
Everyday this place begins to look more like the front page of reddit.. What the hell is going on? Lately I have heard some pretty crazy things here as well. like,

>The holocaust happened
>Blacks are only bad because of the way they were brought up
>MLK was an American hero
>Jews are only in top places in society because they are smarter than whites
>Paul Joseph Watson is BASED!
>Jews control the media,, What are you talking about.. I just don't see it
>Faith goldy fucks kids
>Lauren southern Fucks niggers
>Richard spencer is a Faggot
>James allsup has down syndrome

What the hell is going on here? I don't even feel welcomed anymore... This place has been my home for so long and you stupid faggots are ruining it.. I even had someone tell me that the 14 words are offensive.. I just want my home back.. Why most (((They))) take everything away from us?

Other urls found in this thread:


Its part of Soros' 18 billion dollar shill campaign

>Its part of Soros' 18 billion dollar shill campaign
>ShareBlue, CTR, BB
>Facebook, tumblr, MTG(?)
It's been particularly bad lately, user.

That's what ironic shitposting does.



The "emm oh dee ess" are also deleting interesting prescient threads and letting the shill threads hang around. The way to control the hivemind is to usurp its moderation, which has happened.

well trump and his team are starting to fly over their target, hence why there are so many fucking shills and slide thread 24/7

What is MTG?

I'm with you, brother. It's either ironic shitposting, or actual plebbit boomers spouting their kiked research as source.

The best you can do is drop red pills on every thread(even the cucked trump containment threads). Don't lose hope. Stand strong, don't let the plebbit horde win.

(((they))) are jelly


We always had faggot mods.
That's why we get a hundred homo threads every day.
Now we have Jew nigger faggot mods, because we do scary shit like control news cycles and fuck with elections.
They can't be too blantant but these fucking Jews are really spending a lot of money trying to push shit up hill and make Leftypol a thing here.
Cunts don't realise where they are kek.

intense shilling. and since they actually got a lot better at it, the newfags tend to fall for their bullshit more often than not. Also we seem to have a lot more spergy autists. moarpheus, for example.

I can't really think of anything to combat it other than dropping as many redpills as possible. the mods are useless so we can't count on them for anything. as for the autists, just point out their autism and post count, which is typically like 1/3 of the posts in an entire thread.

Saved. Thanks

This. We'd have shill threads before, but the frequency is only getting worse. I started to noticed when multiple threads all of a sudden started to pop up as to why "ethno-nationalism won't work", and all this other cucked shit like pro-commie and fag threads.

Like I said before, keep dropping redpills any chance you get, tell anons/r/boomers to watch The Greatest Story Never Told, and make productive threads to bump out the shitty slide threads. Keep strong.

Boomers and /ptg/


Don't worry. Operation Lazarus is underway.

You're right, jews are only in top places because their nose emits a psionic field that increases suggestibility.

Have some more.

In addition to this; Always call out the kikes. They get scared when you do that.

Descartes firts name was renè? Lmfao

My kind of porn

I love how the mods delete Nigger hate threads for being off topic, but will allow constant spamming of eclebs

>tfw he was probably talking about how Jews lie but the Jews spun it to make it sound like he lies

Become even more radical.


It's what happens when something becomes too mainstream.

I'm really getting tired of the constant shill posts and off topic threads (with the exception of good ol' nigger hate threads).

Wrong, shill.

True true.
Meet our new Mods everybody, Carl and Lauren.
Yeah fuck those threads.

Don't forget to report and not reply to the vaginal threads.
They are meant to call for traitors to help fuck up the board.

>The holocaust happened
Dont care
>Blacks are only bad because of the way they were brought up
As a black person I can admit blacks have lower iqs. It's just science nothing racist about facts.
>MLK was an American hero
MLK was flawed liked kennedy his message is what was important
>Jews are only in top places in society because they are smarter than whites
dont studies show a certain group of jews are really smart. Also whites are hilariously incompetent. "We be superior with our genes and shiet, HELP WEZ BE GETTING GENOCIDED!!!"
>Paul Joseph Watson is BASED!
infowars is 80% pill pushing 20% headline reading so their input is irrelevant.
>Jews control the media,, What are you talking about.. I just don't see it
Jews do run the media someone pull up that infographic with all the jewish people in key positions
>Faith goldy fucks kids
>Lauren southern Fucks niggers
e-celeb cancer usually warrants a sage
>Richard spencer is a Faggot
lol the fact that anyone looks to him to be their furher is hilarious
>James allsup has down syndrome
seriously who?
60% shitposting 40% shilling(left or right)



It's over, you can run but you can't hide.

Nigger hate threads keep me going.. They only seem to get like 120 replies before the jewish mods delete them.

seeing colored folks chimping out was the biggest redpill for me when I was a child.

>nigger hate threads deleted for being off topic
My God. What has happened to Sup Forums?

E celeb posts by failures trying to find a new mom or dad on youtube are the cancer killing pol.

I-I didn't know JIDF was a real thing. I'm so sad now.


Commie niggers sitting around on food stamps niggerposting all day.
How can white guys posting from work even compete jej.

Slide thread


How come Ive never seen this before lmao, source?


Shut up faggot

Props for them doing it right: you kill the females foremost in a race war, not the males. This way some beta (often from their own side) can't help her replicate her nigger genes.
"Durr, spare females", pff. Traitor talk.

Hitler himself admitted the USSR was industrializing at a ludicrous pace. The words he used were "incredible" and "unbelievable".

This is from his famous "table talk" with Mannerheim.


Also, from the diaries of Albert Speer you can learn that Hitler seriously regretted Barbarossa by 1944. If he had another run, he would have never invaded the Soviet Union.

Literally the opposite you braindead leaf


remember real /pol is allways right


OP is a faggot

>Soviets lost 20 million people
>Germans 3 million

Commies won thanks to the help of daddy USA and Mommy UK


Nigga please, Jews didn't create anything
>muh Jew studies say Jews are really smart
You should take heed to that shit you said about blacks having low IQs.

Without lend lease the commies would have fallen in 44. There is no one willing to feed you supplies this time.

It's the degenerate disgusting cumskins fault



The replies i see on certain threads seems automated af
>Did USSR have a currency
>real communism

Shut the fuck up shill within a shill.
It's fucking shills all the way down people. Any thread naval gazing about "what have we become oh dear me!" is fucking fake. Learn friends. We are under ceaseless attack.

>jews are stupid
>somehow they manage to insert themselves into key positions of power essentially running the most important institutions in the world being not smart
Whether they invented anything or not is irrelevant you mong. The fact is they are pushing your races shit in.
>inb4 "hur dur nice try nigger but I's got them superior genes"

The hue knows how things are done.

Never stop attacking. The jews bet you to explain yourself and go on the defense.

OP you never knew? Sup Forums is mostly Libtard faggots. And of course far left wing Nazi (Socialists)

>holocaust didn't happen
>blacks are the way they are due to genetics, if it were another factor they wouldn't be the same everywhere
>MLK was a communist
>Jews pulled "mug holocaust" victim card to take everything they have
>paul Joseph Watson is a faggot though it seems he has shifted slightly more right recently
>Jews control the media
Everything else is shilling

The only chance the Nazis had of forcing the Soviet government to collapse was in 1941, but even then, they never had a realistic shot at taking Moscow, which probably wouldn't have even led to surrender. But at least there was a probability that wasn't zero. Either way, Operation Barbarossa ended with both sides exhausted and the Wehrmacht halted and then pushed back during winter, all with no American Lend Lease.

However, American tanks, trains, and especially trucks were instrumental in mechanizing the Red Army so that it could beat the Wehrmacht at its own game by 1944. In that summer, a well equipped and professional Red Army took perhaps a million Axis troops off the map while pushing hundreds of miles, dwarfing the successes of the Western Allies in France. Perhaps the absence of Lend Lease would mean a far slower Soviet advance and consequently, a unified Germany under Anglo-American occupation.
It's really a shame actually more Krauts should've died.

like we said in the olden days: back to stormfront with you

The real holocaust happened after Germany surrendered.

> His best estimate is that some three million Germans died unnecessarily after the official end of hostilities. A million soldiers vanished before they could creep back to the holes that had been their homes. The majority of them died in Soviet captivity (of the 90,000 who surrendered at Stalingrad, only 5,000 eventually came home) but, shamingly, many thousands perished as prisoners of the Anglo-Americans. Herded into cages along the Rhine, with no shelter and very little food, they dropped like flies. Others, more fortunate, toiled as slave labour in a score of Allied countries, often for years. Incredibly, some Germans were still being held in Russia as late as 1979.

I wonder why I never read about this in school? Never forget the 3 million who were systematically murdered in 1945 After the surrender

Nepotism is just that powerful, user. Doesn't take that much of brains or skills to infect.

Funny how everyone loved National Socialism until (((they))) saw it was hurting their world dominance.

It's not funny leaf

So did the Nazis at any point in time have a chance? No they didn't

Is that real?

I'm with you brother

r/the_donald cuckolds are flooding in. That's why we get retarded shit like :"DAE why isn't first and second wave feminism cool guise?" "BASED niggers amirite," "DANGEROUS faggot", "AWOOOO", "Islam is the real threat guys, not racial replacement", and more, brought to you by the_cuckold.

I'm aware how helpful jews are to other jews but it's down right ignorance to say there isn't some intellligence behind their actions.

fuck off mutt


they problem is YOU OP
sucking miles and miles of COCK
go back to /leftypol/

oh yeah they've been around for a long time.

Make sure to call out the plebbitards for who they are.

Nonsense like this is why homosexuals shouldn't be in the military.

BTW the economy was fine until trash like Khrushchev took over the leadership after Stalin's death.

This is a shill TEMPLATE right here. This is point by point specifically a Sup Forumstard profile they want to broadcast, simple-minded, cliched platitudes that are mindlessly applied. Fake. The absolute state of shilling. Layers and layers of bullshit.

Don't lose your farm to niggers, faggot!

MOST of this thread is bots.

Art is the most powerful form of expression, as well as the driving force for rallying people and changing minds. This is the main reason why (((they))) have infiltrated it, and lowered the standard of art with shitty vag egg splats and (((abstract art)))

leaf please. your counter-ops are not fooling anyone

Sup Forums is a National Socialist board, you boomer leaf faggot.

There's alot of money being spent to canvas this place. Soros whores shill for shekels.

This is fake btw

>He said with zero evidence

We is all bots, faggot

Jews like to use a little trick called "pilpul" when debating. Look it up. This is why they call themselves "smart", when they actually avoid the questions and put up strawmen and lies.


very good advice. never back down,never apologize: attack.

Shill detected

Keep fighting the good fight



I know the feel user, I came here almost every day to ignite the spark of hope I still had. If the cucks are threatening our beloved board, we take the fight to Facebook, Tumblr and whatnot.