Converting to Judaism

I don't know if there are any Jewish people on Sup Forums, but I wonder about whether I should even convert into Judaism if I'll never be recognised as Jewish by Orthodox sects. I've felt a strong connection to Judaism since I was a child, and I really would like to convert.

Why is that man going to shoot his mouth?

I know. Nothing fatal there. All he's gonna due is make the rest of his life miserable.

Just do what the picture suggests. Do it asap.

It's the first step anyone planning on converting to Judaism should take

We can connect you.... the gas chamber.

Do you really want to cut off the most pleasurable part of your dick?

What's the point? Jews are an ethno-religion, it's pretty sad to beg for acceptance into an ethnicity you're not part of.

If you just want the religious attributes, then Christianity is basically Judaism lite with all the rituals and old rules taken out, and Islam is Judaism plus with all the rituals and rules maintained. Take your pick.

It's just a random image, not related.

Dudes gonna blow his nose off through his chin.

Am Islam, problem is, I do believe that the Hebrews were the chosen people of G-d.
Was Islam, it's already gone mate.

Judiasm isn’t that bad, there’s a strong sense of community and outside of Hasidic or orthodox circles you’ll be welcomed, especially if you marry a Jewish girl. The majority of people on pol have no idea what judiasm is but the memes are pretty funny.

imblying you can just pick and choose religions
i really dont like ameritards

We don’t mind converts in conservative or reform judiasm, we do ask a bit more from converts to earn their place but it’s not a completely exclusive club. Talk to your local rabbi and explore if this is an undertaking you truly want to undertake OP, I wish you nothing but the best

>can’t pick an idea
I hate Swedes

Where are you from?

The Hasidic/Orthodox are the best Jews as they're the most religious and the most likely ones to stay Jewish, with the highest retention rate. I mean they're pretty much the only thing that is keeping Israel's birth-rate up. They're the Salafists of Jews.

I love ultra-religious people everywhere, Salafists, Ultra-Orthodox and fundamentalist Christians, etc. Abrahamics need to unite against the secularist meme that is ruining the world with degeneracy and feminism.

They’re alright in that regard. Conservative judiasm in my opinion is essentially the Protestantism of jews. They’re also make up the majority of Jews who want nothing to with pushing some agenda. Secular Jews are sneaky little kikes pretending to practice judiasm while claiming to speak for all Jews


Secular anything is cancerous. Secularism is code-word for cuckoldry, degeneracy, faggotry, feminism and sluttery.

Sup Forums is too fucking stupid to realize that though, they think secularism is the best thing since sliced bread, and especially that religious Muslims/Jews must be evil because those groups actually have religious commandments and rules to follow.

Sup Forums sees secular Jews degenerating societies and thinks that's Judaism, or secular Muslims drinking beer and raping women and thinks that is Islam.

I guess you can try to convert to Judaism but the issue you won't be accepted in the most conservative circles, and only the libtarded ones will probably accept you fully (the secular/Reform type).

Since you're Muslim at least there isn't much difference from halal to kosher and you are already circumcized. Out of curiosity what makes you leave Islam for Judaism though? The belief that Jews are God's chosen people?

If you miss your brain you're gonna have a bad time.

Basically. I figure maybe I should just try to practice as much of it as I can, and just accept that by lottery I'm not chosen by G-d.

You sound like you came from an irreligious/culturally Muslim background, am I right?

Not that irreligious, quite a few of my family members are Hafiz, or have gone to Islamic schools.

Hm, interesting. What makes you give up on Islam then? In terms of rules and commandments it's almost the same as Judaism, except a little less strict on certain things like dietary regulations etc.

I heard your income goes up 50% as soon as you convert.


Islam is Judaism for hicks.

That is not how you kill yourself with a revolver. That is how you shoot your mouth into a mutilated mess and spend the rest of your life eating through a straw, though.

I like you, a Muslim who knows what is up.

>We don’t mind converts in conservative or reform judiasm
... hmmm... well... I beg to differ. Orthodox conversion is the only way to do it.

the guy would avoid his oesophagus and brain and just be in a huge amount of pain with no jaw.
Mayb even blowing off part of his nose, but he wouldnt die.
He'd wish he was dead if he did that

Muslims and Jews have been and would be natural allies if not for the Palestine/Israel shit.

>Image not related.

It's really a matter of beliefs.

It's just the one thing. You've got to admit that Palestinians are not like Saudi Arabia, Egypt or Iran. I don't want more children born in present-day Gaza. I want Gaza cleared and for those there to be accepted into real countries with strong-enough infrastructures. Also, I am okay with giving Palestinians Israeli Citizenship with a long process. Otherwise I think they would be happy in Jordan.


The most ideal solution would be the complete annexation of Palestine by Israel, deportation of all the Shia in the Middle East to Iran, and then the resettlement of the Palestinians in their land. As Iran insists on being the global leader of the Shia and committing terrorism everywhere, it should then take in their religious counterparts. Also Southern Lebanon should preferably be annexed to Israel, or at least maintained as a security buffer if the Shia population from there is expelled.

This will compensate the Sunnis for loss of land, create a Sunni buffer between the Shia and Israel, and also resolve the Israel/Palestinian conflict in one go, with the Palestinians receiving far more land from the confiscated territories than they would have had they stayed in Palestine.

Preferably, Israel should remain an exclusively Jewish state and take steps towards implementing conservative Halacha law, maintaining Jewish traditions and continuing to move in a more conservative direction.

I am half ethnically Jewish. Don't. The members of my dad's side of the family that are *really* into Jewish culture or religion or so arrogant it hurts.

That isn't to say they're all bad. Sup Forums posters love their gross generalizations. But the culture is kind of whack imo.

Beautiful. Okay, this is probably going to be my new stance.

How you think we can make Palestinians happy with Israel again to speed up annexation? How can we make sure Israel will remain safe?

Also, as for the Shia I feel like that is a dream come true. Do you think Iran would even take all of them? Would Shia be upset if such a move to get them all to Iran even started?

Jews are all up for people converting to their beliefs, but you best believe you have to live by their rules if you want to be accepted.

There was a black guy (back where I lived before) that did services for a synagogue that was loved by Jews, but he did nothing but practice their religion.

Your Dad married a goy and you should maybe realize he did not help you in doing this. Then, get back to your roots and convert if you think it's your thing. Obviously your Dad had issues with the religion. I wonder if your parents are still together.

Black Jews are real, they're just scarce and face tremendous pressure, from many, and they are still Jews. You need to really want to do it and you need to learn all the laws.

A possible way to placate the Palestinians is something that Israel is already working towards, using religious Muslim governments like Saudi Arabia to condemn terrorism against Israel and urging the Palestinians to be more aware of the Iran/Shia threat. Propaganda to redirect the minds of Palestinians towards this would serve most well.

This creates an interesting phenomenon where the most religious Palestinians (e.g the Salafist types) are the least concerned with Israel, and the most concerned with the plight of the global Sunni population. This in turn also makes them more "rootless" and easier to move elsewhere than the more secular/nationalistic Palestinians who insist on never giving up their land.

Finally, the religious Islamist groups can already do the dirty work of expelling the Shia populations, and in fact some of the Islamist groups are already willing to reach an accord with Israel, which is promising. This is because they're being led by Saudi Arabia and ultimately take their orders from there. The problem is that the Western governments keep ruining shit by intervening whenever there is "ethnic cleansing" going on. This means this plan would be essentially impossible because if Israel tried to deport the Palestinians or the Islamists tried to deport the Shia, then the West would stick its nose in and start bombing, ruining the process and destroying any chance of a population swap.

The Iranian government is pretty racist, for example the Hazara Shia get deported and beaten and used as cannon fodder in Iran's wars.

However, if this push came to the shove, then they either accept their compatriots or they get exposed as fakes. It's perfect for Israel. And if Iran does accept them, then they have no reason to be upset, as the mullahs have always complained about the growing atheism of the native Iranian population, so they can have an injection of fellow religious Shia fanatics that they so crave.


A saving grace might be finally now that America and Europe are being stuffed full of their immigrant populations, and moving further left-wing, they'll stop their meddling in the area and allow Israel to exercise full authority over the region.

This should hopefully happen over the next few decades, allowing Israel to go ahead with moving the Palestinians out into resettled territories.

go for it bro. I'm chabad and yet im here on pol too

you can't change races user.
some libshit jews will accept you but not the satanic kikes who run things.

>This creates an interesting phenomenon where the most religious Palestinians (e.g the Salafist types) are the least concerned with Israel, and the most concerned with the plight of the global Sunni population. This in turn also makes them more "rootless" and easier to move elsewhere than the more secular/nationalistic Palestinians who insist on never giving up their land.
If they're more rootless, but more religious they sound like the kind who should stay in Israel and help in changing the attitudes of the non-religious nationalists.

I go to Chabad and am converting.

He's correct OP.

They don't really work like that, as with all ultra-religious people they just want to be with other ultra-religious people, preferably living under a theocratic state of their religion.

However, because they are so much less attached to nationalism, it makes them easier to move them to another land, and allow Israel to annex Palestine ultimately in the future.

They are Sunni, I read what you said and I thought you were saying the Shia should be transplanted and Sunni integrated.

Who's right?

He's right I am still learning, someone who is Chabad like can help a great deal.

I appreciate your input!

>However, if this push came to the shove, then they either accept their compatriots or they get exposed as fakes. It's perfect for Israel. And if Iran does accept them, then they have no reason to be upset, as the mullahs have always complained about the growing atheism of the native Iranian population, so they can have an injection of fellow religious Shia fanatics that they so crave.
Alright then, as for any other things I also really am okay with Iran. I think there are just things that need to happen there for the better of everybody.

The Shia should be transplanted to Iran, and the Sunnis transplanted into the formerly Shia areas, allowing Israel to absorb the entirety of the Palestine area and remain a purely Jewish state as it was originally envisioned.

If you're white, look at Christian Identity.

>How to Ruin a Nice Set of Teeth.epub

british dentistry

OP here, I'm not white in the way you're asking, and no offense but that seems like an asspull.

Once a goy, always a goy - Even Ivanka gets flack for being a shiksa from the inner circle of the Tribe, that's for sure. Plus, you gotta get circumcised, a deal breaker right there desu

Not smart, Europe will be Muslim soon and Jews are first on their hit list.

Okay I love this idea the most.