Why don’t you burgers actually use your guns for fighting state tyranny? You know, the kind you’re always banging on about but just sit around and let happen.
At least nanny states like ours have an excuse.
Why don’t you burgers actually use your guns for fighting state tyranny? You know, the kind you’re always banging on about but just sit around and let happen.
At least nanny states like ours have an excuse.
Other urls found in this thread:
>state tyranny
for example?
There is a line that once you cross there’s no going back. There’s a lot at stake and it would be fucking messy. I would hope everyone would try the peaceful solution first.
But where’s the line? Take for example Germany, England et al. where ppl get locked up for simply expressing a view.
Things are pretty good here if you're not a fucking retard.
God this board is full of shills tonight.
Because if you or I did, everyone else would just let us get fucked up by the police and NEVER help us.
Mostly the arms are a deterrent to extreme measures, but for small steps towards tyranny they are not useful because people don't usually care what happens to other people.
You can can die on any particular hill and if you got no backup you are just throwing your life away.
It is sad, but I cant see any real solution myself.
Any number of laws and resulting actions that are considered unconstitutional I guess. Take Obamacare for example, not that it’s dead and buried but Trump could have lost and I doubt anyone would take up arms over it.
Fair call I guess. So basically we’re fucked either way, you with your gun and me with my pointy stick (till it’s banned)
>Because if you or I did, everyone else would just let us get fucked up by the police and NEVER help us.
Bundy ranch standoff got me so excited. For a brief shining moment I thought it was happening
If they tried to push the laws down our throats as they do to you and most of Europe, that would ignite it here. You can see it in people’s eyes; they know it’s coming but won’t admit it.
We also have to ensure that the police and military are on the same page. That’s really going to be the go ahead nod.
We're not predisposed to chaos. The sentiment is empathy. Whites natural flaw is being too good at civilization. We are armed. That isn't a myth. but it would take something serious and sudden to spark a war.
Remember that one guy? He was the leader of something and they gunned him down on helicopter cam. Ted Bundy or something. Shit was crazy.
This Aussie has a point
Why don't you Aussies shut the fuck up?
Nobody cares what you down under pieces of shit think.
America is a bed of gasoline right now. Trumps election shows that. It just needs a spark. One final unforgivable injustice and one person to take the charge and its done.
Let the kikes try and impeach Trump for nothing and then we'll talk. For right now I'm reasonably pleased with how things are going.
Never happen lol
Good point. Hey must admit I got the Matthews thrill up my leg when that was going down. I guess when people start to seriously push back the state tends to back down. I still don’t think it would have escalated a great deal if heads were stomped but I could be wrong
Because everyone's so thoroughly domesticated they don't care.
>the people posturing as being constitutionalists care more about banning fag marriage than legalism
Basically it's over. Take care of you and your own.
I'm a proud gun owner and I don't think things have gotten bad enough to start shooting yet. I'm upset, but not that upset.
Guns are like a fire extinguisher at home or a seat belt in a car. You hope you never have to use them, but if you need them, you are really fucking glad you had them.
I honestly hope I can go my entire life without ever shooting my gun in anger. Only for hunting and target practice.
You guys keep posting for a shooting. Past three days. I guess your masters are trying to peddle a false flag. Pathetic. What happened to the days when you could manufacture a terror attack on demand? You are now reduced to Sup Forums? Sad
Oy Vey! These goyim with their guns aren't easily coaxed into violently murdering their fellow Americans, even ones they dislike!
All that shit's just hot air bullshit. It will never happen in my lifetime on any scale that matters.
Endless bread and circuses that the government is going into crippling debt to provide. Americans won't rise up because they're simply too fat and too distracted. We have endless amounts of fatty food and hundreds of TV channels to choose from. It's an evil genius strategy to chain future generations to unlimited debt in order to retain power now.
If people start getting hungry or the TV gets turned off you'll see exactly what divides the US and it will be spectacularly bloody.
Yeah, let's just pull out our guns and shoot the state dead.
Who would we kill you fucking idiot?
And who would you kill to solve that problem?
Gonna go kill Congress?
Gonna kill the citizens in the military and law enforcement protecting them too?
Try thinking an action through before you open your retarded mouth.
Because the time has to be right. Too soon and you don't have enough of the narrative to keep numbers on your side. You're going to be running an insurgency against the biggest propaganda machine in history. You need more people awake than now. That propaganda machine has to be seen for what it is by enough people that it would be ineffective and where ever you spread from the public will support you and know the stories they hear about you are lies. One or two guys going postal is nothing. You need to awaken an army.
Cordon off the liberal cities and cut the power. Then wait until they all starve to death. Even the women and children.
Burgers are fat lazy fucks. Kek, I ate a TGI Warrior burger recently so I can't talk haha
No. They push laws down our throats every day and nobody does anything. The answer to the question is;0: because we are pussies. We talk big but will never, ever stand up for ourselves
Ok JIDF, keep dreaming. Retribution has never happened in history, right?
guns are kind of a MAD. mutually assured destruction.
could the greatest GDP country with the best weapons attempt to "conquer" a country, even their own? sure. no problem.
but actually occupying a country, requires more than "e1337" wart3ch.
sure you can introduce 1984 tech-rule. but as to date, the only groups susceptible in big blue liberal cities will not solve the 90% of red america in the countries that have the most guns.
But new Big Brother is on soon!
>African Americans riot against a corrupt justice system and the poor economies that surround American ghettos
It's like the London riots. People don't rebel unless they truly have nothing.
well we've had multiple militia standoffs in the last few years with varying degrees of success, the feds can't seem to convict Clive Bundy so I guess he "won" and has rallied significant political support through his armed encounters with the feds.
>niggers don't nig for nothin'
Sure thing, mah dude.
I live in Michigan. The Detroit riots happened because businesses were leaving the area rapidly, and their economy was absolutely crumbling. There is almost always a similar pattern to American riots.
Once this decades long credit boom ends hopefully shit will start.
We will. You have to have patience.
You have to understand that anyone who has seen war usually ends up killing themselves or having severe life traumas and the last thing they would ever do again is go into combat, probably even if it meant defending their families and country. These mofos are traumatized, as should they be for killing innocent men, women and children for the pedophile, cannibal Jew elite. Then you have an aging, steroid enhanced, ex-military, now cop who spergs on all of society. But, the new crop are paper thin, soy boy faggots and diversity hires. The future is ripe for the pickings boyos!
guns aren't just for killing- they're for leverage.
with that said, we're fucked. the police state runs our lives and the guns will stay in the cabinet.
I keep a gun at my waist without asking the government for permission.
You mean like this?
You're a dipshit, and an insult to Americans, get out.
That's nuts. There are far too many small complications in life that would turn into murder if every carried a weapon at all times.
Face it, gunfags. You're all a bunch of larpers. Tyranny always wins.
There's always a pattern to nig violence too. It's when too many nigs are together in one place. If white people started to riot, then I'd pay attention.
Why is there a jew face on that large brute? They're a bunch of weak sniveling cowards tho
It's a metaphor for power.
We only use guns for show and tell time at school.
No. An armed society is a polite society. You don't fuck with people knowing they're armed.
An armed society is a polite society. Mouth off and risk getting shot. Be civilized you nigger.
What power? The US isn't Europe, and is more powerful than them as well.
From the sounds of things they kinda did with Cliven Bundy
we gonna genocide these kikes this year.
t. Retarded limp-wristed euro-jew
no one is going to shoot anyone FBI Sir
P.S. Is that pic supposed to be you?