They put a lot of effort into animating this scene... jeez...
They put a lot of effort into animating this scene... jeez
>They put a lot of effort into animating this scene
Yes, and?
>no pantsu from the back when taking skirt off
I cry every time
>... jeez...
Fuck off back to wherever you came from.
Aoba is fit
Based godakobo knows what's important.
Subtle fanservice is the best fanservice. Theres nothing more enticing to the audience than this.
>mfw muh jp otaku fell for it
>those armpits
The blurays surely will show the pantsu, right?
What was the point of this scene anyway? Literally added nothing to the story.
shut up newfag
The only person with autism here is you my friend, but I respect you for that. Now take your meds
what story?
yeah maybe it should've been animated by A-1 instead
It alluded to several plot points.
I'm glad they did.
>yfw s2
Where the fuck is the OVA?
It's at lurk more.
1080p already out.Hahaha.
That's an awful upscale.
I want to brutally fuck Aocchi in the ass while Nenecchi watches in fear knowing she's next.
That animator is at A-1 right now.
where are the fucking subs
Calm down Hifumi.
Bow down before Nene and I shall tell you.
Die already.
It was just to show us she was changing to stay the night. It was just so we didn't question when/how she got in her pajamas, while providing some mild fanservice.
Lurk more.
What's wrong with ellipses anyway?
If you have to ask that you should not be posting on or browsing this site. Fuck off.
Hmm... not sure... do you have any ideas...?
You guys do realize that ellipses have been around for hundreds of years longer than Sup Forums, right?
You don't need subs where we're going.
Lots of things have been around longer than Sup Forums. That don't mean it belongs here.
It's a sign of RP faggotry like "t-this" or *action*.
It's childish and it makes you look autistic, no normal functioning adult types like that.
Basically you can do it but your post has to be making fun of a bad post and dripping with irony
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Yeah but some shitposting is better than others
>punctuation marks that have been around for hundreds or thousands of years are inherently childish and autistic no matter what
You realize that Shakespeare used ellipses in his writing sometimes, right? Ever consider that maybe things you look down upon aren't really that big a deal, you just think they are because you're a bitter wreck of a person who views the world through hatred?
Do you know where we are?
Shakespeare is a fag.
Not the same context.
Well user. It is not often you get a scene where a strong independent adult woman takes her close of in an Anime. So for once it was not weird.
Why not take their time.
You're not a character in a play, faggot.
Save your shitty mannerisms for real life, you don't need to express them in text form, specially not in a board for chinese cartoons, nobody cares.
>those armpits
Text mirrors speech. Sometimes in speech, people take pauses. Ellipses indicate those pauses.
I know that they can be overdone, but jesus fuck, why do you people get your panties in a wad over something that's so normal and meaningless?
Is Aoba a strong, independent woman?
*Sigh*, whatever, senpai... *shrugs*
If you wanna be a fag, be a fag, but don't say we didn't warn you when other Anons point it out... jeez *shakes head*
They didn't.
And still the blatant and vulgar fanservice were all about Kou. Someone has a favorite in the staff for sure-
Use a fucking comma to denote a pause, you goddamn retard.
>no normal functioning adult types like that
No normal functioning adult visits Sup Forums.
OVA out for ages.
>Aoba will never carefully taste your dick by licking it.
And risk having a comma splice?
Ellipses are okay to use in moderation, as are exclamation points or any other punctuation, and you guys are a bunch of idiots Hulking out over nothing. End of story.
I want nu-Sup Forums to rope itself
>hurr Sup Forums is serious business guys
no normal adult takes themselves as seriously as most idiots on Sup Forums like the ones who behave like you, and have the same sort of mental list of insignificant quirks that trigger you left and right for hardly any good reason.
Fuck off.
>you guys are a bunch of idiots Hulking out over nothing
>tumblr filename
Am I being baited?
Autism? Autism.
Aoba is a pure girl.
Aoba is a sexual sadist with an alcohol problem.
It's almost as if our problem isn't with the ellipses themselves, but the types of people nowadays who use them the most. Kinda like how pony posting is banned outside /mlp/ not because of the show itself, but because the fans are turbo autists
Stop being such a little bitch and watch it raw. Or read the manga, most of the lines are a straight adaptation.
no we dont
>tfw french but you can't watch it subbed in your native language because it doesn't sound as natural as in english
i agree. stop using ellipses. we know it is proper punctuation, but we are on the INTERNET and on Sup Forums of all places. this place has its own terms. get used to the etiquette of slightly being less of a faggot
Hon hon hon.
Rightful English soil.
Spics also have them, so I guess it's time to watch the ova. Finally.
>it doesn't sound
DAMN! Aoba-chan looks like THAT!?
Poles already have subs. What the fuck?
Even Hungary has subs now.