if you can score 26 or better on this incredibly challenging test, you are mentally fit to be the president of the USA
This is the test Trump passed
If you score 26 or better on this test, you have no signs of Alzheimer's or other cognitive problems.
*and win an election
The media doesn't really have any room to criticize Trump for being mentally incompetent in any way, shape, or form.
The fact that you are still trying to make fun of Trump shows that you are incredibly boring. Seriously how can you look yourself in the mirror
Its a mental assesment test, not an IQ test. Its designed to see if the subject has any mental issues like Alzheimer's or dementia.
I scored a 19, what does this mean?
>IQ tests
>in all fields
Well, its obvious hes not a retard since he passed the test!
Trump plebs have a superiority complex but are mostly of the lowest intelligence. Most of them don't even hsve university level education. Sad shit.1
Kek wasn't Alex Jones like "OMG HE GOT ALL THE ANSWERS RIGHT"
>boomer detected
Thats not a camel, niggers
How did Obama pass this?
>affirmative action
>boomer detected
2 x trips detected
Gtfoh . I don't ha
Huh. Sure I'd like a cookie and milk
Really ?
It ain't a fucking moose. Minus 2 more points leaftard
still funny
Libtard humor is so beta it's pathetic
I have news for you, OP - you don't get to be president if you pass this test, you get to be president if you win the greater number of EC votes and beat a withered old nasty cunt who spent over a billion dollars to get that seat for herself.
The fuck is John's problem now?
why does one section have no points?
I'd just skip that one