First Hawaii, then Japan, now Detroit?
Are we being shelled Sup Forums?
"Meteorite" hits Detroit
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I'm guessing the lack of interest is die to the fact that if either a meteorite or middle hit Detroit it wouldn't look much different than before
>Are we being shelled
I fucking hope so
How could one even tell if Detroit got nailed with a kinetic strike?
Outer limits of Detroit, yes. Metro Detroit is quite nice though.
>Irrelevant frustrated snow nigger detected
If it did hit Detroit it would be a massive improvement. Sadly, it burned up in the atmosphere.
We are entering a period of intense asteroid bombardment just like 12000 years ago and that ancient civilizations tried to warn us about as bust they could. The bright flashes, the false missile readings, the strange booms. It is only going to get worse anons until there are small factions holed up deep in caves and other prepared facilities, but it takes a fucking lot to protect against. If really big ones start hitting it won't matter what you are in if it is direct. The only bright side is it will be very intermittent and last over 100 years, but still, we are entering an age of destruction.
This is primitive artillery.
Space-Niggers are throwing rocks at us.
is there a link to the fucking video or something?
Are we getting hit with more rocks or do we just now have the global media to know it?
We could have been slammed with a bunch of meteors 400 years ago but unless there was a direct hit on a populated area that also had written language we'd never know.
The more important question is how many blacks did it kill? Over 10, right?
>BREAKING NEWS! A meteorite has slammed into Detroit with the force equivalent to a 25 kiloton nuclear weapon. Improvements are estimated to be in the billions
El Catastrofe...
Yes, we are being hit with nukes, but they are being shot down before they can do any damage. We are in a stage where both sides know no damage will be done, and each strike is being used like a move in chess. Eventually, one will get through, or sleeper cells will be activated and will use whatever means are available to them. Look to nuke plants, dams, communications, and paper tigers.
Nigger I am an origami enthusiast and my whole room is covered in paper tigers, are they really coming for my things?
Was there a meteor strike in Hawaii or are you referring to the false alarm thing?
I know it's anecdotal, but I grew up camping and stargazing in the midwest, and never saw fireball types of meteors until a few years ago, and now I've seen 4 of them in the past couple of years without even trying.
You can keep up with fireball reports and stats on the American Meteor Society.
la catastrofe i take my muttspeak seriously
Its Trumps fault
It would be an improvement.
The boy who cried wolf.
It’s too late
please be the end of the world
Seems odd that projectiles or alleged projectiles are hitting these places is all
They are missles. They are being lasered down. Prepare.
I live in a rural area and have seen a few fireball meteors myself. I’ve never seen one that lights up the sky and casts shadows and shakes houses though.
Big deal.
Its fucken nothing.
lmao what a piece of shit
>fucking war started and we don't even know
I bet you would suck his dick if he said that about obama you dumb trump fuxk
its cold outside and i'm comfy. got my tendies my chans why bother with war?
not gonna lie that's pretty funny
>now had they offered him money and he refused I'd think he was a retard.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself beaner.
Theyve sent a terminator back in time to end Trump because he saves mankind!
Protect him!
It wasnt a meteor!
Heartache and disappointment can be avoided. But only if we feel disappointment and heartache.
-Adolf Hitler
The difference is saying about Trump isn't brave or taking a stand. When you align lockstep with all your 36 year old single aunts politically it's not cool or well thought out. Witholding something because FOX "is like totally FOR trump, man!" isn't praiseworthy.
Doing this to Obama and CNN would actually make sense, be original, and actually brave.
Saw it out the window, brother and I thought it was just lightning.
I played assassins creed too bro
Just become a comedian already
Checked n kek’d
More people looking. More people reporting.
Speaking of looking and reporting, anyone got periscope links?