Was Jim Crow immoral? What's wrong with whites wanting to associate with only whites?
Was Jim Crow immoral? What's wrong with whites wanting to associate with only whites?
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Yes but society should be ethnocentric anyway, so there should not be such laws. Sage
Jim Crow was immoral in practice, not theory.
Separate but equal is a perfectly fine thing to have, the issue is it is never actually equal, someone will have the better facilities.This is usually the Niggers because they are fucktards who can't build or improve shit.
>my borders my choice
>Sup Forumsacks think people care what they think
wrong hand in that pic, leaf
You would not be here if they did not care. Have you not seen how much anti leftist pushback is prevalent in society or have you been stuck in your insane echo chamber? Stay salty as we win and get the world rid of your kind. Be scared. Be afraid. Stay awake with fear at night.
s p o o k y
It's immoral because instead of treating niggers like shit we ought to just send them back to their proper homelands.
This...wise insight.
Yet the left keeps on losing. You do know we wont stop at just winning a few elections right. Your going to end up in prison faggot when we are done. Stay salty and stay so afraid you come here to try to foolishly derail a movement so prevalent in all of society now.
>send them back to their proper homelands
How do you do that without treating them like shit?
It's immoral to force humans (whites) to mix with and live around animals (blacks).
as a law? yes
in your personal life? go ahead.
Who cares about treating them like shit, they are an imposition on whites and are dangerous animals.
Let’s see how my normal workday looks like with regards to interfacing with people-
Work- Very multi cultural, superlatively interactive..meetings, meetings, meetings
Lunch- I love my lunch hour with my friends at work. It re-energizes me for the afternoon
Grocery/ laundry/ restaurants/ coffee shops/ gas stations: I stop by one of these almost every evening…
Imagine activities like having a meeting, filling gas, having a coffee….all involved an obvious attempt to keep races apart from one another.
Every step you take outside your home, would be like walking on eggshells. Every minute spent in public areas would remind you of the hostility that is being harbored to your kind.
Although I agree “Separate but equal” is not realistic in a constantly evolving world.
Because of this integration was fought for so hard by the have-nots (black people) of society.
Agreed and the reason it failed so dramatically was that blacks expected whites to set up the infrastructure of this separate but equal situation, specifically the government.
The person I replied to.
Im positive only 1% of commie flag users are serious. The vast majority are trolls. Its juat too stupid to be taken seriously
Jim Crow was a Democrat thing. Of course it sucked.
You're awfully lenient.
Sending someone home is not treating them like shit. Are you suggesting their native lands are shitholes? Is all of Africa a shithole to you then?
Its like flushing a toilet. The shit leaves your view and you dont give a fuck what happens next. Our founding fathers would be riled the fuck up if they had to witness this shit show
>every step you take outside your home is like walking on eggshells.
You just described what it’s like for people who live in a black ghetto, good insight commie scum
Its probably not a bad idea, blacks aways seem to complain about 'whitepeople' so it could benefit both sides if they were separated.
>1% of commie flag users are serious
>juat too stupid
Nice projecting.
>What's wrong with whites wanting to associate with only whites?
It shows fear, a small mind, and massive faggotry. Real men are not afraid of diversity.
After watching some videos of Palestine before and after the british invasion, dethroning of the ottoman empire, slave revolt and jewish immigration.
I think they did the right thing.
Sup Forums
Clearly you have never been to an ethnonationalist country. They work fairly well. Especially the white ones.
Tell us, why do you hide behind a meme flag? Do you not have the balls to post with the flag of the country you reside? You're laughable.
If you want to only associate with whites you can just do that there don’t have to be laws enforcing it
better than getting shot by them
How do you deport tens of millions of people without treating them like shit? Tell me how in detail you'd do that. Without killing anyone.
I don't want to let him really know what will happen to commies. I can't believe those idiots let us make blacklists with all of them by being so open about their cult. Fucking morons
Why did they use the word "Colored"? Was that the PC version of nigger back in the day?
>Every step you take outside your home, would be like walking on eggshells. Every minute spent in public areas would remind you of the hostility that is being harbored to your kind.
That's what blacks think now that we're forced to mix. In an integrated society, blacks had their own schools, companies, leaders, and infrastructure. It was shit, sure, but there was no evil white man with their boot on the black man's neck.
But thats a pic of a faggot not a real man
it was immoral because treasonous Democrats desired it.
You plan it out. You arrange land in their homelands, in exchange for other goods and services. You incentivize many to immigrate on their own. Provide transport. Provide means to develop a society in their homelands. In fact its easy when you provide them with a means to develop a society and the pride to do so too. Are you too stupid to comprehend this?
You can't do that. If you own a company and only hire white people, you can be fined. If you want to live in a white neighborhood, your neighborhood be targeted by HUD for Section 8 housing. If you want your kids to go to an all white school, you'll be shut down by DOE. In every aspect of public life, the federal government is in conspiracy to keep white society split.
Fuck off leaf.
Canada is that fat ugly chick that everyone hates, and even though she is starving for attention she still acts like an overly defensive cunt so that other people don't know how sad and lonely she is.
>But thats a pic of a faggot not a real man
Real men are not afraid of gay men.
This. It takes a real man to suck off another man without an ounce of bigotry in their heart.
In addition you make failure to to emigrate a crime after a reasonable period of time - similar to how Australia got rid of its guns.
Do you think there would be people who didn't want to leave? If so how would you get rid of them without violence? Friendly reminder: even Stalin was only able to deport 10 million people in 20 years.
>This. It takes a real man to suck off another man without an ounce of bigotry in their heart.
Stalin was always a shit leader. Eisenhower deported 10 million shitskins in a matter of 3 years.
Yes Canada is fucked right now but the tide has been turning against the lefties, thats why they need to import votes. Next election theyre out for good.
Everyone has a price. The few that dont leave you physically remove but dont harm them. Not like you lefties dont move or force people to do stuff faggot
Sorry but there's literally no hope for your country. Trudeau turned the steering wheel so far left that it locked and now your just stuck doing donuts in the parking lot.
He won't win next election. His stupidity is waking a lot of people up.
Short of mass deportations and a total immigration overhaul, there's no hope for a white Canada or America.
If Canada does wake up, it will only be because the chinks have such a large share of the population that they want to close off immigration to competing ethnicities.
>Everybody has a price
What did the only nazi in canada mean by this?
So i'm a nazi now? Great arguments you lefties have. Tell us again about how we are evil yet your ideology that has killed 100 million and plans to destroy white culture is not.
Also why do you keep hiding behind the meme flag? Are you too much of a coward to even show your country
Tick tock btw. Unless you live in downtown Toronto on the UofT campus and dont venture outside of reddit communism the world has woken up. Your ideology is the most hated in the world again and you people are fucked
>an eagle
>Every step you take outside your home, would be like walking on eggshells. Every minute spent in public areas would remind you of the hostility that is being harbored to your kind.
You just described the life of a white person living in or around a black area.
People who died due to famine in Holodomor are counted as 'killed by communism', despite Western countries' trade blockade against USSR which prevented them from exporting anything but their grain to be able to buy industrial machinery . Stalin administration took a gamble and bet on next harvest being good to export their grain to buy machines via grain exports, because west was preventing them even using their gold to buy machinery. Harvest didn't turn out well, a lot of people died due to famine. Even as government did everything to rectify the famine by implementing rationing across entire country to help the regions with famine.
This is considered "communists' fault".
Hey relax guy.
>plans to destroy white culture
>while you plan to genocide the Jews
Ok Canadian Nazi.
You're the one mentioning jews. You're the one mentioning nazis. Is everything okay in your head?
Dat jus be Jim Crow!
What was immoral was not shipping the Blacks back to Africa. We're all suffering today because the right thing wasn't done.
can I keep the white bitch I found in the waiting room?
The holdomor was a man made famine to punish ukrainians you fucking idiot. Why dont you read a history book before spreading bs you imbecile?
Then you go and make excuses for the most murderous ideology ever. What is your malfunction? So many massacres but oh no its all a lie or evil capitalists wrote history incorrectly. Are you fucking mentally challenged? Its like you are consciously retarded. Seriously seek a therapist or kys. The fact you even resort to meme flag hiding is proof itself you have mental issues