You cant stop him

you cant stop him

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Isn't he banned on twitch?

literally who

Why do we keep getting BTFO by Destiny? Don’t we have any smart people in the alt right?

he's back and better than ever

pol tried to silence him with SJW tactics but failed

Easy just ask hi to define philosophy again then have a good laugh

He is just too smart.

He knows all the facts.

He is also actually not a manlet.


Destiny pays people to shill for him on this board. It was proven earlier today.

Can it be any more obvious that this is the same fucking fag, and probably op?

If I were that short I would kill myself. How does he live with most women and children looking down on him?

Recently binged his videos, he's a fucking good debater. I have still to see him really lose a debate.

He's literally just some streamer on twitch, and he talks you all into the ground.

Prove me wrong, challenge him faggots.

new scale

she is 5'9 so you might want to delete hahaha

Watch the one with naked ape. It's the only one I have seen and destiny gets raped. He ends the stream when he realized he couldn't win lol


Wow is destiny a chad?

you must be very mentally challenged if you think destiny didn't intellectually outclass that cuck.

just look it up if you want.

>naked ape brings up the fact that whites are the only group that pays more taxes than they receive in benefits
Destiny chimps out and ends the stream

I've said it and I'll say it again. Destiny could be easily defeated in a debate if he wasn't up to pseudo-intellectuals. There's actual rhetoric tricks to never lose a debate and any kid can learn them.


>He actually edited it

have you watched it? NA was so dishonest and frankly stupid there nothing to be gained when he couldn't grasp the basics lmao.

Yeah because kicking someone off a livestream after he called out your shit is winning right?

i would be legitimately afraid if you think that NA isnt just a complete moron...

So stupid that he called out destiny when he was lying about the content of the study.

Yeah Ive seen it. Its basically destiny's same old shtick where he is ok with america turning into a third world shithole because muh cheaper iphones.

And I would be legitimately afraid if you think kicking someone of livestream because you got butt hurt that he called out your shit a victory.

small brain cannot comprehend adult discussion.
baito dess

Wow what a response. Destiny's fans really are intellectual anomalies.

Sadly it wasn't a perma

Safe space for big brains like myself. Lots of academics and successful memers... not like here... only cuckboi losers like yourself. SAD.

he literally can't be stopped

many have tried and many have failed to topple this intellectual colossus

not just that, someone went to the trouble of making an account and signing up to IMDbPro so they could edit it.

I don't think you know what cuck means

Look out we have a cuckold master here.

Actually very easy
