Let's talk about worst girls of their respective shows.
Worst Girls
But OP, you are the worst girl in your life already.
She never really had a chance being in a trash show.
>People actually like Rem
Hook, line, and sinker
This ain't fishing user
Yes, user. Let's do that.
Nah, Rem is bad, but she’s not the worst.
You must be fun at parties.
This board is for the discussion of anime, not for the discussion of piles of garbage.
They both suck
Crusch is love
Rem is pretty bad, but nobody can be worse than Emshittia.
Remfag please go.
how can anyone dislike Emilia
Well people with functioning brains are usually quick to recognize and be repulsed by shit.
>Remfags trying this hard
Must be why I hate the blue oni, good call.
Kill yourself you stupid normie
did someone say best girl(male)?
Rem a sweet, cute lass who was growing well as a person.
Although her perfection does get suffocating at times.
>half of the bread is Re:Zero shitposting
>liking damsel in distress garbage
>liking waifubait garbage
Miragefags are still alive I see.
what bait?
>implying waifubaits can get this popular
Wrong character
I'm a Mikumofag though.
>muh popularity card
Fuck you
good that you agree, waifubaits don't become popular that's why Emilia is so low on the list
From anime only
Emilia just doesn't do anything. It probably doesn't help that Subaru just drools over her constantly and shes just like "I don't understand".
I've heard that the anime fucked a lot of things up, but I also heard that Rem is more interesting in the original and Emilia is pretty much the same.
Gentlemen, why do we love Emilia?
Good, popularity doesn't mean good, which is why Rem has the shittiest fanbase and has now led a man homeless just because some triggered waifufag burned his house due to a harmless doujin.
anime: Rem>Emilia
WN/LN: Rem>>>>Emilia
>shittiest fanbase
>Emiliafags create Rem hate threads every day
yeah, self awareness is missing
>didn't get the meme
you people are really brainless
How bad must it be to self-proclaim having a brain but having such shit taste in waifu?
but you're the Emiliafag, not me
Jesus christ, now I'm the Emiliafag? Fuckin outta here with you.
>has now led a man homeless just because some triggered waifufag burned his house due to a harmless doujin
kek what? source pls
just a meme
The whole thing wasn't a meme, you sweet little ginger.
It wasn't arson either. His fan shorted out, God is a Remfag.
>he actually thinks it was because of the doujin
holy shit, this is too much retarded to be real
That still sounds to me like a fan burnt his house down. God must have a thing for puns.
You have it wrong, that's the respective girl of the worst show
Rem is garbage.