>muh jobs
If you make less than $15/h you have no one to blame but yourself. It's extremely easy to make $18/h+ out of high school with basic skills or a 3 month certificate. You are either lazy, dumb, or autistic. Pick one.
Muh jobs
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You're wrong user. You're wrong
I'm all three.
no it isnt. more people than jobs.
even though I get systemic oppression is a thing it gets really old when people weaponize social justice in a bad faith way.
>ancap economics
Unemployments a natural part of the economy user. No unemployment for all time would probably be a bad thing.
It might be easy if you have one thing most of us millenials and gen z are missing: solid advice. Which jobs make $18/h+ out of high school with basic skills? Get specific, "there's a lot of them" is boomer tier shit
For those of us who had shitty parents and no guidance growing up, what would you suggest is an easy as fuck job that pays what you're talking about?
Lol, what fucking state do you live in? I make $17/hr because I know how to market myself, but CNA's here are between 12-13/hr...fucking teacher friend of mine is making 10/hr and he went to school for 5 years!
I'm definitely on the spectrum. I'm lazy as FUCK. I'm kinda dumb sometimes.
I make 80k/year.
>when you find out OP lives In commiefornia with 15$ min wage
IT , im 20 making 18/hr working as a tier 1 Junior Systems Engineer lol
Or Seattle WA we have it here as well
I make 17.50 and about to get a promotion to 18, but I'm working on other projects that will have a bigger payout.
When you're sick and tired of paying people $400 an hour to spare your feelings and make you feel good, and you finally decide you want to start solving your problems, it's time to contact Asshole Consulting. At Asshole Consulting we just plain don't have the patience to kiss your ass and guess what you want us to tell you. Instead, we're going to tell you what we think and don't give a shit if that pisses you off. And yes, we're going to charge you for it.
I make 12$ an hour currently in a job that should at minimum pay $15 an hour, and they are giving me a bunch of extra responsibilities. I know come March when the reviews come in they will be like “you’ve done a great job here’s another .5c an hour”. Already applying to get a real job somewhere else.
Yeah it's a natural part of the economy if you're too retarded to go into stem or even fucking weld
I'm the 80k user. You need to go into tech. Don't waste time in retail.
I'm still 11 an hour and I've worked at the same place for 15 years
Spoken like a true boomer with his head up his ass.
Thanks for the advice genius.
Get any machining or welding job, hint, there's a huge shortage of them, in the midwest.
The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences[a] are a list of propositions for an academic disputation written in 1517 by Martin Luther, professor of moral theology at the University of Wittenberg, Germany, that started the Reformation, a schism in the Catholic Church which profoundly changed Europe.
Well if you need advice
To contract the services of Asshole Consulting is very simple.
1. Send an e-mail explaining your problem and question clearly and succinctly with an enough information so that it may be resolved. BE SUCCINCT. You WILL be charged if you blather on about how it all started when you were three years old and give me your life story.
2. I will “diagnose” the problem and provide you an estimate via e-mail as to what it costs to answer your question or solve your problem.
3. If you agree with the price, simply make a donation to Asshole Consulting’s Paypal account for the quote amount.
4. Upon confirming the funds are received, your question will be answered. The majority of clients opt for video responses (which can all be found on my YouTube Channel), but you can also receive an e-mail response or (for $200 an hour) a Skype consultation.
5. Depending on the complexity of the problem, there may be some follow up questions.
I officially bill out at $100 per hour, but the truth is most problems are solved within a 15 minute e-mail or so, so most final bills come in around $25 for an e-mail and $35 for a video.
Go into accounting/finance if you are smart and socialble. If you are smart and autistic, STEM is the way. If you are dumb but social, go into sales and be good at it. If you are dumb and unsocial, you belong at /biz/
What do you do? I check all three of those except I only suspect myself of just being mildly autistic and dont feel that Im lazy but simply that most jobs are just too boring. So more of a problem committing
>Sarina Valentina
depends on where you live.
Anyone got sauce on this girl?
Avoiding the food service and retail trap is 70% of the battle. Those jobs will drain your soul.
You have autism please kill yourself. My first job paid $20/h at 16.
If you make under $12/hr you must be genetically inferior or brain damaged.
I don't know why people don't take advantage of trade schools more often. Specifically in America. Trade schools here are a rather expensive joke for the most part, but learning a trade in the US can get you paid pretty well.
>It's extremely easy to make $18/h+ out of high school with basic skills or a 3 month certificate.
Lol. This anfaggot has clearly never been to Pennsylvania
>Born into slightly better than usual money which throws off my perception of the world, this is both why I live with a sense of superiority and why I am unable to have meaningful social relationships.
boy this kind is getting old
$17.50 an hr here
Atm parts refurb.
Basically be mechanically inclined, pay attention and dont be a dumbass.
It caused me to disrupt my private life and my business to get involved in this activity. That's how much I care about it. And believe me, if you knew my family and if you knew the private life I have, you would agree in a minute that that's a whole lot more fun than getting involved in politics. But I have lived the American dream. I came from very modest background. Nobody's been luckier than I've been, all the way across the spectrum, and the greatest riches of all are my wife and children. That's true of any family. But I want all the children -- I want these young people up here to be able to start with nothing but an idea like I did and build a business. But they've got to have a strong basic economy and if you're in debt, it's like having a ball and chain around you. I just figure, as lucky as I've been, I owe it to them and I owe it to the future generations and on a very personal basis, I owe it to my children and grandchildren.
It's all about perception. These jobs are seen as "dirty" and something to be done by hicks and weirdos. Never mind that they pay well. My wife's cousin is an electrical lineman. He makes bank.
>Shawn Valentine
There, saved you ten minutes and the shame that will follow.
Remember it's just a dude with bolted on "tits", it still sounds and smells like a man
im lazy, dumb and probably on the autistic spectrum somewhere. finishing up a 6 month data analyst course i already got a jr. job opportunity that pays +18/h lined up for feb
you dont need to know shit to make money, just get off your ass and figure it out
What is the point of making this sorry troll thread?
Go get a fucking six month welding certificate and work in the midwest autist.
Salty poor (((dixie))). The south will rise again in smoke after the northerners get rid of your nigger problem for you loser.
>t.18yo employed by dad
100% true user.
Cunt, I've had my welding certs since before your lil balls dropped. Been working in a steel mill for the past 15 years as a millwright.
What the fuck, you weren't just memeing
Location matters a lot and luck is also a huge part of it. You're stupid or extremely lucky if either of those hasn't gotten in your way before.
If he works for a public school, your teacher friend doesn't make an hourly wage so you're retarded.
If he literally works somewhere that pays him per hour, he either isn't an actual teacher or he is equally retarded.
sounds like another excuse to me
I can even tell you what video this gif is from. It's a guy (shemale) dominating another dude. If you're into that, I can provide source.
15 years of experience can't make over $30/hr, seems like you wasted your life brainlet.
People who complain about the kikes not paying them enough are worse than nigger welfare queens.
Nope. I make the type of money op is talking about but there is an incredible amount of luck involved in it.
$20h @ 16
People like you are so doomed to have this super high superiority complex for a marginally higher income.
Notice the worse people make between 200 and 500k a year. Any less and you might actually be humble, any more and you're probably refined yourself beyond little increases.
But that 200-500 range is like the modern day aristocracy, they don't do anything special they could be replaced by any janitor when it comes down to it and their kids and grandkids will slowly loose all their wealth, but they feel like kings.
Queer lmao
>Still being a wageslave
>Being unironic white nationalists
Wow you guys really are losers now wonder you're all virgins lol.
for that you need
> spend six fucking months learning a new trade
> if you already have a shitty job you wont be able to do both so you need have money to pay for 6 fucking months of training and rent plus food
> then you need to move your ass to some shithole state in the midwest in hopes of finding work in a shitty sad place.
people dont like trade schools in america because theyre brainwashed by libs to hate the worker class
my dad went to a trade school for 1 year as a machinist and now he's a ceo of a successful middle class company
im not doing trade school but im online courses which are just as effective these days
$50/hr now with a STEM degree welfare queen.
>Notice the worse people make between 200 and 500k a year. Any less and you might actually be humble, any more and you're probably refined yourself beyond little increases.
poor man's logic
>brainlet kike nigger welfare queens
Gosh if it weren't for the trips I might reckon there is nothing to be said here.
Trips don't lie rust belt welfare queen.
>solid advice
Fucking this. Both of my parents were heroin addicts who never worked a day in their lives and I was left to pretty much raise myself. I had no idea what to do in life and only began sorting myself out at 25. I'm doing alright now but I feel cheated since I should be a lot further along in my career.
Demoralization slide thread. Sage.
When welfare queens complain that they're still making nigger tier money.
(((earned))) income tax credit
>tfw graduated last May
>tfw got a 5k raise last week
>tfw 55k/yr
>tfw already better than half of the US at 23
>tfw it goes up from here
civil engineering is the patrician's choice. comfy and easy
dude i live in a third world country, why would i blame myself for being born here?
I myself went to university but I know people back home who are carpenters, plumbers, etc. who make 80k a year after working for about 10-12 years. Meanwhile, I know other people who went to Uni who are working as secretaries.
=> They are dirty and hard. That's why they pay well.
Everyone's cheated in some way (or delusional like OP). What you do about it is important: you can respond with heroin or by learning how to not cheat your kids.
>If you are dumb and unsocial, you belong at /biz/
True dat. You might have to relocate but still, true dat.
Yeah I've known so many people who are out of high school for years working minimum wage dead end jobs and living with their parents if not some shit hole apartment. Why don't think just get off their asses and learn a fucking skill.
why work at all when
>takes up all your time and energy
>forces you to conform to a certain way of living, being, acting, thinking
>life is brief
>working till 65 wastes your best years and leaves you ready for death
>retirement is temporary
>death soon follows anyway
>you worked more than you enjoyed or otherwise used on yourself in your brief fleeting existence
maybe you find work that appeals to you, that you enjoy, that you find meaning in, but what about people who have energy, enthusiasm, work spirit, commitment for their own interests but can only find work doing time and energy sucking hell chores all day long? and work for fucking what? so you have a big box to sit in after work? so you can afford a nice distraction hobby to obliterate the working week from your mind? to have nice toys before you die anyway? personally, i find working is not conducive to my longevity, ironically. the massive waste of energy and time, disruption of personal routine and habit and preferred way of being, etc all combine to make me value immediate freedom over long term financial security nets.
Not everybody is materialistic OP, some of us enjoy simple lives.
Because if you work as a software engineer, electrical engineer, high tier civil engineer, etc. for 15-20 years you can literal leave a fortune of 5 million or more USD worth of assets to your children and establish a new aristocratic family off compound interest and nepotism.
Either your genes die with you or you abuse your children by not providing for them, if you're poor.
I make over 100 grand a year sucking dicks, no training needed
>doesn't understand putting off pleasure in the present for pleasure in the future for oneself and one's descendants
Congratulations, you're a nigger
Whose nephew are you? or did you have good (((networking)))?
>don't personally value or have any interest in such a life
>but if i work now, my ancestors can host The Apprentice and be, like, super rich xD
gene theory is for third rate minds, chap.
Are apartment complexes a good industry to get into?
Any of the trades welder, plumber, electrician the problem is that people think that it's below them
>i will enjoy life more at 65 when my body is broken down from decades of work and my mind is totally fucked from living like a robot
nice logic here. what is so great about your retired pleasure, when death looms ever closer and you realize you missed your own life? it's just like a dream, when you are rudely awoken by the pangs of decay and death you will not consider those few fleeting years of retired comfort the time you spent working to get there and lose it to the cessation of your entire world.
It's not for YOU, you selfish faggot. It's for your kids, and their kids, and the kids after that. You work to build an environment that you'd want to grow up in.
I make 24hr almost two years into commercial Hvacr after graduating Tech school.
i grew up in a nice environment and still became disillusioned with life. why wouldn't my kids? listening to "cross of gold" now, anyway. i don't think i can find life worth it enough to have kids. it looks like the genes are going extinct with me.
>The individual is but an atom; he is born, he acts, he dies; but principles are eternal; and this has been a contest of principle.
By all metrics natural and artificial, by choosing to not have kids you are failing
>i made 20/h at 16
This totally inst due to nepotism or personal connections i promise
Hang your self with your 200$ belt your daddy owns rich fag
i honestly try to see that point of view all the time, but i can't unsee my realization that living is not worth it, that having kids is a sick thing, that my life has been nothing but wondering why i have to partake in living, surviving, acting in the world at all? even if i were living at the top of society, had all the money in the world, and my family name was ultra famous, i don't think life would seem worth living. when my day is over and i'm ready to sleep, there's not much greater pleasure in life than laying down and disappearing, vanishing from life as much as one does in sleep. i think that way about my life, and the question of having kids or letting my genes go extinct with me. if someone can convince me otherwise, please do. i'd like to think otherwise but no argument seems stronger than my own experience of living. i have great genes, my own health is amazing, i am fantastic at personal survival, but i don't see why i have to create kids to do the same, just to fight on the human social ladder to achieve some petty power in political happenings on planet earth. having kids condemns thousands of future people to life, can i bear that burden of so much suffering? or let the genes die out with me, knowing with certainty it's all peace from now on forever?
Cool story bro. Really insightful thread.
you would be lucky if you got 10 an hour
you can represent a salary job in dollars per hour just like you can represent an hourly job in annual pay or pennies per month or however the fuck you want to represent it
Oldfag here.
There is a bit of a fool in the shower problem happening with trades. In the 1980s when deindustrialization was happening the market was absolutely flooded with guys who tried to apply their experience to a trade. For example guys who had worked in steel mills lining ovens with brick would go to trade school for masonry. As a result there was a huge glut of people in these fields and during the 80s and 90s it was common knowledge that joining these fields was career suicide. Now the generation of workers who flooded the market in the 80s and 90s is retired or retiring without replacements and trades are good again.But people seem to be piling into it, so there might be another glut soon.
>work and live in the city
>get paid twice the amount
>pay 2 times the amount
He's probably making less than what he could be making though.
Spectrum Help Desk around my area pays $17.00 an hour. CNA's get about $12.00...
Funny that lower end tech professions pay more than lower end health professions.
>TFW all three
Worse. I'm a line cook.
CNA in Idaho, 13 an hour for nursing home work.