Is this true Sup Forums?
Is this true Sup Forums?
The number is true but the implication is not. Southerners did not fight the civil war to maintain slavery
reminder that the #2 leader of the Confederacy was a jew
all the slave traders were jews, most of the big plantation owners were jews
the confederacy was kiked as fuck. A bunch of working class guys dying for the rich elite scum
Are we having another civil war? What are they trying to say?
This is Truth.
Also, while the white plantations held huge numbers of slaves, most slave owners were free blacks.
I've watched actually one video about that jewish thing. But woah only 1.6% in the whole country.
This is accurate.
Slave importers were Jews, but the importation of slaves was illegal in the Confederacy and all of the US for 50 years prior to the war
Need source on traders and plantation owners
>reminder that the #2 leader of the Confederacy was a jew
Splitting the US into smaller more manageable countries was a Rothschild plot. They were going to have Britain support the South.
Lincoln went full asshole to stop the Rothschilds from splitting the country and making a profit from it - Greenbacks. However, his means were horrible and contemptible - he employed rape, murder and pillage to terrorize the south.
Whilst the majority of slaves were owned by a white person, the majority of slave owners were black. The first person to own a [chattel] slave in the US was also a black man and former [indentured servitude] slave.
Slavery is a loaded word. The antebellum south had an innovative guest-worker program.
the real truth is slaves were used like stocks to hold wealth in the south and the agricultural society that sprung up is a result of finding a reason to have slaves around and not the other way around.
yeah, sound like the democrats.
PS - guess to which party MLK's killer belonged.
>Southerners did not fight the civil war to maintain slavery
More then half of the seceding states explicitly mentioned that slavery was one of the reasons for secession
the slave trade was COMPLETELY owned and operated by foreign born jews
the majority of that 1.6% were those jews that settled down in the US
>sound familiar
No, because it's a non-sequitur.
I can think of two people I've known who's families previously owned plantations, both were part chosen although you would hardly know it. Both turned out to be fucked in the head. Slavery helped save a lot of stingy cunts a lot of money and kept ordinary Americans from being paid too handsomely for the same work. It was probably the biggest, or second biggest mistake this country ever made.
Why they did it then?
I love how they use this as a reason to be against Trump
Then turn around and demand everyone pay for slavery
The north invaded
Southerners fought because the south was being invaded. There was no convincing involved. Rich people always ruin shit for the average person just like the rich liberals are doing today.
Lincoln won the elections
Bring slavery back and put those Blacks to work.
Of course only a small minority owned slaves. Everyone was poor as fuck back then.
Yeah but who actually bled for the confederacy? It was regular non slave owning people. There was a lot of disdain towards slave owners among the soldiers especially once they were permitted to dodge the draft.
Defending the homeland
racism. they didn't care about having slaves because they knew that would likely never be rich and have slaves.
they just wanted to be able to have a class to look down upon. that's it. the entire reason was that back then blacks having the same rights as whites was an outrageous argument to some. it was worth going to war over, that's how ridiculous the idea sounded.
Damn this really made me think... I don't think millions of Southerners would of been willing to fight and for slaves. Maybe there was a greater reason for the south to secede... Maybe slavery wasn't the main reason the war started? Hmm
When soldiers bust down your doors to kill you and rape your family, burn down your schools, churches, and hospitals, you fight. People have no clue of the atrocities the North committed against the South. Sherman would have been taken to The Hague today for the things he did.
>only 1.6%
Yet all whites owe reparations
And don't try to bring up the many many thousands of whites who died fighting for the North to end slavery. They are all racist crackers.
To be white is to be racist
The US wasn't that much a country as it was an alliance of states back then. Kinda like the EU, but much more democratic (though pretty much anything is more democratic than the EU).
Imagine if Eastern Europe attacked Western Europe (or viceversa) because the EU had decided on an unreasonable law and a number of countries decided not to comply. That's what the American civil war was, pretty much.
The real reason they did it was because they didnt want what the north made it about. The north made it about slavery and freedom. When the south really just wanted the slaves to be returned to africa. So the whole war was fought over lies. Just like WWII. The real war should have been against communism. The real civil war should have been against both integration and slavery. We should have sent them back. Fucking jews. Someone screwed us over. And they keep fucking doing it. Theyre masters of disinformation and misrepresentation.
I don't know why people can't see it. He was obviously one of (((them))) but (((they))) try to co-op history and make him seem like a white man
I guess you don't understand the concept of fighting for a principle.
What principle?
yes we are.
and one side is fighting to keep importing various underclasses of workers to drive down wages at every level.
Accurate af. I don't know why Sup Forums reveres the Confederacy. Lincoln may have been tyrannical, but he fought against the creation of a central bank and wanted to deport all blacks after the war.
Slavery never benefitted the average white in the South and actually retarded economic growth.
The sec of state isn't #2 and the biggest slave owners were not jews. It was also (((new Englanders))) more than anyone responsible for the slave importation. Honestly Jews really didn't have much to do at all with the civil war as a coercive faction. There were Jews on both sides.
No it wasn't, if that were the case then Britain definitely would have joined in. Also, Karl fucking Marx wrote a letter to Lincoln thanking him for abolishing slavery.
Also, reminder that if yanks just let the South secede the US would be miles better without niggers and hick southerners. But no, you faggots had to disregard your own principles laid down in the declaration of independence to free niggers and give them equal rights then tolerated the white trash who wanted them.
Let me buy boat loads of niggers off some tribe and dump them in your lands. Dont be racist. Accept them. Theyre a gift from the jews. Jews love slavery.
Not really because they weren't fighting for the right to own slaves :^) Which we should still have anyway.
This is retard logic. What kind of racist wants to own a fucking nigger? Cant you guys see the most obvious shit. Are you retarded.
Jews brought the niggers to usa
With their big boats
A slave was better off in american than afrikkka
But 9 niggers out of 10 died during the trip
You see my niggers
I care enough about you to know what you went through
Bix nood
White power
Jews are parasitic sons of satan
Oy vey
Its gonz be anudah shoaz
He was unpopular in the south to say the least
>pic related
Lincoln wuz kangz? Sauce pleace!
Listen I live in the south and lots of people here still know the truth. Slavery was very much needed and a economic boom. Jews did have huge influences within it. Owned lots of ships and had their own businesses. The south was gaining economic growth at a rate that the north didn’t like. Basically the north wanted to maintain power. They offered a big tax on the south and the south said fuck no. The war began and to justify northern aggression and to help slow down the south’s growth they freed the slaves and used that as an excuse to justify the war. The south didn’t have the manpower, the weapons, transportation and food to keep fighting and they still won lots of battles. It’s why the south still has so much pride even to this day. Almost like a rocky movie in a way. But yes slavery was extremely expensive. My family was wealthy and had 5 slaves In South Carolina. 4 women for the house and 1 male for the field.
Yes!!!! Very true. Those cunts invaded and acted like primitive idiots.
My dads side of the family was around sumter / charleston at that time. Similar situation
Yes it’s interesting to find. My family eventually made its way down to Georgia. My mother’s side was a bunch of Irish potato niggers and didn’t own slaves. Just walked around stanking probably, getting drunk.
State rights was one of the big ones. Been a long time since I read the statements or declarations or whatever they were called published by the southern states but there were also property rights and I believe economics.
It wasn't so much that they were defending slavery as it was them defending the states right to choose if slavery would be allowed or not. They were against the idea of the northern states getting to decide the laws in the southern states against their will. The topic of slavery was just one of the things setting off that conflict.
Yes it’s true and yes it sounds familiar, also the same as the amount of jews in this country
That statement does not negate the greentext. Address the greentext explicitly.
Congrats in coming here, newfag and learning a basic red pill. Now onto a tougher one. Majority of slave owners were not white, and high ranking members of the Confederate States were Jews. See the secretary of war of the cfs.
The Union Army did have a lot of Irish in their ranks.
This. Also the Union's first move was expelling the Jews from the government. They knew the Jews wanted them to lose to the southern Democrats. Search general order 3.
Slavery did not reduce the value of the labor and pay of free whites in the South. That is an economic fallacy. It did, however, protect whites from gibsmedat and rampant black crime.
Meant 11 not
They did it to maintain The South.
Slavery was PART of the South. Not the whole of it.
And banning the industry overnight would destroy the fabric of their society and country.
Turns out, it fucking did.
The south today is still in ashes because of the North's tyranny. Poorest, most uneducated, angry place in the US. Simultaneously surging with culture and identity. No place is more uniquely American.
If instead they had "banned slavery" slowly, over the course of generations, until the infrastructure changed, it would have been better off. Imagine if tomorrow the Americans claimed burning coal was ILLEGAL in Mexico. No more coal. You would not "adjust", you would go to war. Would it be remembered as "fighting over coal" and by extension "pollution"?
Imagine, 100 years from now, the Mexico you knew was even more third-world, and any kind of nostalgia for the old Mexico would be "pollutionist", and your forefathers "coal-obsessed".
Yes, pessants fighting for masters economical interest, I dint give a shitb about niggers either.
>implying mexicans give a flying fuck whats legal or illegal
I like what The Jewish History adds to it
>A handful of the illegal traders were Jews, although the great majority were not. In the emotional climate of the war zone, ancient prejudices flourished. The terms “Jew,” “profiteer,” “speculator” and “trader” were employed interchangeably. Union commanding General Henry W. Halleck linked “traitors and Jew peddlers.” Grant shared Halleck's mentality, describing “the Israelites” as “an intolerable nuisance.”
1.6% is the Entire U.S. and its territories around 1800.
and that's a guess. There were definitely more slave owners than that, but there were also alot of slave owners who were black and native american, some "owned" their family members after they purchased their own freedom or were released as many came from British Colonies with contracts, unlike some of the subhuman african zombies that were shipped in on jew ships.
Actual white slave owners is probably around the same number, but per capita, no one beat the jews in slave ownership. No one knows how many jews owned slaves, but most historians agree it was probably well over 50% and in some jewish areas it was upwards of 90%.
>the civil war was about slavery
and there you have it
>the EU had decided on an unreasonable law and a number of countries decided not to comply.
and meanwhile, in the North, little white children were working 6 days a week in textile mills, and other harrowing tales.
Irish are born scrappers and don't care why.
Same as the white peasants in south.
Not only that. But the North had to rely on a Draft as no one was volunteering to fight. Which led to major riots: including one where The New York Times shot a gattling gun at rioting draftees that threatened to burn down their building. Before Gettysburg, Northerners viewed fighting the South as someone in the 60's or seventies might view fighting Vietnam.
"Why are we spending so much blood and treasure fighting there?"
Only 1% of white southerners were slave owners, would be like calling all whites factory owners.
Fuck off shill. The avatar isn't going to hide your deliberate misinformation. Jews didn't travel to back country Indiana to raise their kids in log cabins. They stayed in cities.
And people always seem to forget what the union turned around and did to native Americans immediately after the war. Far worse than the blacks received in the South
Sounds a lot like Sup Forums and right wingers in general.
>Sounds a lot like antifa and left wingers in general.
I think you guys ate too much bath salts during 8th grade history...
Correct. They fought the War of Northern Aggression for their rights as free states.
That being said, my family makes sure the grass is mowed on the old slave graveyard on our farm.
It's behind and to the left of the family graveyard.
And back in the woods.
>left wingers
Most of them are on food stamps and disability for PTSD because they were mentally raped by a white male once.
Horace Greenly amd Charles Dana.
That is all and Lincoln was a Communist.
Destroy the beast. Kill Federalist. Leave Yankees dead in the streets.
and this nigger started it all
I remember looking at census records and seeing my family owned slaves. Made me proud. Luckily, the put their money into a distillery just before prohibition and all the money was gone a few generations ago with nothing to pass down to me. We need slavery back.
2% of Americans own HALF of US guns
yes and it can be confirmed by reading the 1860 census which is readily available on a government website
Also you can see that black people owned slaves too
corrupt generals also played a role in exacerbating the bloodshed. all the "internationalists" wanted to break up and cripple the US. there's a reason why US cut ties with Vatican after Lincoln assassination