Why are lolis so verboten?
Why are lolis so verboten?
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I wish I knew.
Because they are horrible and violent, who knows when they are going to attack an innocent!
Because they're horrible monsters that steal men's souls and make them their slaves.
Maybe because they're puffy? I wish I knew.
They are forbidden fruit.
Why do you keep asking?
because fucking kids is bad or something, sucks I know.
To find the definitive truth, audacious persistence is required.
I'm ok with that.
you pedophiles all disgust me
we all know lolis are too sweet for that
Murata girls too puffy. Futuregraph too puffy.
>trusting in loli vampires
I lover your pic related, there is something about it that makes me feel warm inside.
It's an ideal relationship for any tasteful gentleman
>ywn snuggle with your undying loli wife in a coffin while she pats your head and tells you stories of the days of yore
Why live.
I want a third chapter ;_;
Found the loli.
I've been in so many of these threads and I still don't know what verboten means. Oh well.
Quite literally 2 seconds on google.
It's german and means forbidden.
sup guys, wanna help me build my new barbecue grill and drink some beer? just come inside, i give you a ride
I coulda googled it but that'd ruin the fun.
I'm not a fan of beer. Do you have whiskey?
Op Here, how can none of you understand how fucking rephrehensible you are
I've been in countless loli threads but I still don't understand what this "cunny" thing is. Can someone help me out?
It's the best part of the loli.
What's so great about it?
of course bro, you can drink anything you like, i have everything inside my man cave
now come inside my car, we are gonna have a nice ride togheter
It's puffy.
soft, tight, smooth, puffy, probably smells nice, flaps not flying around everywhere.
loli thighs are where its at though, paired with a nice set of pancakes.... mmmmm
It's tasty.
For what purpose?
pls be my loli gf
Is lolidom the purest form of love?
Yes and Remilia is waifu material.
post loli butts
Change the album to Madvillainy and change Chewbacca figure to Gunpla then I'll fall for this trick
Of course.
I want to be gently dominated.
>tfw you will never be a loli in pajamas sleeping together with your loli friends.
why even live?
God I love this artist
"That's a child" -Discord
Still fucking kills my sides
Me too, even her self insert is a great loli.
what does /l/ think of /bant/'s mascot?
yet another western culture board is a mistake, but bant-tan is ok.
This was drawn by Heikatsu, wasn't it?
Excellent. Any particular reason why she's a little girl, though
Too pure for any world with more than one dimension
dunno who that is, no credit to an artist was made
because lolis are awesome.
/bant/ is like if Sup Forums, /s4s/ and old Sup Forums had a gay orgy and /bant/ is the retarded incestuous offspring, of course their mascot would be a loli.
Because people on Sup Forums started using the word cunny and that means they are legitimate pedos. That is literally the difference between non harmfully liking loli and being a scum of the earth pedo sex offender who probably brap posts. The word cunny.
stop shoehorning random german words into your sentences
Too white for an Sup Forums related board
Lolis in pajamas are super cute, can we get more lolis in pajamas?
Don't worry, her skin is white, but her heart is completely black.
I'll stop when Japan stops doing it in anime.
cunny has been used in doujin translations
its just a word for small vagina. pic related
shes american, apparently.
>implying america is white
>59% and dropping
>mfw plebs dont even fap to real lolis
Is there any loli character in Kemono Friends? The Kaban girl is cute, but maybe she's just chibi sized.
>that potato head
>thick eyebrows
>that color palette
>artist doesn't know how to draw cunny
perfect for a shit board like /bant/
what makes you think that?
Then the translator of that doujin is pedo. It's perfectly possible to not translate it like a pedo. What are you not understanding?
Saying cunny = sex offender
Not saying cunny = gentlemen defender of Loli
Now if you'll excuse me I have to hand myself into the police as I've said cunny so much I am clearly pedo scum
i dont think so, I mean technically they're animals so you could draw them either way I imagine
Cunny cunny cunny. Cunny cunny? Cunny!
Identical style.
They should get Henreader to make their mascot.
It's ok, the loli police will forgive you, but only if you post your favorite loli.
What if the translator is translating it that way to make the character sound like a pedo?
Fluid druid here.
Is that a new gen Pokemon?
because lolis a cute!
>Calling the late 5a.m. a pedo
That's just rude.
I like them, they're soft.
heikatsu is fantastic
If lolis are meant to be children, why are they so sexy?
Because they're children.
2d magic.
Children are not meant to be sexy, user.
But why? Who looked at children and thought "They are cute, but they need to be sexier"?
>Who looked at children and thought "They are cute, but they need to be sexier"?
Someone with immense amounts of insight and knowledge.
>Who looked at children and thought "They are cute, but they need to be sexier"?
God, then he blessed artists with the power to loli.
I really don't wanna call Sup Forums to a peaceful /l/ thread but this gotta laugh outta me.
Because they are meant to bear children.
Anyone have that picture of the loli in super soft fuzzy pajamas in a bed?
me holding the phone
Children are meant to bear children?
How else can children be produced?
you're still a slut
With adult men and women?
You guys all know that this is kind of wrong, right?
Me in the glasses.
Exactly, lolis must be killed before they are allowed to hurt others or reproduce, it is immoral to let them have their way with you like this.
What's wrong about lolis?
What is?
If only we had a pro-loli Potus.
Sexualizing characters meant to be young children is kind of dangerous because it might lead us into a path that ends with being attracted to actual children