Because of your racist president, this man will not be given a heart transplant. A father will DIE because you retards have no empathy.
You don't get denied a organ transplant because of your legal status. He got denied a heart transplant because he's a disgusting fat blob
Go back to your shithole country!
They don't give free heart transplants where he lives? Well that sucks...he should have immigrated legally.
Oh you mean just like those other stories that turned out to be fake?
S to spit on nigger
A proud white man was saved because this subhuman piece of shit didn't steal his heart.
I guess a hospital should have their highly trained medical staff perform a risky million-dollar operation using a heart that was purchased from Mossad human organ traffickers which was "acquired" by the Chinese government by slaughtering an innocent political prisoner and do it all for this guy FOR FREE just because he's mexican.
well the amount of hearts is limited and not everyone is going to get one. if that guy gets one someone else will die in his place
its a cruel fact but its true - organ donors are too rare
I bet medical care is cheaper in Mexico with a lot less regulation...
Or I heard Canada has free healthcare along with some other countries...maybe he should try those?
Top kek!
Do you post this joke every day? It's still making my enormous sides blast off like a jackhammer.
>when you're so entitled you demand your life to be prioritized over an actual citizen of that country
The doctors don't give him a new heart because he's fat & would need another one in a month anyways
Slide thread
Get him the fuck out of my country.
I changed my organ donation opt-in this year to be fully opted out due to the migration issue in the West.
Sorry guys, you want a society that supports one another then stop importing cultures hostile to ours.
Why is he even in the hospital? Get a backhoe and dump that fat piece of spic shit back on his side of the wall.
Why doesn't he just go back to Mexico and get a heart transplant there? I'm sure it's free
I wish there was an option where you could select whites only. I wonder if I put that in my will if it would be legally enforceable..
i hope he gets the heart transplant he deserves
god bless him and his family
Empathy is overrated...he has to go, and going dead works...
Likewise. Would also stipulate my organs aren't to be given to alcohol/drug addicts.
It's funny how when it comes to this, "my body, my choice" is seen as a reprehensible attitude to take.
lol good he won’t be around to impregnate more sluts trying to gain an anchor nino. lol
>Wants me to have a heart
Oh the irony
Canada is an incredibly authoritarian state so it's not surprising that the shitty justice system here won't respect people's final wishes.
adios amigos
Yeah but I meant in a free country. Obviously that wouldn't fly in the People's Republic of Canada.
I would be fine with that if they could prove they have found Christ and had been on the straight and narrow since.
>no meme tabs
I am disappoint
Almost every conspiracy theory wrapped into one sentence and it rings truer than most of the bullshit on MSM.
Your point?
>Because of your racist president, this man will not be given a heart transplant. A father will DIE because you retards have no empathy.
/gif/ and /hc/ are over there ----->
Stop posting porn in pol
>no empathy
I can't be sorry for every blade of grass that gets cut by the lawn mower, fuck off.
>Illegal and illegal's daughter is upset because illegal can't get free heart surgery in a country where he doesn't legally belong and he wants US citizens to pay for it. Why not go back to your own country, retard?
Take all the money he stole from America and move to Mexico and by one from an Israeli.
Problem solved.
they act like the heart will just be thrown out
what about the legal US citizen who's next in line to get a heart?
I am really sad to see he is still in a US hospital, I hope he is paying for it instead of passing us the bill
Good, transplantable hearts are fucking hard to come by, why should we give it to him over a citizen?
It's not like they just get thrown in the fucking trash or something.
>will not be ""given"" a heart transplant.
You have to go back... you can take your dad "to-go"
That sucks! Next time dont commit a crime.
Ok, I have 2 questions.
What hospital?
Who's the physician?
gofundme page seems to be ignoring questions...
And the twitter page:
oh OP you fucked up
clearly a slide thread
Why doesn't his native country take care of him?
Just because you're under organ donation doesn't guarantee your organs will be given for transplant. You might be turned into a cadaver for people to dissect to learn from, a body to decompose in a certain way for a body farm so they can study decomposition under certain conditions (Forensics), art piece like the Bodies Exhibit, and etc.
>he has from 4 weeks up to one year
Ill take bullshit for 500, Alex.
>4 weeks to 1 year
The cable companies installation guide to medicine
>You don't get denied a organ transplant because of your legal status
Hmmm, I don't know about that. Organ transpant criteria are rigorous as fuck because the supply for organs are low and the demand is high. They assess you for a lot of things, including if you have a criminal record and if you'll be compliant with the immunosuppression medication after your transplant. Doctors wanna make sure they're not giving a perfectly good organ to an insincere POS over a grateful person.
If taking legal status into account can whittle down the transplant's list, I wouldn't be surprised.
Then again, this guy could actually be so low on the list his chances are practically impossible (because of legitimate reasons) and his family is using his legal status to bullshit public outcry so they can force the hospital to make him become the next one. Remember when that nigger kid got a heart donation and then years later got himself killed because of a police chase gone wrong? His family argued it was because he was a black boy when the hospital gave legitimate evidence its because they have reason to believe he wouldn't follow his medication regimen and that he was a delinquent. The public and MSM didn't care and rather wanted to believe in the bullshit "racist" reason for his denial. Years later, the hospital was right.
Who would you have denied the transplant to and forced to die so that this man can get one, user?
That guy should be denied regardless of his immigration status just based upon how fucking fat he is.
Putting a fresh heart in someone like that is just throwing it away.
> give me your heart, fucking gringo!!
Fuck that, he can get a mexican heart.
>mexican heart
It's called a Pepsi pump
Hispanic people are human garbage
Mexico let Guillermo Morales escape to Cuba, I honestly hope an earthquake kills everyone in Mexico. Brown roach race.
And now it will go to an actual American citizen that pays taxes.
Sorry that his kids weren't kicked out as well
Give him a pig heart transplant or go back to shitholes.
I think he'll probably be able to get one if he goes back to the shithole where he was born.
>nobody dies under democratic policies
Adios puto
Not my problem his dumbass didn’t take care of his health. Shit I run at least 4 miles a day just so I can prevent any heart problems when I hit 40+. Not my problem OP. This planet is overpopulated anyways, it’s every individuals responsibility to take care of their own lives.
>Actually having the audacity to ask for EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS
>Fat slimy greasy benefit thief expects special treatment for a condition he brought on himself by being a lazy thieving illegal alien
A citizen will live and an illegal will die.
Yup it's like when someone smokes for 30 years
No one even has to ask how they died
Oh no, someone not of my tribe who I never met and has no impact on my life whatever is going to DIE! Just like the other hundreds of thousands every day!
Whatever will I do! However will I sleep tonight! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
think about the life choices he made:
>Crossed the Border Illegally (broke a law)
>Gorged himself to the point of over (what i can assume based on the pictures) 300 pounds
I doubt this tub of lard was denied a heart because he wasn't a citizen. it was most likely due to the fact that if he got a new heart, he would ruin it in a matter of months because of his eating habits.This would also be the ulitmate redpill for the family of a hard working american who abided by every law and needed a heart. Imagine, your father is on his deathbed, and needs a new heart in order to survive. But whoops! Juan Lopez in the next room got it even though he isnt here legally.
the ultimate oof
That happened right down the road from me. Lived in the area all my life. Yeah, there's this bad outcrop from Atlanta of gentrification dispersal from the city.
Good. Hope the whole lot of leeches dies
God bless.
um bye. if he gets a heart transplant that's one more US citizen and probable father / husband / child / brother / sister / mother that will go without. that's how heart transplants work, there are only so many. if anything this post is showing precisely why immigrants SHOULDNT be allowed in here and SHOULDNT be given equal rights and privileges and whatnot.
i mean for fucks sake, you people literally think he is entitled to the actual physical hearts of US citizens? while another US citizen sits and dies somewhere because he got bumped off the list due to illegal paco? for fucks sake, it's just so insane man.
Like that black kid that was given a heart, 2 years later hes shooting up stores and robbing people so the cops blew it out of his chest. Many such cases!
>Because of your racist president, this man will not be given a heart transplant. A father will DIE because you retards have no empathy.
well all illegals should die
Is it really to much to ask to pass a fucking history test?
Gods work son. Keep it up.
Holy fuck, I just looked it up the the full price is well over a million. Do they still keep the money if it only hits 20k or so?
Also, does it say why he needs one? I bet it was something stupid that involved drugs. I hope he dies while seeing ICE rip his kids away after daca gets killed.
Keep up the good work, user.
Fuck that nigga lol
No shitposting, my dad died of cardiomyopathy after being refused a transplant. Our family roots here go back to FFV. Not enough hearts, they have to pick and choose. So don't think I care if they really were limited to US Citizens. Which they're not, your bullshit. Oh yeah, Sage, shill with your slide threads.
Then donate your heart to save him faggot.
He's so FAT he probably disqualified himself.
That's also probably why his heart is wrecked.
Sad but true.
Don't get fat /Pol!
Based Pede, TY
I was an undocumented legal born, in Texas, for 18 years, if that were me I would be denied a new heart too, but I went through a hell bunch of loop holes so that I could get a job and have a life in this country. Illegal is not the right way, this is not racist, this is the system.
Dey tuk ar hurtz
Americans first, always. He can go home to his birth country and ask for medical help.
The Medical Industrial Complex monetizes the organ donations and enriches itself from the benevolence of others.
So I'm not a donor.
You can only be placed on a waiting list if you have proof the transplant will be paid for. The only way for insurance not to cover it is if it's government insurance or money from a government "emergency care" pool. So this only happens if this piece of trash is on government insurance or doesn't have any.
should have not come here illegaly