Why do people even like Kanan? She's bland as fuck.
Why do people even like Kanan? She's bland as fuck
Getting real tired of your shit EliKanan hater
Great tits.
Wetsuit and tits
I love Honoka!
I didn't like honk much in S1 but she redeemed herself in S2
She's beautiful and I also love her just by virtue of being a member of Aqours. I hope she comes into her own in S2
perfect body
Kotari for me
But there are only 3 decent Aqours while most of µs were decent
>Riko (at a stretch)
Perfect body;
>Why do people even like Kanan?
I can give you two good reasons
I very much love both groups
Awful taste but that's just my opinion I guess, I'm glad you can find enjoyment from aqwhores user.
Literally a goddess.
>make a LL thread, completely empty
>make the shittiest bait thread, idolcancer flock to it
I hate all of you
Say that to my face, I will knock your theeth out
Why do people like Aquors, they're all bland as fuck.
She's best girl with the best design and is cool. Body being a bonus
Why do people this goddamn show? It's bland as fuck.
Come on op.
Hot girls.
I can't understand people who like Kanan and people who dislike Kanan, it's like she hasn't done enough to warrant any of those things.
I like her because, while not being the best girl, is directly responsable for the birth of the best girl.
>Why do people like this goddamn show*
>one of the best developed character in the show
It's like you only stare at her body
>waaaaaah her and Eli were so mean!
Can't understand why anyone likes Eli. She's pretty much a non-character, and she had a whole 2 seasons and a movie.
At least Kanan has another season + likely more to improve.
Look what you did, you summoned the Eli hater!! !!
>>best developed
I'd rather have no development at all if changing 180° is considered a "good" development.
You best character, but yeah, Kanan has the best design
Sunshine was just something that beat you in the face with "S2 WILL BE GOOD JUST YOU WAIT HAVE SOME COMPLETELY ILOGICAL DRAMA"
Just for the record, it's not me this time. I've already (rather autistically in hindsight) complained enough about Eli and Kanan as is. Let's just leave it at that.
I can't understand Kanan at all. I liked her relative maturity compared to the other girls, and all the dynamic between the three seniors seemed interesting when it was a mistery, but when it was explained it was retarded. No, retarded is not the word, I don't know how to define it. Kanan had literally no reason to be such an asshole to Mari, and mad at her to boost. I tried to rationalize it as Kanan feeling guilty for dragging Mari into something that probably had no future, instead of studying in other countries, but if that were the case, I don't get where does his anger comes from, or the need to so harshly ignore a friend you haven't seen for years instead of talking things out.
I could make sense of Eli's attitudes, even if I didn't agree with her. The original series had a lot of forced drama, but nothing as senseless as the Kanan/Mari plot line.
>Eli hater gets character development
Agreed. The forced drama for sunshine was stupid. I decided to give her a chance since season 2 is coming soon because I really like her design and I want my mature sister character.