Hey guys. Get out there and make white babies. Just has my first one. 8lb 9oz. 1hr ago.
Coolness factor:Sky lit up from the meteor flash literally as he came out SW Ontario. Could he be our savior?
Hey guys. Get out there and make white babies. Just has my first one. 8lb 9oz. 1hr ago.
Coolness factor:Sky lit up from the meteor flash literally as he came out SW Ontario. Could he be our savior?
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Let us hope. Congrats man, my wife is due in July.
With any luck
I literally told my brother he just gave birth to the next fuhrer.
nice bro!
Congrats leaf. Looking forward to it myself, my wife is due in 4 weeks. All you other dickbeaters better unfuck yourselves and get on it.
Thanks guys!! Fuck this feels good. He's healthy as can be and the doctors/nurses were fucking awesome. Wife did it with no drugs either I'm pretty proud of her.
Well done user. You have unlocked level 2. You now have (n)years to train it not to be a libtard fuckwit
>hard mode - hiding power levels.
Won't be easy considering my dad thought it was hilarious having me and my brother run around as young kids throwing the salute and shouting "Za Dom Spremni"
It’s a good problem to have user. Congrats
Stupid question... have you named him yet?
Ah, a ‘proud’ Croatian. I already know you are an obnoxious cunt, like every other in-your-face proud second gen. Make sure to get a chess board tattoo and some big cross around your neck, just to avoid confusion
congrats, user. let's hope he's less of a leaf than other leaves.
Congrats leaf user. My oldest son is a leaf by birth. Edmonton (actually St. Albert).
>we have to wait at least 20 fucking years for the fürer
Fuck that noise
Be gone cetnik. If being proud of being white with light hair and grass green eyes and having every man in your family stand over 6'3 is a problem then I guess I'm part of it. There's also nothing wrong with being proud of having grandparents who fought and some died for the right side.
Yes we named him Ivan.
He'll be assisting in the day of the rake.
Thanks brothers.
It'll be worth it.
Fugging checked.
Ivan got digits. That’s fucking awesome. Little nigger is blessed
Dude, I saw that same flash near Ann Arbor MI. It was crazy bright! Found this article about it mlive.com
>disregards my advice. Ushers in communist state.
fuckign cool OP, literally born under a falling star
will he be a savior for all mankind? or just another shitposting NEET, judging from you the latter but hey lets hope
Generation Zyklon here. Preparing the geopolitical stage for Ivan's Reich as we speak.
Holy shit nice.
Nah I'm far from a NEET. I don't want to disclose my job but I have a STEM degree and a Red Seal as well. I'm making about 200k/year gross. Wife owns a salon.
Kinda has a nice ring to it. Fuck imagine giving birth to a man that would change society? I'd turn down an infinite sum of money for that.
Heil Ivan.
Congrats man.
Congrats man, make sure to teach him the Sup Forums ways once he's matured enough.