Which country has the worst tourists?
Which country has the worst tourists?
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Are there more upskirt from said dirty tourists?
Fuck the Chinese
Official tourists: China
Economic “tourists”: Mexico
Both are soulless pieces of shit.
China by far. They pollute virtually every area they visit. Assault animals at zoos. Disrespect all native laws. While also causing trouble.
Chinese or french
Mexicans. They never leave
Every French tourist that I've met have been civilized and well behaved. French Canadians are a different story.
French people talk shit in English, Quebec French talk shit in their gutter-rat language
In the US it has to be Nigerians/Africans easily. They are fucking rude fuckers who think they are special and different from the American niggers and want to be treated as if they were white. They will talk to you like you are a pleb while still being as stingy as any other nig.
After that probly pajeets/arabs. Typically nice people but have absolutely no respect for western culture/hygiene. They will spit in public in doors. Snort up snot like pigs every 10 seconds.
Chinks are rude too. They don’t cause problems usually but they won’t acknowledge your existence unless it is necessary. Sometimes loud and always fucking impatient.
>t. Worked in a hotel in an expensive area
Nobody has said the fat annoying American, what's going on?
Chinese for sure. They're everywhere in LA and they don't speak a word of English.
Fuck off, I wear St George flag swimming shorts every time I go abroad, I also like fighting the krauts for the sun beds by the pool at 6am
americans leave good tips
they didnt want to call you out
China and America, they are both the most disrespectful and impolite tourists.
Has to be Brits. Sorry geeza's.
he looks irish
Not to an Irish person.
England. Way more annoying than us yanks.
Brits by far.
Because you have 0 idea how bad chinese are. Even the most clueless america is better than the arrogant chinese tourist.
Lol! Coming from the world’s worst hosts.
Turks, they always come in with their big dicks and masculine features and steal all the women.
The True American™ indeed. Something for us to look up to.
During the 2006 world cup I remember all the Mexicans in Germany, shit was weird. They were all clearly of Spanish descent because their skin color, they spoke perfect English, and they weren't gutter people.
have you ever even been to france? yes or no.
>they spoke perfect English, and they weren't gutter people.
They weren't Mexican. They were most likely from one of the South American countries.
Your pic explains perfectlu why Americans are bad tourists.
>They weren't Mexicans
Literally every single one of them was wearing a Mexico jersey or shirt.
He's a good boy, please, stop being rude.
Russians and Americans judging from my experience
and Arabs forgot about the thieving shit skins
In Korea and Japan they're like a plague
For whatever reason Central Americans and some South Americans idolize Mexico as if it's this great place.
Probably Hong Kong.
I lived with a rapist and an angry drunk my first year in Hong Kong and that was the mere tip of the iceberg.
Pic related...
This I’m the only one that tips around here
People look at me like I’m Jesus
Do other people from other countries not tip?
Brits and Chinks share the top spot
I'm an American who has visited bulgariq. Why don't you like us? I can understand Russia, vidqh mnogo ruski glupaci v cherno more
Came here to post this
stop fucking making these threads on Sup Forums, this board is not about countries
Chinese tourists followed by Indian/southeastern Asians. The fucking caste system means they treat anyone like shit by defult
t. wage slave
England. They're everything they pretend to hate about Americans multiplied by 9001.
Germans and Brits. Fuck all of them.
Shit my
No, sometimes just let some change on the table or round up to a round number.
I live in Thailand and it has to be the Chinese. Russians and Indians can be quite rude, but the Chinese are worse by any metric.
True dat
Yeah I've seen you there you damned dirty ape.
i would guess the problem americans are niggers and the drunk sjw "i know my rights" .
they loose a lot of rights when they leave the country.
Yeah I thought this was going to be an anti American circle jerk but decided to come in the thread anyway
part of the fault lies in the fact that we haven't had a good happening in well over 2 months now and as a result people go off topic to have a stimulating conversation
it's a damn shame, I was really hoping some christmas market would get truck of peace'd during christmas but I guess all those merkel blocks worked after all
French Canadians and Aussies.
I Focus
On my T
The only thing... that's real
And your ability to speak English explains perfectly why the French are an inferior culture subjected to speaking the language of those that allow them to be.
I can honestly say, with good heart, intention and conviction, that of all the myriad of beings and creatures god in his infinite wisdom placed upon this earth, there is none more toxic, venomous, conniving or disgusting than the Anglo-Saxon man. His breath reeks of his nation's horrible 'culinary culture'. His woman sleeps with whichever "ethnic" roams onto his street next. His mangled and subhuman hands have brought about the end of many a great peoples and the only thing his wretched, dirty eyes see is envy and lust.
The Anglo-Saxon is a natural liar and conman, those allied with him should be aware. His armies crumple with the slightest blow of the wind however he will still beat his chest and claim victory and his integral role in any operation. He has allied himself with some of the most dastardly and evil forces in the world and in his arrogance has been enslaved and corrupted by them. The only respite I can find in these horrific injustices committed by the United Kingdom is their eventual and soon coming extinction, for the Anglo-Saxon , through all his hate and bitterness, hates nothing more than himself.
I think it has to be us. Chinks are disgusting, but I don't think that's them being bad tourists - just bad people.
The Chinese.
I visited Washington DC in 2016 and the whole trip was marred by chinks talking loudly, smoking and disrespecting monuments and climbing on them and things. Like for fuck sake where were your park rangers to wrangle these fuckers?
I'm Bulgarian, Americans are based, don't listen to the retard. Even if you guys can be a bit fat and rude, at least you speak English, unlike filthy Brits, know how to have fun and not get triggered, and don't start shit for no reason.
Americans are actually good tourists.
That guy needs to be stomped in the face.
Well, I guess it makes sense, 6am being the only time a britbong wouldn’t get horrible sunburn and end up looking like a shrivelled scrotum for the next week. Or two
Maybe the guys i ran into were cunt
niggers with money
Digits confirm, I’m a horrible tourist. I just get pissed, ogle their women the retire to my room and shitpost on Sup Forums
Arabs or Chinese
Other tourists aren't as bad, but I live in England so I get cross when they don't speak even basic English.
> French
> Civilised and well behaved.
Good joke mate
> fighting the krauts
That's just a british instinct, fight the french and krauts.
Well, it tends to be chavs that get the attention.
The European and UK tourists here are the most ignorant pieces of shit. Not only they are gullible but they are fucking annoying as well and won't quit asking questions.
A lot of european tourists die in our beaches because they can't read the "swim between the flags" sign and then get caught in rips or eaten by crocodiles
the brits at the seaside guzzling down burgasko and vomiting all over the sand definitely took away from the trip, luckily we were able to ask around to see where the natives like to vacation. Had a great time around sozopol and later ahtopol.
Only 5 more years till I retire there. Can't wait, Bulgaria e dosta strahotna
Depends on your country probably.
It takes money to cross the Atlantic
Rich Chinese are snobby entitled bastards
Rich Europeans usually come from more quiet upper-class backgrounds.
Chinese are pretty shit tier generally.
However the worst is absolutely Mexicans. They never leave and suck up recources
Literally the best place to go. I go there every year. Did you go to the cliff jumping spot?
The absolute worst. They introduce themselves as frenchmen or germans which is always funny. They don't often want stuff, but when something breaks they make a scene. When they leave, the location is covered in litter, the sheets are stained and they leave a mountain of dirty dishes.
>English, Scottish, Irish, Australian, NZ, Cubans, Chileans, Romanians
The most interesting and people of all, especially the old ones, and some of them you keep in contact with. The most interesting and talkative guests. However, do not accept working class, male-only groups. They are even worse than arabs, trash the place and demand free stuff.
Always pleasant so far. The young ones talk like idiots, married couples are very nice. Not as bad mannered as you'd expect, but they will hold you accountable to provide good service. I have no problem with that.
>Canada, Scandinavia, Chinks
The ideal guests if you're only in it for the money. They're polite and never want anything. Grateful, punctual, happy to accept changes etc. Not a lot of outstandingly interesting individuals though. Also Swedes always have trouble with directions.
Fuck Neapolitans they all want free stuff and complain about everything. The older people are super nice though, even if from southern Italy. Italians are never on time and lie about when they will be there.
>Spain, Holland and Finland
Fun people, kind of autistic. I don't know why they are the same category.
Also reserved and kind of autistic, but rude.
>Germany, France, Czech, Swiss, Austrian
Well mannered, reserved, punctual, bad at small talk. Never any problems. Ideal guests except for single college aged men. Stay away from those.
>Poland, Russia
Fuck these guys, they leave a mess almost always.
>Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Argentina, Brazil etc
I don't know why but they always clean everything and act grateful. Always use the lock boxes
Florida here... Sounds like home
This. There was one stupid bunt decided to have a dip north of the Daintree a year ago or so... at 2000 hrs. Unsurprisingly she got eat. Croc got shot and human remains were found in its belly.
Plot twist, the remains were from a chopper crash the previous week.
>moral to the story - fuck off were fullr
Anzu is a pretty girl with no penis, STOP!
Somalia. They go to Minnesota, get on public aid and never leave.
No, I didn't hear about that. There was just too much cool shit in Bulgaria that I didn't have time to visit, the country really is a treasure trove and everything is just a train/bus ride away (we don't even have trains or buses where I live so it was cool, probably normal for Bulgarians).
I'll definitely add that spot to my list, blagodarya ti za recommendation-ut
Americans by far
False. Japs and Koreans are fine and polite, but so many Chinese are so recently middle-class they're practically still poorfag savages. Rude as fuck too. There new found wealth has them showing up EVERY WHERE and treating their hotels, AirBnBs, hosts etc. like complete shit.
The Chinese have completely usurped Americans as the worst tourists.
An amazing feat but ultimately not very surprising. Mainland Chinese are relatively new to the outside world and the concept of foreign "culture and rules" escapes them. A fat American tourist may talk loudly or bump shoulders with people but they won't take a shit in public (most of the time) just "because".
Not so for Chinese tourists. Combine all of the worst features of any foreign tourist and you get the Chinese. They literally shit in the streets, disrespect cultures, deface monuments and art pieces, eat like ravenous pigs, and cry "racism" if someone calls them out for acting like cunts.
It's so bad that the Chinese government had to create a "no travel" blacklist to try and stop their own people from soiling their reputation abroad.
You gotta ask the locals to show you the good spots. There are so many lesser known places to go to, that foreigners don't see on the internet, or flyers. I've shown around so many ameribros, just because they ask, unlike autistic asocial western Europeans. Where are you getting your Bulgarian from?
you should try the Silistar beach its a cool place
If I had to guess, I'd say Americans. Not because they, themselves, are obnoxious, but I can imagine being some impoverished yurocuck being envious every time they lay eyes on a free American.
bongs are big drinkers, so you'll find them loud at times, but sober they're fine
frogs from Leafistan are semi-arrogant, but it's mostly spillover from their squabbles with the anglophones back home, and they are generally forgiving of the inferior Americans they've deigned to visit
krauts always straight, nothing untoward
chinks are a problem, and just don't seem to fit
It's definitely Muricans. They're so loud and obnoxious. They think they're specially entitled but actually they know almost nothing about the rest of the world. And then there are the ugly, oversized Hawaiian shirts too.
Euros actually fucking complain that Americans are polite and say Good Morning/Afternoon, asking "How are you today" as a follow-up greeting.
Учa кaтo хoби oт някoлкo гoдини. Плaниpaл cъм дa pитaйъp тaм oт oкoлo дeceт гoдини, ceтих ce, чe щeшe дa e дoбpa идeя дa yчa eзикa. Haиcтинa e мнoгo кpacив eзик, ocoбeнo c кaк poдoвeтe я пpaвят мнoгo rhythmic и пoeтичнa.
Щe гo нaпишa зa cлeдвaщия път, блaгoдapя!
kek as a Texan I've seen this just by visiting places like Colorado or Wyoming. People look at you crazy just for saying
>hey how's it going
gonna have to go with brits too. granted we don't get many non-european tourists, except the occasional jap for some reason. but out of the tourists we do get, brits are the worst.
They're like the more rowdy Americans