Was he too nice to win the presidency?

Was he too nice to win the presidency?

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His orders were to lose to Obama.
He served his masters well. More baby blood for him!

too ugly. that is the only thing normies care about. I wish I was joking.

No way in fuck was any republican gonna win in 2008 anyway.

He was just a sacrifice. He knew he was gonna lose so he said fuck it and put Palin as his VP ticket.

But Blumpf is ugly too.

Good one, CIA nigger!

He should be dying or going to prison shortly.

His daughter is too fat.

Blood for the blood god

R-money threw the election also. Mcbrain may be spared the rope but R-money won't escape so easily

controlled op

doesnt matter if he or Obama wins. they'd be both winners within their corrupt schemes.

>too nice

He's arguably the biggest asshole ever in the Senate. He and Hillary were the biggest pay-for-play scammers ever. Huge douche.

Nigga literally reminds me of Danny devito's penguin from batman returns. I would have been the least bit surprised to see this fucker eat a live fish on stage during a debate. Honestly, people love to shit on Palin, but I'm pretty sure the, what, 15% of the population that did vote for this fool did it with the hopes they could see mommy Palin in short skirts.

That is what 'goin straight to hell' looks like.

Ugly, and awkward. They're fucking outraged.


R-money threw nothing, he was always an unlikeable mormon that had no chance of winning.

He's cancerous

McCain's OK, but boy the Kremlin sure hates him. Moscow is constantly pumping the most toxic disinformation they can about McCain every chance they get, especially on social media like 4chins.

>inb4 Putinbots lose their fucking shit.

>be john mccain
>kill hundreds of your shipmates on the forrestal
>kill thousands of your teammates by singing to the viet cong
>run for president in 2008, assuming everyone forgot about that shit
>eternal douchebag

The McCain Institute claims it exists to fight human trafficking, but despite receiving millions in donations from Saudi Arabia, the Rothschilds, and Bloomberg, it has been revealed that none of the money was spent on fighting human trafficking.
Funds from the McCain Presidential Campaign were also quietly funneled into the McCain Institute’s coffers raising the possibility the Institute exists as a money laundering front.


The McCain Institute is a huge operation featuring upwards of 80 people including dozens of full time staff and board members including Ashton Kutcher and Lady Lynne Forrester de Rothschild.
With millions of dollars in donations from powerful corporations, governments and billionaire bankers, not to mention John McCain’s presidential campaign money, you would think the Institute is doing all sorts of great things to stop human trafficking, right?
You’d be wrong.
In 2012 the Institute donated exactly $500,000.
In 2013 it was $500,000 again.
In 2014 it was increased to $1,500,000.

And to whom or what did that $2.5 million go to?....
..... It all – every last penny – went to the Arizona State University Foundation. ..... does not appear to have anything whatsoever to do with human trafficking.
Are we looking at a money laundering operation here?
The McCain Institute is starting to look an awful lot like the bogus Clinton Foundation.

He came off as a befuddled crank by his wierd behavior just before the election.

When your bitch tasted my dick, it was the Kremlin sending agents to destroy McCain supporters. They hooked me up ;>)

Mccain was never a POW, he's a crisis actor.

McCain | Veterans Today | By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor | July 20 2015


....... Richard Nixon on the advice of Henry Kissinger .....had an agreement with North Vietnam that let them keep and later execute hundreds of American POWs.
1205 American POWs were kept by North Vietnam according to records recovered at the end of the Cold War.
President’s Clinton and Boris Yeltsin instituted a search of Russia’s gulags looking for their remains with no success.
In 1993, armed with testimony from a former high ranking Czech security official, I proposed a systematic search of archives in Prague that recorded the fate of 200 missing US POWs from Vietnam but was blocked by Senator John McCain.

33 POWs faced execution for treason after Vietnam until Nixon pardoned all POWs. McCain was on the list of the 33, in fact at the head of it.

Here are the facts as we know them:
According to Colonel Ted Guy, John McCain’s commander as a POW, McCain collaborated with the enemy.
McCain is accused of giving information that led to the downing of 60 US aircraft
McCain is accused of training North Vietnamese air defense personnel
McCain is accused of making over 30 propaganda broadcasts against the US, broadcasts he moved to have classified when he was elected to the senate
These 4 accusations are the only real and supportable accusations against McCain.
The evidence for these acts exists and is substantial.

While his campaign was probably doomed from the start, he kept focusing the narrative on shit people no longer cared about.

Even his acceptance speech of nomination was focused around “muh POW camp”. To Obama’s credit they counter punched perfectly acknowledging he was a war hero and saying that was unquestioned but what was in question was X, Y and Z he didn’t mention which were all things middle of the road voters cared about.

Say what you about O, but the guy knew how to campaign.

he should have ran as "feel the pain, mcain".

No matter how hard I held my nose I could not vote for that piece of shit I wrote in my tampon brand instead...

McCain and Soros reportedly became friends after the senator was exposed as a member of the “Keating Five” during the savings and loan (S&L) industry scandal during former President George H.W. Bush’s administration.
As the S&L bank chairman, Charles Keating paid $1.3 million to bribe five members of Congress to interfere with government regulators on behalf of the savings bank.

A pic the likes of which has never been this related before

nothing nice about him. He's phony as all hell and thats why he didnt win.

He has no image (same problem with Hillary).

One minute hes billy bad ass rambo PoW then the next he's some overly sensitive 'i respect women' and im gonna cry during the national anthem John Boehner style.

Pick a style and ride it, Obama was unapologetically SJW, anti-white liberal and he won.

Trump was unapologetically 'top dog alpha' im gonna say whatever i want even if it sounds racist and will 'never apologize' and guess what he won.

Nope. He was too shit.

This, he was there as a safety net in case Obama had a brain aneurysm or something, he spent more time attacking his own base than he did attacking his opponent.

>His orders were to lose to Obama.


He was a perpetual loser. Always on the wrong side of every issue. CrashedAmerican planes. Captured like a bitch. Sung like a songbird. No he’s finally dead


And she laps dike pussy


John McCain was OK in 2008, maybe 2012, but I wouldn't vote for him in any position he happens to be running for, anymore. I voted for him in 2008, and Mitt Romney in 2012, too. Why doesn't McCain just retire? He is so old, and he has a lot of money, he could probably live the rest of his days very comfortably, with high security and access to some of the best medical aid available. McCain does not appear to be a healthy person, though.

to corrupt to vote for, thats for sure.

Fuck McCain, gun grabbing piece of shit.


McCuck comes from a family of traitors, his admiral dad is one of the responsible for the USS Liberty cover up, Jewish money all the way.