Talent always wins against hardwork: the animation

>talent always wins against hardwork: the animation

No, talent AND hard work wins against only hard work. Try again

But what about ambition, dreams, and goals?

And love for what you do.

No such thing as talent, you just got lucky and won the genetic lottery.

>love for what you do

This is something that is constantly overlooked, especially on Sup Forums. Smile, China and Dragon were all miserable playing ping pong. Really only Peco was purely in it for the love of it. Everything else comes second to that.

wow sounds like every sports shonen ever

So? Isn't that life?

No it's not you normie cuck. You'll never be CEO no matter how hard you work, your success is entirely luck based.

that's what talent means, you retard

That's the Japanese attitude towards everything. Hard work means literally nothing in the grand scheme of things because talent is just a natural boost that puts you above everyone else.


Talent == Being born with rich parents.

Talent > Hard Work

Ping Pong did nothing wrong.

Not really. Peco only loved winning.

Talent and luck are factors in life that you cannot obtain and impact you the most. Everyone is capable of working hard.

>PPV buyrates > talent > hardwork

>you don't love something unless you enjoy losing at it

>everyone can work hard
>written on NEET harbor Sup Forums

That's not what it's saying, what it's saying is "no matter how hard you work, there is always going to be someone you can't surpass because they're simply better than you"


Its more like "you wont be number 1 but you can still have fun" like all sports manga like showing.

lesnar is a great example of talent > hardwork

>only Peco
Globetrotting bleacher guy was best boy. Truly in love with ping pong.

This show is honestly too good for you emotionally crippled retards to be ablet to put its "message" into one short sentence.


Yeah, this chinese cartoon is truly a literary masterpiece, on par with Joyce and Proust. Way above the level of these mongoloids on the 4chin