Alright youtube

alright youtube,

lamestream media,
legacy media,
it's actually quite funny,
hydrogen hillary,
bubba bill,
uh you do realize,
I predicted this months ago,
reds under the beds,
are you people nuts?,
I already predicted this,
fucking retard,
insofar as,
let's face it,
*sips coffee*
Something like that,
social media,
makes me chuckle
in all honesty,
you have to understand,
mark my words,
it’s gonna be great,
but I WILL say THIS,
muh Russia,
wait and see,
wedge issue,
I used to smoke weed,
I had some bad spice,
muh offenive
the occult,
they're all retarded
makes prediction

that’s about all, peace out.

Other urls found in this thread:


Take This e-celeb faggottry somewhere else

Holy shit you're right he's a very advanced Markov bot.

radical centrist pls go

this entire thread is fail

yep, cuz we don't go for that around here

sort of sort of sort of sort of sort of sort of sort of sort of sort of sort of sort of sort of

>criticizes lamestream media as dying out to new med
>new media like himself
>new media that almost completely consists of just taking MSM and doing commentary on it
>can't do commentary on anything if MSM dies out


don't call things fail

>radical centrist
nice D&C shill term.
He isn't even a centrist.

E-celeb BS


>pol larpers hate styx now because he refuses to join their retarded alt right ethnonationalist movement


I can't believe Alex posted that picture as an example of him losing weight.

I think that was a joke. They called Styx a "gatekeeper" and someone else called him a "radical centrist" in a hit piece they did on him.

Has Sup Forums always spazzed out about Styx, or is this new?

spot on, op (lol)!

he talks about msm because they're constantly gatekeeping.
usually it's people who hate youtubers or e-celebs. pol likes him for the most part

pic unrelated i'm watching a documentary

Hey Styx. Lurking?

Mike Enoch spazzed about him, so Sup Forums followed suit.

Another Styxsuckssomeblackhammer666 thread
I've had enough of this shill, but 200k strangely sub to him.

Fuck Mike Enoch, he couldn't even hold his own on the Warski stream a few days ago
>Schlubby unshaven goof talking about white purity
sure thing fatty

styx has objectively the most realistic views of any of the eceleb fags

alright Twin Peaks

Not an argument
You Sargonites don't realize niggers will never give a fuck about your individualism.

It's not supposed Stefan. It just looks hilarious seeing a fat unkempt twat talking about racial purity as if he should even be talking about ideals or ethnostates. Look at him ffs

At least it's not a styxleafenhammer

Too bad for you optics matter.

XD couldnt resist I juts saw it in my freinds myspace bulletin.

Go the way of the dinosaur

Styx is now openly professing to sucking his own dick (literally) -- the ouroboros gives it away. I'm not sure if I should be impressed by his flexibility or not.

Yes. He can't predict for shit.

2-3 days ago he "predicted" that in few years people will only use WhatsApp, and FB messenger, and use video calling instead of regular text messages.

Now I don't know about him but this has been a fact in most part of the world for quite some time. I don't remember using text message to communicate with anyone. Except for some message that an airline etc is providing.

He took a gamble during the time of trump and may have risked predictions but now he had a reputation to keep as the guy whose predictions are absolutely true. so how do you make sure your predictions come true? You talk about the reality today and then "boom" "I predicted this months ago"
>Peace out.

Styx is okay. He red pilled me on getting off Google and using Bing. It was a good call.

>Alt Libertine Sci-Fi Hypothetical
Blocks your white nationalism


Tell me more

Is Styx the guy who murdered someone before he himself was murdered?

Oh it'd be hilarious
I support alt tech

I tried watching this guy once. His videos are like 40 minutes long. He's literally the fucking Nutnfancy of political channels. So god damned annoying. Get to the point.

He looks better as a crossdresser than he does as a man

why aren't you growing leeks?

What the fuck is this now..?

Libertarian Whataboutism is the future

They can go to twitter, or youtube, and do commentary on videos and things from there, all the people in this age are wannabe journalist/reporter and wannabe activists

Don't forget shitfuck.