Nazi Girls

Post em if you got em

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White pride is OK too


i think these girls would look better with nice fair skin instead of pale skin


I don't disagree






The blacks fears our whyte kweens



Here you go.


These ones are real nice




Best girl ITT

Were is jailbait nazifu?

Nazi and right wing girls the biggest myth for weak white cucks
All women are whores. It’s fucking science, stop posting your shit

Disgusting. Subhuman trash. Feed her to the opioids


This just reduces the impact force of the bat

Fair and pale skin are the same thing you dumb nigger, they are synonyms in this instance.

The association of nazi-ism with white trash/criminals is one of the more successful Jewish psyops. Normies immediately think of this when they hear neo-nazi./white-supremacist.

I can't explain why but I unironically like trashy tomboys

How can I find out who this girl is Sup Forums?

looks shopped. i can tell by the pixels

more like this

i seen this gil for years but dont have a name. please sauce

>The association of nazi-ism with white trash/criminals is one of the more successful Jewish psyops. Normies immediately think of this when they hear neo-nazi./white-supremacist.
It's fucking reality. Only the most stupid trailer trash chooses nazism in 2018.

funny, i love that trashy whore look.

Girl looks like a barely attractive Jew.
Who the fuck would want a female who larps at politics anyway? They're only doing this shit because their boyfriends are into it.

gf materiial

what does a girls political ideology matter when no matter what they believe.... they're all whores?

To be honest she wouldn't look half bad in a different get-up + not being caught in an unflattering pose/action.

How common is white trash in the first place? They are a minority of the US white population for sure.

fucking gangs. Nothing more than white niggers.

>tfw no redneck nazi gf who comes from a long line of hating niggers whose great great grandparents were proud slaveowners

that is definitely either a bot or a crazy whore that is gonna get pregnant and trap you for life
Resist the semen demon you dumbass

This image is so old, they'll be in their late 30's by now I'm sure.

Where do you even find women like this?

I saw her insta posted here once. She's slav and has a child

>kekistani flag
>not a normie

>Vault soda.
What is this, 2008?


Holy fuck, she's perfect. I'd happily give my life so that she'd keep her bloodline pure.


Nice patch. Glad to see she wears it proudly.

Let's get this thread back on track





cute kids
good job






lot of photoshops itt


MODS are going to burn.

All these pics are photoshop or actors. Women know better than to be associated with nazis. Look at these pixles.





Russian, you have been lied to about the Nazis, just like I was (see flag.)

Most of these women are former mudsharks. It's the same way girls who are whores in their youth tend to become hardcore born-again Christians as they age. There is a tendency among women to flip flop between extremes. Whenever you encounter a woman on one psychological extreme, it's a pretty good bet to assume that she was previously on the other extreme. It's no secret that most ethnonationalist women openly admit to being hardcore lefty feminists in their pasts, I mean hell even Tara McCarthy was a vegan anti-natalist in 2015. Be aware of that whenever you're dealing with one of these Nazi chicks.

>only tailer trash chooses nazism
shill with the kek flag

go back to mlp nigger

You make them. Find a nice girl, indoctrinate her with redpills, then dump her and move on. It's your responsibility.

This is a MOD post
Do you see!!!

she's been blacked

Whores will put on anything.


Not really though, boy. Don't underestimate the ability of a Chad to sway a young girls mind. Not saying I'm a Chad, but every girl I've ever dated has become proud of their white heritage. And many of them are still proud, even after I left them for bigger and better tiddys.


>sees flag


I don't even know what your country is.

I need this girl in my life.


>No trigger discipline
>Nigger tier grip on the pistol
>Not aligning the sights
>Recoil 100% gonna smash her face

Confirmed noguns bitch poser.

>political extremists (on both side of the spectrum)
Huge turn off. Nobody can pull it off, just be a decent normal person you don't need to wear swastikas and white pride shirts. Actions speak louder than trinkets. I can sorta understand why they'll do that, as a daring counter act to rampant mainstream leftism but it's not even efficient in real life. Makes good instagram content though.


That's actually pretty brutal, nice

You're gonna get called a "Nazi" by the Left no matter if you are one or not. Might as well just embrace the symbols and go full 14/88.


Today I learned MODERATORS are a shithole country all to their own.

It's almost like girls are kinda dumb. Maybe someday you'll spend enough time with one to know this

user, please enlighten me on why you think that poster above is a moderator
>you do mean a moderator for this website right?


yeah i thought so too

Women are like dogs. It's your job as the Alpha male to treat them right and teach them about these things.

And for the record I've been married for 10 years and have a White son with my girl. Maybe someday you'll get off your ass and stop acting like a complete know-it-all online. Faggot.