Two Voices and a Silence That All Will Hear

What do Sup Forums? Should I be putting my children in the sewers?


This is probably that because its a big enough deal. Mueller and Drumpf aren't a big enough deal, you need real mass hysteria.

Mueller is draining the swamp and Assange is helping him.

>It will happen when the weather cools.
Something will happen during a nuclear winter (explained below)

>That's when they will make their move.

>The plans laid long ago, before the founding of America, and older still, will come to fruition.

>They're trying to force God's hand

>Watch for these signs:

>Three branches will become one
Republican House, Senate and Presidency

>An island will drift away

>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
NK missile over hawaii

>The star will gorge itself on clay
Catalan independence or attack on Guam

>Idols will speak and move about

>The black flag will fly above the dome

>The belly of the dragon will drip water
Flood in China

>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear
The ballistic missile alert

>A rock will stand on seven hills
Refers to either something in Rome or Moscow

>The ravens will starve
The final collapse of ISIS

>The bear will leave its cave forever
Russian aggression or Californian independence

>The rod and the ring shall strike
The final warning sign, a nuclear war begins. Refers to the inside of a nule (pic related). Cause of the nuclear winter in the first paragraph

NK missile over Japan* not Hawaii

Dude. You're literally a kike shill.

A text isn't a fucking voice is it


the funny thing is when you read what people did the 25-25 year olds are the ones that panicked.. older people and younger kids kept calm.

>The star will gorge itself on clay
i think the mudslides in commifornia, the one that took out Oprahs house, apply to this one too

>A text isn't a fucking voice


raven is wrong so is the rod and ring

Ravens is not wrong.

Rod and Ring could also be Atlanta airport + Hawaii + whatever else they try. It just means that the elite, the people who control the world is going to attack to try and prevent the swamp being drained.

Wtf are you gonna do if you have half an hour? Unless you already prepared and have a shelter theres no point in worrying

Yes.... Please put them in the sewer!

daily reminder that this cringe prophecy was made by a fucking leaf

It will happen when the weather cools....

North America is currently experiencing record cold temps. Tonight is the coldest temp Dallas has been in over 20 years

>Refers to the inside of a nule (pic related).

There has been precisely one weapon in history built to that design, and it destroyed itself and Nagasaki.

>idols will speak and move about
Obviously celebrities

>black flag above dome
Hmm what group has a very black flag and would love to have comtrol of the powerfully religious symbology of the dome of the rock? I don't know, maybe ask ISIS if they have clue.

Check out my flat earth videos on youtube

>Muh two voices Q post!
Like these alerts, fake and gay.

Lmao this idiot thinks that communication via words is not a voice. Fucking leaf man. Stop making Canada look worse.

possible. probably.

I all ways thought the two voices prophecy part of the prophecy was about Chester and Chris but now Hawaii and Japan could be it or North Korea and South Korea could be it. And what about Nostradamus games of slaughter prophecy/ Could Nostradamus have been warning us of the 2012 Olympics when earths population exploded into 7billion, violent video games, false flags, mass shootings, or this years Olympics? And could the prophecy of Nostradamus games of slaughter have a thing to do with any of this?