Why do boys magically turned into girls make the best girls?

Why do boys magically turned into girls make the best girls?

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What's the point of turning into a girl if you're going to be a fat cow?

Getting others girls to be both envious of your size and at the same time oddly attracted to it

Agree. How can normal women even compete?

Because you can self-insert as them and live out every non-homosexual's fantasy of turning into a cute girl.


By being the girls who are strangely attracted to the gender bent girl and don't know why, then fall in love with them despite both being women, and despite the reveal occurring before the confession

>Manchester United.
Typical Bandwagoner.

Can we skip to the part where images of Azrael in a dress get posted.
It's what I'm here for.

Why transexual fiction is dead?

The point is becoming the embodiment of physical female perfection. Combine that with the fact that men make perfect women and you have a formula for best girl every time. The point is to become perfect.

Boys know what boys want.

>Boys know what boys want
This. That's why they're best girls


Because the idea of seducing other boys is fun

I really hate the ending.

What's this? She does look cute.

It's Idol Pretender user

Because its really nice to see them slowly fall in love with men and submit to their girls' hearts. Its like watching a girl fall in love, but EVEN better.

because boys are pure

Because boys know what boys want from girls

But that's fucking gay.

Probably because you're a fag

No idea.

Blue hair + former boys are the best

Would most people prefer to fuck the genderbent character or to be the genderbent character?

I've always self-inserted as the girl in TG stuff and until recently I thought pretty much everyone else did too.

Because you're gay.

Mai gets called dekachichi, dekaoppai and kyonyuu-chan, buy other characters which tends to annoy her. All those nicknames mean "huge breasts".

What's the point of a character turning into a girl if they don't have a feminine figure?

I enjoy passive dominance and taking care of cute things so the idea of fucking a TG girl into becoming cute and submissive is pretty appealing for me. I keep this fetish 2D only though for obvious reasons.

Yeah. Seeing the character's mind gradually turn female, then feeling awkward once she realizes that she likes boys now and then embracing her feelings is great.

I can take either but I'd prefer to be the boner rather than the bonee unless I get to switch back via some mechanism or another.

Natsuru was a total retard but she did have a nice body.

Who will win the Maibowl?

The only person Mai has ever had romantic feelings for is Taro. But even by the time of the games the two still haven't hooked up. Since the games are over Mai will never end up with anyone.

Old men who are lolis are better.

Not much point in a transformation if the resulting body has no female secondary sexual characteristics.

He actually wasn't that old when he first changed into a girl's body. His younger sister looks about as old as him in childhood flashbacks and when he first changes into a girl she wasn't old (They don't show male adult Cagliostro at all though).

Curiously, his first female body was an adult one. He went for the loli look later.

I like Cagliostro's newest body from the last event. Although still going for the loli look you can at least tell that it has female curves.

Do you like it when boys turn into girls and then become sluts?


Only in my hentais.

Only if they also have a great big sword.

Reminder that LP dying was the best possible outcome. It was the only way out without becoming PUNISHED.