I want to convert to Islam it's redpilled as fuck and you get a submissive wife.
I want to convert to Islam it's redpilled as fuck and you get a submissive wife
You misspelled Christianity.
>be australian
>be australian
Moments after that picture was taken her head was cut cleanly off her shoulders.
This. Could you imagine what sex with a virgin Christian woman would be like? After all those years of waiting, she finally gets to let it all out of her system. Imagine how soaked she'll get just from foreplay alone. Imagine her orgasms. Fuck, I'm getting hard just thinking about it.
Whats the point of the the attire when she take pictures like this?
Looks like even Mohammad is getting good goy'd
>another Nazi lunatic wants to convert to Islam
Oh well nothing new, maybe you succeed and get laid too
Go blow yourself up.
Australian are some of the biggest sluts in the world. Degenerate filthy disgusting whores, not wife material at all
A white Australian marrying an Islam female? Do you have any idea how racist and conservative Muslims are? Like said. I hope for the best but doubt it's going to happen. They stone females for marrying outside their race/religion.
They don't care about race, in fact they put white people on a pedestal if they convert to Islam. It's only religion that they care about.
If Sup Forums wasn't so retarded this would be a pro-Islam board by now, but morons keep circlejerking it to dead/failed ideologies.
>Islam is not retarded, Sup Forums is
He's not wrong, respectable men should wear beards and not look like little boys.
Even your retarded Commie faggot leaders realized that. Now get helicoptered you absolute cuckold.
>hehe helicopter meme xD
Oh and yes, men should wear beards but not neckbeards
Pic related: The Virgin Islamist neckbeard vs The Marxchad beard
Why on Earth would you be a Communist? This is the one ideology I cannot understand why any straight man would choose to be part of. I understand Nazism, Fascism, Conservatism, Islamism, Buddhist/Hindu Nationalism, Zionism, Imperialism, etc.
But a fucking Communist? Do you literally get off being a cuckold or something? Your entire ideology is literally redistributing your own wealth to women/niggers. And then letting your wife ride Tyrone's dick. Much progressive.
>I understand Nazism, Fascism, Conservatism, Islamism, Buddhist/Hindu Nationalism, Zionism, Imperialism, etc.
>submissive wife
Guess how I know you have zero experience with women from the middle east and north africa.
Answer me instead of spouting memes you retarded Commie. Why should a man choose to follow your ideology? What's the benefit of being a cuckold?
We have submissive fatties here already.
Why do you fucktards even come here?is it because your board is deserted and it feels bad knowing it was less of a class struggle than a struggle about the gender of the mods all along?
Are you too a trannie?
Have you ever met a blue collared worker,you know he thinks you're a faggot and he would much rather side with his fellow white working class (us)
Look,commies if you do care about the working classes you'd be fighting for the only civilization that mantain such class,you'd fight against migrants,specially muslims,instead you're just trying to annoy Sup Forums so that maybe you get visitors for your dog fucker infested board
Imagine leaving your ideals about class solidarity because you like doggos,that's your fellow board members, 90%are there LARPing and only are there because they can't get laid either because they are trannies,travestites,dog fuckers,degenerates or simply grossly offensive to the human eye
>it's redpilled as fuck
They tell massive, blatiant lies to convince whites to convert, but you're just being used for their purposes.