Are ancaps retarded?

one pic shatters their entire ideology, how are they so dumb they don't abandon it?

>being ancap

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it a violation of the NAP to see someone dying and not intervene? Ancaps BTFO

yes, or course they are, they want fedualim back and think they would own the boot
Well ... that is because we aren't fucking hipsters who run through the world with a rucksack thinking they'll find their special snowflake meaning in life. our society is our family, which also includes work and you could say that a lot of nords are proud to contribute to that, even though it's getting shittier because of governments being undermined by leftist radicals.

i wouldn't expect americans to relate, i certainly can't to them either. i have never seen so many ignorant, superficial and uneducated people in my life as i did in the states. your live is average and uninteresting, you don't have any culture except consumerism, your entire nation struggles needlessly because of your through and through corrupt and broken government. the most interesting thing i get to hear is that someone got shot around that corner and how the NRA is the best thing ever

t. german

More braindead threads to sage, nice

one pic shatters their entire ideology, how are they so dumb they don't abandon it?

>being commie
>how will we have food.jpg

>off by one

No actually counter argument, proponents of weak ideologies have paper thin skin and go straight to insults.


No actually argument, proponents of weak ideologies have paper thin skin and go straight to non-arguments.


with all the complaining about suburbs and no public transportation you'd think you guys wouldn't care much for roads.

Are Communists retarded? One children's book shatters their entire ideology, how are they so dumb?


Only because you're a faggot driving a faggot car, and a fat fuck unable to use your fucking legs, doesn't mean roads is a necessity.

you'd build your own roads until it's no longer necessary.

weebs are not welcome




>weebs not welcome
>Sup Forums

unironically end yourself

>roads were invented by the state
The business owners who would like people to have a way of reaching their store would pay the road construction/repair company to build/fix the roads

what if im not buying anything, or im his competition and open a store after his yet he doesnt let people use it?


Excuse me bud, but it is a violation of the NAP to force them to answer that question, kindly fuck off.

every ancap I've ever met gives me the vibe that they look at, and self-stimulate to, pictures of preteens girls. it's like how the adamant anti-gay types like Pence probably beat off to little boys and have a complex about it so go around zapping faggots, only instead of doing something that would benefit society, ancaps post anarchist loli fanfiction in between fuck sessions with their child model sex dolls

>be commies
>WHY should we build roads tho?
>Become totalitarian so you can force people to do what they arent incentivized to do under communism.

Here's a pasta I saved from /his/.
>A lot of people don't really understand Ancap, all because of that poor name. Ancap doesn't mean no government. It means that no government has the natural right to rule people. All men have natural rights and are governed by natural laws. They can, however, join a collective for the purpose or organization and defense. A state, if you will. The constitution, which outlines the rights, responsibilities, duties, et cetera, or both the state and the citizen is, in a way, a contract. A citizen can join this state, can enter his land into the state, can become a citizen, and is beholden to certain laws. If he breaks these laws, he can be punished. If other people break these laws, so will they. And if the state exercises more power than it has the right to exercise, the citizens who entered land into it have the right to secede, and even those who entered no land always have the right to leave, to vote with their feet. And if a landed man is unhappy with the state, but they have done no wrong, he can still leave at any time, but might not be allowed to really secede.
>Read Hoppe.

It's Minarchists who don't want any government-built roads, and there are plenty of free market solutions.

The main problem with anarcho-capitalism is you have to read books to understand it.

This will change if we ever manage to build a small ancap society anywhere.


>WhO wIlL bUiLd ThE rOaDs ThOuGh

Read "Anarchy Works". This "argument" has been beaten into the ground a billion times.

Would you like to know how to actually destroy "anarcho"-capitalists?

The state is a monopoly on the initiation of legitimate violence over a territory paired with a group of people that uses this monopoly to control said territory and the people within it.

The means of production include territory. The workers are the citizens, the capitalist is the only one allowed to initiate violence legitimately in said territory, and the capitalist uses this to rule over his workers alongside the threat of unemployment (which is a threat of structural violence). Capitalism is privatized statism.

Ancaps have flying cars senpai.

They're not going to read that

Oh no, you mean American cities won't be dystopian hellscapes of sprawl now?

seems comfy to me

fuck off faggot

If ancaps sieze power i’ll just use my boat to get around

>implying roads are efficient
>implying roads are a good thing
>implying roads should be built

Death to meme flags

Best girl

Why can't citizens own nukes, realistically what's the worst that could happen?

Hey I have an ancap book that a group from my college gave me. Would anyone like me to write down some excerpts from it?

Sure while your at post some quotes from the communist manifesto. It will fit right in with the threads theme of dumb ideoglys

No prob. I'll look some up.

>It will fit right in with the threads theme of dumb ideoglys
>t. """NatSoc"""

On Racism
>We have the right to choose our associations for whatever reasons we like, but judging an individual as a member of a collective as superficial as race prevents u from enjoying the full potential of our relationships
>Using any judgement about a person to justify an act of force against them is wrong. What is not so obvious is how governments Stoke racism through nationalism
>All of that racism is violently institutionalized by government.
>Governments and the rich use racism to keep us divided and weak.

Gunna try and find some anarco com stuff next

roads are for weak beta cucks

If we weren't FORCED to use roads by law, all of us would have glorious 4x4 trucks with monster truck tires -- and all of it would be cheap when it is mass produced. OP is a faggot.


Look up "Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution" by Peter Kropotkin.

Natsoc is a failure like communism

Who builds and maintains roads, airports and transit systems in the U.S.?
>Local governments or government-created agencies, which are responsible for constructing and maintaining them
Instead of these agencies being nationalized, they will privatized like electricity, gas, railroads ..etc.. which were all once nationalized but now are privatized.