>From 17K to 9K in few days
Will be any survivor escaping this giant ponzi scam ?
Will the goyim ever learn ?
>From 17K to 9K in few days
Will be any survivor escaping this giant ponzi scam ?
Will the goyim ever learn ?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's coming back up. Whales are just fucking with the price one last time before regulators try and tame this market.
>How can non-Jewish money compete?
>the value will just keep increasing!
>there will be no final pump and dump!
>I'm gonna be rich!
I took all the equity out of my house and bought at 17k. I'm thinking I'm gonna jump off the wall the next time I'm rock climbing so my wife can get the life insurance. No one can prove it suicide that way. Anyone know any other ways to suicide so it's not suicide?
i'm buyin the ripple dip right now. i intend to retire to my italian villa by july at the latest
I'm still up 18.9 million CHF from a 1.2k investment.
Even if I go broke, at least I'm not Algerian like you.
>in a few days
It's been a whole month you dumb frog
Nope nothing to see here.....
>buying ripple
Enjoy being poor forever, you're getting played by jews.
hopefully it goes down to 2k
i dont necessrily disagree, but they're playing a long con, and i plan to cash in before the scam is revealed.
july at the latest.....
Get yourself killed doing something heroic. Run into a burning building to save a family, throw yourself at a gun-wielding criminal, etc
Screen capping this and sending to insurance companies. Rip
will the SEC ever get its act in gear?
no, because they let the jews exploit americans
if trump removes jews from his cabinet, and charges wealthy jews with financial crimes and gets them in prison for lengthy sentences, and brings the SEC down hard on any scams, any conspiracies, and so on then this scam orchestrated by semiconductor companies will be seen as an attempt to disrupt the american economy
>log scale
nice try, schlomo
Play Simon says with a local cop.
Dude, if you're not memeing, I remember reading an almost exact similar message on Sup Forums or Sup Forums back in 2013 when the bitcoin reached like 800 or 1k and then crashed. Dude sold his house or something and put it all in bitcoin. He was freakign out, but if he kept it till now he would have x10 that shit.
I think I’m going with the tried and true .45 ACP when it's anhero time, specifically this Federal HST.
I fucked up buying into the crypto meme, I won’t fuck this up too
tell that to anyone who bought in over 15k
Banks are going to clean you retards out
The goyim don't learn. That's what makes them goyim.
t. Juden
oo a hollow point.
It's just money, what's the worst that could happen? You become a loser that plays video games all day? Not that bad.
Throw something on the roof and fall off going to retrieve it.
Even if it didn't crash hope you're joking
look who's talking, your own jews are killing you in holocausts every so often so they get to act like victims. Not easy to be a wiseguy when you're the slave of larger forces.
how about not being a pussy and finding the next get rich quick scheme and this time dont let the jews fuck you. Your wife and kids need you to not be a little bitch. Get the fuck out there and make your money back
Accountt1234 predicted this
Bitcoin can't stay above $11k due to cost of electricity
now that gpu's can mine, due to new algorithms, the price will dip, but it will soon even out.
Even if crash, I bought that shit at $500
>bought in at 17k
Wow that was pretty fucking stupid user but don’t kill yourself it’s not the end of the world
Can people still buy weed with it? Then it's not going anywhere. "Investors" are clueless that people actually use BTC which creates actual demand for the product. It's not just a store of wealth if it's actually used as currency too.
What the shit are you babbling about, leaf? Go sell more land to China; I'll collect the commission.
>"Investors" are clueless that people actually use BTC
buddy it's been all over business news for the last 3 months and there are going to be huge things happening in crypto this year.
thanks. bought 100k
The Adam's Apple is an instant kill.
Retarded normie consider offing yourself
You sound kind of retarded,I'd off the children as well.
That big said,go to mecca and start randomly stabbing sandniggers at their temple,the stampede will be lulzy plus you might start the crusade.
Why die a looser when you can die a hero?
Go blow up some building,off some traitor politician etc etc,don't give up on life and if you do at least try to change history,i heard soros is alive and well...
so this is what schizophrenia is like
Cernovich said there's nothing to worry about. Stop being a pussy. Read Gorilla Mindset.
>mfw I've been trying to get enough funds together to buy in
Google bitcoin + manipulation.
It's been proven now by comp.sci guys that the entire market is manipulated by one person.
How stupid could you dipshits be?
No, you still have 2/3rds of your money, just cash out if you have to and fucking shake your head about your stupid debt.
You, and most of wall street, don't know the difference between an investor and a speculator. Crypto is just speculation. It's laughably volatile and you might as well spend a grand on the slot machines.
>market makers gonna make markets
>He thinks the world economy amounts to less than $1 trillion
Might want to rethink the use of that picture. Bitcoin is still very small.
kek. This meme is hilarious to me for unknown reasons.
You might actually have a point there. With futures having opened not that long ago, you can bet your ass whales on wall street are taking profits off shorting.
Not just that, if regulators come swinging in with their dicks out sniffing for pedophiles and other Democrat Party figures, bitcoin will suddenly lose its value as an off-shore currency for off-shore sins.
Everyone is using xmr or eth because btc takes way too long to send and is expensive to send.
Smarter than the faggot who didn't cash out when it was at a record peak.
It's been on the decline for months now, entire months. You aren't fooling anyone.
There is no market for this shit, a currency that can be traced to every single person who ever used it? Fuck me I'm not stupid enough to buy into your child porn currency.
I made my money outright and i'm sitting big now.
Have 1 entire coin just incase it actually does something worthwhile, but the money I made selling my other coins is looking much better in the big boy stocks.
coinfags on suicide watch
>Meme was originally written @ BTC $1000
>wait is it, "buy low, sell high", or, "but high, sell low"????
Regular people cannot understand herd mentality and emotion. They will always buy high and sell low.
Banks get authorization to invest in bitcoin it crashes. People are surprised.
This is truly the /biz/ spirit
>buy high
>sell low
>become an hero
gosh who would have ever seen this coming
its called pump and dump
This. It's just coincidence that the pattern is exactly the same as every other bubble recorded.
>anyone who bought in over 15k
only a retard would've
Like the market is any different. Nanosecond transactional manipulation. It’s rigged.
Invest in knee pads is the motto at /biz/
Speaking of ponzi scam...
It's because of what went down with BitConnect. The market will recover in a few weeks and reach new highs before the end of February.
Will GPU prices finally go down ?
Fucking Bitcoin.
It's the
>if knee pads can't even safe you
spirit buddy.
>My family fell for the BTC meme
I would laugh if I didn't feel sorry for their stupid asses.
I have spent months with my mum calling me an idiot because I didn't want to invest my money in BTC and when I call her out on her shit she starts yelling at me "I HAVE MADE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS AND YOU COULD HAVE MADE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TOO" which is a complete lie
I hate the internet for this reason, gullible fools go onto shit like YT, watch a few BTC videos and then they start thinking they are economic experts or some shit.
Does not compute.
Prices are going down because investment bankers are getting their bonuses right about now, and they have a lot of experience driving down market prices of assets so they can get in at a good price. I don't know how long this spell will last, but prices will go back up. There are some deals to be had at the moment.
Here's a pic of my hands during this huge dip.
Just like penny stocks since the dawn of stock exchanges
LMAO at the rich greek faggot who thought he was a buisnes man because he bought bitcoin and walked around ever bar in my little shit town like he was king shit. After i confronted him many times telling him hes worth nothing and his coins are worth nothing. Guess i wont be seeing that Greek faggot at downtown for a while.
Your mom doesn't in they difference between 'investing' and 'speculating'.
It's pretty sad that so many people have been connecting into this scam simply becuase they don't know he difference between two words they teach you in week 1 or business studies.
I cashed out my initial investment a long time ago but it still sucks to lose 20k in one night. JUST
>Steel hands
I think iron fists sounds and looks much cooler.
>there are going to be huge things happening in crypto this year.
Such as?
"hey, ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES, this guy on Sup Forums said he is going to fake suicide!"
"oh idk, he might have even been joking"
mate you're better off just holding it for now, the value is most likely close to bottoming out. this is a huge correction in an overvalued asset, but there will be a later upswing
In the time I was on the treadmill at the gym earlier today BTC was down $250 and then rebounded to $100 vs. yesterday which is still a loss. Never touching that shit, that's what (((they))) want you to do
Bubbles are natural and have happened several times in many markets. BTC will die, but something else will survive.
>BTC collapses
>retards sell like crazy, driving the price down further
>people see this as a prime opportunity and start to buy
>price goes back up
if you're smart you'll buy a small amount of crypto now, and you'll have made at least a decent profit in a couple of months
. 45ACP is homos
. 45-70 +P 430gn Hard Cast FN Gas Check is teh sex
You know who is still worth something after all that??? You know who
Yah me. Because i have real investments and i did 33% last fiscal year.
Try %15 fucking leaf!
>couple of months
Doubt it, BTC is highly unstable so investing in BTC for a couple of months is too risky.
Best you can do is just trade BTC during the day, buy low, sell high and just keep doing that. Fuck even some neet from /r9k/ even managed doing just that.
Good riddance, fuck buttcoins, I've never seen a more obvious scam in my life. Literally fake money.
Is it easy to invest in US stocks as a leaf? I want to learn this stuff and start building a portfolio this year.
all fiat money is fake money retard
Bout 6 or 7 years ago i bought ( to resell )a lotta drugs using bitcoin on the darkweb deepweb drug markets, last year i remembered i still had 14~ or so bitcoins, so i sold 10 of them when the price hit 18,000 guess i got lucky
Yes its fairly easy. I use BMO and questtrade. Buy american dollars. Trade American companies. Its fairly simple.