>The bear will leave its cave forever.
It's nothing r-r-r-right guys?
Other urls found in this thread:
I literally don't care.
Fuck off paid shill, there has multiple threads about this all day. Thanks for correcting the record, kike.
This is some bullshit to get two more liberal left coast senators. They shouldn't do a partition they should just secede from the US since they hate it so much.
You are welcome sweetie ;^)
Only 3 signs left...
>my county isn’t in new california
Dude go look at the stats those rural areas are hugely red, this would actually add two RED senators, AND lower the democrats electoral votes from CA!
No stupid fucking Californians we do t change the fucking flag just because you want to be faggots if you want to separate you have to join another state we aren't redesigning the flag just for you
Where are you from, user?
Yeah, it's literally nothing.
>look ma, I posted it AGAIN!
It seems to be picking up on twitter.
The other 49 states and the spics ( PR) took a vote , not only do we not want 2 California's ,
We don't want ANY California's .
The tribe has spoken, your voted off the island west coast niggers .
Cut their electoral votes in half. I like it.
That is if you can't read. The more north and inland areas are trying to get away from the coastal areas because of how liberal they are and how they essentially swing the entire state. Look how they want to break apart for the new state.
California didn't pass gay marriage for a reason. false/phony population numbers.
The fucking areas leaving are mostly red state farmland full of truck driving trump voters you dolt, if California thought it was getting them more senators they'd already be fast tracking to give them the advantage in the Senate, that is simply logical. The democrats resist this though because the MILLIONS of rural voters are hamstrung to give the democrats electoral votes
It would add two red senators and lower the democrats electoral college starting numbers and chances, it would be a death blow and that's why they're fighting it instead of insisting upon it like DACA
This plan by the way is MUCH better than the one guys where it's 6 states, with Silicon Valley as it's own state.
THAT was a democrat plan to do evil but if it's all the rural areas bailing on just LA, SF, and Sacramento then it WILL kill the democrats.
People not from CA don't understand the liberal disease is concentrated in LA, SF, SAC, and the rich coast in between (Santa Barbara, Carmel, etc)
The rural land locked areas are farms and desert red voters, freeing them from the SF/LA/SAC Tyranny Triangle would be enormous
Twitter, that's a real barometer for success and can in no way be astroturfed.
Just like Millions of urban voters are fucked over for a handful of rural shit bags living in trailers with the electoral collage.
Why do we need a new state? Can't we just nuke the blue areas?
Superbly assmad democrat cityfag detected
Keep larping that CA will break up since it's making you feel good right now.
Backwards, friend. California currently "contributes" blue senators and blue electoral votes. Splitting will accelerate the demise of the liberal area, add two red senators, and diminish blue electoral votes while increasing red ones. This is potentially a huge victory.
Have you even done the math for the counties this larp picked out to be the "red counties"?
Trump still loses new California.
I hope they do. Fuck California.
WHY does nobody think this will happen? It looks like they're doing it by the book, Maine and Mass split, West V split from Virginia. America is young, there are bound to be more capitulations as time goes by, especially in such a volatile time period.
We should unironically do everything in our power to support this. Coastal California will 100% vote to secede completely from the Union, and then Trump can just turn it into America’s Gaza ie. build giant wall around it and randomly bombing it every two or three years to remind them who’s boss.
>mfw I thought that was about the Russian bear this whole fucking time
>Damn you Drumpf Commiefornia will secede and be on our own
>New California breaks away from the communist faggot coastal cities instead
Pretty funny desu. Best of luck. Wonder if this is what we need to do in Sweden too. Geat seperation and such.
Post prophecy
The bear!...
Could be!
I hope that flag on their website isn't their final flag design because it's fucking hideous. Literally looks like someone made it in MS Paint and then put a clipart star on it.
Also, nothing is going to happen. This will be the same as all that State of Jefferson shit a few decades ago. They didn't get anywhere then and they aren't going to get anywhere now.
Also also, I noticed that they intend to include the vast majority of SoCal in their new state, including San Diego. Kek, enjoy continuing to be a blue state since spics will all vote Dem and continue to flood New California.
Also also also, if their official name is anything other than New California Republic, they can get fucked.
They should go with commiefornia or shithole
May as well separate NYC and Long Island while they're at it...
If they do this what will stop Illinois from making Chicago it's own state? This applies to any state that has a large rural population and a major urban city
>farmland trump voters
You idiot. The farmland is 50% mexican.
As a McHenry county resident (50 miles from Chicago) I really wish they fucking would!!
2016 presidential map
Fuck that. Just kick them out of the union
>break away from california
>runs out of water or gets taken to the cleaners paying for it
>taxes go way up
>cost of living increases even more
>everyone more unhappy
bump for the prophecy
nigger the water comes from INLAND. It would be the other way around, old california would get the shaft
>New California is formed,
>Whites flock to New California
>Becomes prosperous, booming economy
>California turns into 3rd world shithole
>leftwing loonies move to New California
>mexicans move to New California
revolving circle
No, this will close the cycle. Everyone will see it first hand, all eyes will be on NC. If normie whites see NC flourish under all white rule, then watch the darkie horde ruin it, all over social media and the internet which is unfettered info, they'll know that the day of the rope has come. No more hiding, no more white guilt, no more white man's burden.
In my opinion this is a very good thing. I know many people from Cali, not the urban mad max coast (which really is ungovernable), but the interior. Most of these people are very sensible and conservative. It's not about getting 2 more liberal senators, it's about distancing themselves from the urban hordes of the west coast who basically steamroll the votes and voices of those of the interior. I say more power to the new state: state's rights over federal authority any day.
>Moving to rural suburban retard land out of their progressive utopias
2016 Senate map
>mfw they think only 50 states
succeeding from the US is unconstitutional and would have to result in some sort of war to actually (((succeed))). this is just typical californians trying to be edgy
Not from the US, from Commiefornia to become a better state and remain in the US.
I would be so happy if California left the US. It would be the end of the Democratic party forever, and there is a good chance that any committed liberal would happily migrate to California. I think it would absolutely be the best thing that could happen in my lifetime. However, the only way I would agree is if California was not allowed to rejoin the US at a later time.
This feelsbadman
Fuck them most are parasites
I really, really, REALLY hope this actually happens. I am trapped literally in the middle of shittifornia in the central valley and I am getting sick of being associated with coastal retards.
>caring this much about 50 stars
It hasn't even been 50 for a century yet, who gives a fuck?
Why are people so obsessed with the idea of an unchanging count of 50 states?
Yep, I'm on that rah coast. Set these people FREE!
So wait what about San Diego? They're in new California aswell. How much will they dominate New Cali's politics?
they most likely couldn't as the debt would be way too high to take them in as we already won't take puerto rico because of how much in debt they are.
if the states split up we have to liberate ventura county by force.
I'd be fine with it if they just left out some of those highly latino southern counties. Also New California sounds really gay. What happened to the state of Jefferson?
I thought I heard they just literally took republicans off the ballot fore congress in Cuckfornia.
There was no Republican candidate in 2016
Democracy must always be moving the lawmakers closer to the voters.
they did we got to choose between democrat A and democrat B
>we'll take the socal beachline and form our own country!
>Mexico grows a northern state in four months
It looks like it's close, but the new state will still be blue; all blue counties in new states are very populated, and rad ones mostly are not.
>brainlet that does not know how California senate elections work.
factor out the illegals and the fake votes the old calie government did, so it is very red.
Man, there are lots of dumb coastliners saying "I never heard of this, btw I live in an urban shithole and never went to the rural parts"
The point to split isnt about the votes for the country, its about the votes to make a better state. Most of the morons live on the coast.
As I understand it, if there was faking, it would have been done by locals at local voting centers, hence done by same people who will govern after seceding.
Illegals make it red pablo. San Diego and new jobs will make liberals flock and make it blue again. Plus, how will you sell it to the democrats? PR or DC for 51st state.
Don't forget the whole AIDS thing. Fuck, the whole Decriminalization of intentionally spreading AIDS alone is a pretty perfectly good reason to split California up, sure does suck to live the Rural area and not have guns because some crybaby city kid said so, thinking the entire state is literally just the city.
Too bad it's illegal. You can't establish new territories in already established states. This will be struck down fairly quickly.
However, if say there was a new land mass off the coast of the US somewhere, then you could do that.
As soon as NCR is formed, all the social leeches will move to the coast for their free gibs.
So wait. Let me get this straight. LA is being returned to Mexico ?
>Orange County and San Diego being left out of "New California"
I'm shocked
For us posting on Sup Forums, the effect on the country is the only interesting part. You'd have two blue states after this instead of one, with more total electoral votes for president, and more blue senators.
If Sacramento "agrees" to it, then it's possible. The counties signing on would have to push this through state legislature first, which is up in the air atm.
actually it was done by the state as the state tells the local polls what to do like no voter ID laws and no asking if someone is legal or not, so it is the state doing it not the local places.
Even if Sacramento agreed, Federal Court, or really any high authority in the land could squash it.
My advice is to just move out of California and let the idiots continue to make fools of themselves.
Oh....yeah, yeah the illegals will make it red and shit.
Constitution puts that to Congress and the Legislatures, not the courts. See: Article IV, Section 3.
How will it even work with seceding, with NC inherit all laws from C or will they start with blank slate, having to pass all laws from scratch?
>925 is in New California
I find this odd, considering the majority of this place is full of lefties, illegals, white starbucks cucks, Instagram cunts, and drug dealers. The only "conservative" city being Martinez, and half of that place is full of meth-abusing wiggers that constantly ask to bum a cigarette. At the moment, the county is Ellen Show and Instagram liberal, not Tumblr liberal.
DUES VAULY my friend, I will wait on the battle feilds of pittsburgh and philly for you as here we need to get rid of gibs grabbers are selves.
New state Constitution (which I'm certain they already have written out), and new laws, yes. I'm sure that the 2hioe pint of this is BECAUSE Sacramento's laws piss on the inland parts of the state.
they will keep all local laws but get rid of state laws and start fresh with those.
San Diegan here. Ready to bash some commie skulls in the upcoming war for independence.
Since everybody is too stupid to read the article, this would be a phenomenal thing if it were to happen. It would split the electoral votes of California and effectively neuter the primary Democrat stronghold.
What are you on about North Carolina?
There were no Republican candidates, retard. It was two dems running against each other.
>everyone in the thread already talking about how it will split the votes
>wow you guys are too stupid to read the article, this will split votes!
The Northwest already IS New California faggotz.
> electoral collage
faggot mural
He doesn't realize that the abbreviation for NC is already taken.
>declare independence
>continue following orders from california's government
>continue paying taxes to california's government
>"declare independence"