It happened, no deepstate operation is behind this
you guys are monsters
It happened, no deepstate operation is behind this
you guys are monsters
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((( )))
Can you prove that it did?
>no pictures
>multiple edits to autopsy reports
>no remorse on parents/families faces at time of incident
>No... Well, anything.
Show me some dead bodies and we'll talk.
Ps, school shooting drills do not actually happen frequently in the US, what are the chances that there just so happened to be a school shooting drill occurring literally 5 minutes down the road from where this occurred. You're saying "prove me wrong" well I challenge you, fuckhead, prove you right.
>no pics
there are
it did happen, there is no deepstate, we are monsters
thank you for making this thread
Pics or you're a kike.
i believe it probably happened, but why would you think people that don't are "monsters?"
that implies that belief is a choice; that they somehow KNOW it's real yet choose to act as if it isn't. do you have any reason to believe their lack of belief isn't in good faith? don't you think the onus is on you to convince them, rather than sitting back on your laurels and expecting people to agree with you by default?
my cousin died at Sandy Hook
Just watch the Alex Jones videos on it. He's right. More holes than swiss cheese
For me tho the deciding factor was the supposed father of one of the kids press conference to the media. The most blatantly staged and fake press conference ever. If you actually believe that was real you are an autist.
Literally not a single body in a single one of those pictures. not 1. You're telling me that every picture ever processed was completely withheld from literally every entity in the US. nobody has seen bodies.
>staged as fuck
not falling for it schlomo
Probably didn't see a body either, you lying cunt.
what looks staged about that
gamers know
Are you fucking kidding me..
>here's your body user
even if this dude was killed, I still dont think any kids died
what its not even that absurd to comared to things posted on chan
Its little kids that were shot and killed. There are also no pictures of Columbine or Aurora, or most shootings involving young people.
It doesnt mean people behind the scenes are not capable of doing such things. They would do so easily. There are still to many American types around to turn a blind eye to such a thing.
is it the disks on the carpet?
>cds lying neatly stacked on the fucking floor
>coords look like they were just plugged in, not tangled at all
>cartridges off to the side neatly arranged in rows
>floor isn't dirty as fuck
>systems are in mint condition, no cheetoh stains to be found.
I meant who would not turn a blind eye to such a thing.
No kids died. That's what I'm saying. Also the only picture of a body was taken with a potato from 30 ft away while all the others were taken with top of the line DSLR cameras with fantastic lighting and props are all crisply fitted into the frame... It's almost as if it were... You know... Staged.
It's a hoax to attack and demonize white male who play video games. It's all an attempt to make us look bad. They also show a nazi sign on his computer case. I'm actually shocked they didn't take a picture of a laptop with Sup Forums showing
the whole house looked weird
like it had never been lived in
everything inside looked new and cheap
not what you would expect to see from such a rich family
then look at all the data, police reports that don't match the official story, dna evidence, weird pictures, weird house sale data and death certificate dates
strange times
Lanza had OCD so its not that crazy
The difference is there was security footage and helicopters. There's a reason why Columbine, Virginia tech and Aurora aren't called hoaxes. The evidence is much stronger than Sandy Hooks. Don't forget sandy Hook happened (supposedly) right before Obungo was going all in to destroy the 2nd amendment. Also, there were NO injuries. Just deaths. If you do research on EVERY mass public shooting spree, you will find many people who were injured. What are the chances this one just happened to be a clean wipe out?
It was a false-flag by the deep state to take away your guns. That’s why you don’t have guns anymore, silly.
Fucking victims singing at the super bowl was a little weird
He had OCD but left disks on the carpet? Do you not see the contradiction in your own statement?
Room is wayyyy too dirty for me to buy this.
Barely any of those consoles have cords or anything relevant, I see a MSM attempt at painting this kid as a "hardcore" gamer to fit the narrative better.
Note the only game sitting in the open unobstructed is 007. How convenient.
Lanza killed a bunch of children in a class room, like 15 were hding in a bathroom its not hard to spray them down
they had to congratulate the children for their hard work in subverting the second amendment
we should give them metals
and how was lanza killed?
Preferably lead and copper.
was he shot by police or did he commit suicide?
Those are interesting points.
Maybe its just so horrific that some people cant believe it.
They say and Im paraphrasing that most kids were hiding in a bathroom, like 20 kids, and he opened the door and fired upon them.
Real nightmare for everyone...for the first responders and the families.
If its true.
I don’t think he even existed. Just another Jewish scam.
How did they get a giant sign in so quick? And why? Check in? To who? Where?
I can't tell because the only fucking picture taken of his body is damn near a football field away, with a potato and uploaded via fucking dial up.
>be deep state
>fake mass shooting
>have 10 of the “victims” perform on camera afterwards
user, I know American “intelligence” isn’t usually on par with the rest of the world but the intelligence services are second to none. How would they miss something like this?
except for the kids that watched their teacher get shot, climbed out a windows, and then hung out in some guys yard until he brought them inside
and then he went on camera and talked about it
why didn't those kids die?
why did lanza hill their teacher and then let them climb out the window?
>he had a big gun and a little gun
>How did they get a giant sign in so quick?
It was on a truck most likely and they just drove it in
so what actually happened? everyone says no one died but i heard something about police chasing camo gunmen through the woods? and they pulled a saiga shotgun out of a car in the school lot thats the only gun I've seen a picture of in relation to sandy hook and it was never even mentioned in the news
wow they look nothing alike
.. .
they dont look similar at all
they look different
.. ..
Who is Sandy? And why does she have a hook?
real convincing argument pal
. .
. . .
>no remorse on parents/families faces at time of incident
.. . ..
If you really wanted to know, OP, you'd just look up "We need to talk about Sandy Hook". That's only just the beginning, but it's a good primer for why people think something is weird about this story.
But you don't really want to know, do you?
Its the same fuckin kids nigger
ive seen it, its stupid as fuck
the school was called sandy hook
but the town was called Newtown
why does lanza's badge say 'Newtown Technology Team'
isn't that a little odd?
also, that school didn't have a website for like 5 years, then it had one again for a bit just after the shooting
weird eh?
you can verify this bit yourself, if you knew how
>giant sign
Dude, that's a road sign on a trailer. You can set it up in less than a minute.
So it's a school then? Not a hook on Sandy's hand.
>the school was called sandy hook
>but the town was called Newtown
>why does lanza's badge say 'Newtown Technology Team'
Sandy Hook is part of the Newton school district
What sort of police officer or military personnel would carry a gun by the magazine? And upside down?
Lol post pic
What nobody wants to talk about is the Clowns moving into town and that lodge near the school.
They were definitely sloppy about SH.
Guess how many people the FBI say died in Connecticut via gunshot during the time in which Sandy Hook actually happened? It's the same number as the amount of fucks I give in regards to hurting the feels of LGBT creatures.
You should only need one guess to get this correct.
I know, I'm a heartless bastard
Well then, it sounds like you've made up your mind. What's the point of this thread again?
Not only did they knock down the school because it would be too painful to attend classes there, they built a state of the art new school in the same spot. Makes sense
i think it's a slide thread
Wasn't it a grade school? Lanza was like 20 years old, did he get held back? Is that why you are saying his badge should have said Sandy Hook Elementary school or something?
Lanza was 20, He attended Newton high school before being pulled out
Its turned into a redpill thread now
Well I was hoping to see some bitches with hooks for hands preferably named Sandy.
Guess today is not my day
Trips o' Truth
I died at Sandy hook
btw its prob real and messed up that people
forget that people were injured. its sad.
My grandparents died in Sandy Hook. How dare you people question Sandy Hook.
People are injured everyday.
damn your dubzs of truth
Hope I am not too late to the party. Debate me faggit. Socratic method.
Question 1: What was the murder weapon?
there are 20 posters in this thread
the chance of that being true is roughly
Bushmaster XM15-E2S
Yeah sure am, do you remember everybody that is injured?
Op hasn't had a logical response since the dawn of this thread
slide thread is sliding.. what ?