. One second you're a woman or man walking, and the next second a knife is being stabbed repeatedly in your neck for a bag. Hell on earth is what's already here and what's coming.
Fuck off, bluegum. That’s southern for NIGGER.