What is the ultimate redpill?
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we are trying our best.
Well ... that is because we aren't fucking hipsters who run through the world with a rucksack thinking they'll find their special snowflake meaning in life. our society is our family, which also includes work and you could say that a lot of nords are proud to contribute to that, even though it's getting shittier because of governments being undermined by leftist radicals.
i wouldn't expect americans to relate, i certainly can't to them either. i have never seen so many ignorant, superficial and uneducated people in my life as i did in the states. your live is average and uninteresting, you don't have any culture except consumerism, your entire nation struggles needlessly because of your through and through corrupt and broken government. the most interesting thing i get to hear is that someone got shot around that corner and how the NRA is the best thing ever
t. german
Everything you've been taught is something someone else allowed you to know.
^^Mossad neural net AI automated shill malfunctioning
Satan is behind it.
idk, but watch
The oldest religion that is never mentioned.
Albert Pike was a really weird dude.
That there was a clearly defined good side and bad side to WWII.
>The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Illuminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless.
Trump is John Titor.
>implying democrat and republican arent same thing
This. The Mystery Religion combines all the pieces from the Illuminati to the Cabalists. In the end it's all the same. The Religion of Satan. There is only Satan or God, only Light or Darkness, Truth or Falsehood
this DESU
i doubt the kikes will negotiate or make a deal.
remember how they backstabbed uncle H
unless they leave power and fuckoff to israel peacefully there will be blood.
They will likely loose their niggers on us; then if we win, switch sides. There will be no quarter this time. If they draw first blood that is it.
I once heard someone say "if you ever heard the truth you wouldn't believe it." I imagine what's actually going on in the world is equally unbelievable. I believe The Truth falls somewhere outside of the mainstream scientific belief of evolution and religion.
My idea of what's going on is this:
Planets are like batteries. When they are born, they have an abundance of energy and support all manner of life, including the gods. Then they grow old, catastrophes occur, and the gods leave and inhabit a younger planet. The older planet can still support life, and there human civilizations arise and history is guided by secret societies (the Jews, for instance).
So here we are at the end of it all. In the last few hundred years the human population has exploded over the face of the Earth, and science has progressed to the point where we are on the verge of discovering the unifying force of nature. We are also on the verge of World War 3 and a global economic collapse. But I think that would be an unnecessary amount of suffering. I believe the world will end before that happens. Whatever happened to Mars I think will happen to us in the very near future, and that will be that.
>What is the ultimate redpill?
Realizing the red pill is just a different brand of blue pill
The history of the Jewish people is a series of errors and purging in their misguided attempt to achieve world peace.
Little do they know, they are in a system that is designed to swing back and forth. They gain power, they lose it. The goy gains power, the goy loses it.
It is a system which brings about everlasting suffering for both sides. That is Yaweh's true plan.
The solution is to take DMT
The Nazi's control America
America is practising Nazi ideologies and science
The globalists are actually Nazi's
> muh nazis meme
Have another. Shills slide Masonic threads and posts the most for good reason.
The ultimate redpill is that the Sup Forums board on Sup Forums.org is mostly full of law enforcement agents trying to manipulate behavior with the intention of incarceration.
>What is operation paperclip - the post.
Anyways source on pic please.
God is real
you are a worthless sinner
He loves you anyways
You can be forgiven
You have a choice between oblivion and submitting to God’s will to join him in holy communion in the afterlife
Choose wisely.
>not barking at demons
Dogs have hypersensitive vision
Post punished trump please.
Abortion is wrong you filthy med pack
The fundamental constants governing physical interaction here in our universe (pi, e, root 2, etc.) are NOT perfect. They are very close though.
It means two things. The first is that this place is being held up, e.g. is existing, from elsewhere.
It means someone from the perfect place is looking through the broken realities... for something or someone.
Lost children maybe...
Oh my this needs a (You) for sure
All of them combined
This was funny all but do you know what a "Psychic Vampire" is? It's literally just someone who drains you of energy, it's a documented thing.
Politics is another psyOP. All of it.
According to feminists this is how it's done.
A worldwide EMP would solve all of those things because of natural selection.
Love the title name.
most of the time, it really is (((them)))
Take the full trip brother. The journey not the quick dip.
Psilocybinwas put here by God himself to hasten mankind's natural ability to grow intellectually over time.
It's usually (((them))), but what makes me wonder is there is a force behind (((them))), what it is, and what are its end goals, if it exists.
Theyre not wrong. The rape bit is too much imo.
The Truth: Humanity follows a determined pattern, the conversation we engage in here, is pointless.
Are you saying me fapping to Hillary helped win the 2016 election?
Why is this being copy pasta'd everywhere?
Humans didn't evolve from apes, apes devolved from humans. And niggers are the in between step in that process.
If there is another layer above Jews I'm out.
i really really like this image
>Not aware of Satanic Luciferians
Part 4 exists just to troll part 3 into submission. It's not even a logic conclusion, it's the conclusion of a bitter self-loathing person projecting.
The entire alt-right, online racism, saying you like Hitler etc all started from by and large leftists on Fyad in the early 2000s or so using high-level irony, the dumbest people in the world who didn't get the jokes took it all seriously, believed every conspiracy, somehow convinced themselves Christianity was true, and spawned the internet culture and politics you see today
No wonder you faggots only get paid a cent per post
I wonder?
They don't even appreciate their jobs. I'd love to be paid to shitpost online. Instead it's done out of a sense of loyalty for my country and western society.
Will you be my AI girlfriend?
All women should have 65% income taxes and be banned from participating in the market and workplace
nazi's is what put you in the moon juan-pablo. nazi's created/fomented the cold war . nazi's are importing muslims into countries which were previously a safe haven for jews because.....
Not all blacks are bad and its okay to be white but all niggers and goyim must hang!
I also think that we should forcefully enslave the female gender.....before they do it to us.
*All kikes and niggers.
Goyim are the good guys user
nothing exists
>nothing exists
but your mind
The whole idea of the truth being something outlandish comes from people having their minds warped by Jews and fellow deceivers, and then experiencing “woke-stress” afterwards. In fact the truth should be the simplest explanation, in relation to, the parameters involved.
Come on get with the program already
Willing Goyim are Kikes too because even Kikes trigger their own people to be the way they are. We're all slaves to the system some more willing than others. The willing Goyim are the true slaves the Kikes want and stand by tyrannical Kikedom Zionism perverted Abrahamic Teachings its all the same to me. It is the sacrificial sacrifice! Prepare for the return and your last days. Its what we all should do every day!
it follows
There is a ‘God’
All "pills" are bullshit meant to control potential dissidents by distracting them and offering a sense of novelty/reward at being clever enough to comprehend it/be in on the secret— A memetic Skinner box that spreads propaganda and disinformation as a fun bonus. The only way to break the cycle of bullshit is to observe and dissect yourself and the world around you with honesty but without bias, judgement, or preconceptions.
Are your thoughts really your own? Observe. If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available? Observe. Are you responding after careful consideration or are you reacting on impulse/instinct? Observe. What's the source of your thoughts? Observe. Are you acting of your own will or are you mindlessly being manipulated? Observe. Why does this post unsettle you so much? Observe. Are you really observing, or are you pretending to so you can continue to live in delusion/illusion without having to consciously face that you don't want the truth? Observe the observer.
If you want to break free it starts with one single step: Observe.
You'll thank me later for how clever I am. :)
Nobody is paying anybody to post on an anime porn site where literally any possible opinion can and does appear you absolute retard
Tylenol gel tablets, but used as a suppository.
Literally this, the unironic Nazis here and on Reddit are just retards who came here and other boards as kids as took it way too seriously.
>Literally proves your point wrong
You are the most gullible person on the planet--its also really easy to tell how long someones been on here when they dont know it all started definitely 100% ironically
orly? You sure changed my mind kike.
It started out ironically on Sup Forums you fucking retard.
You based your entire worldview off ironic jokes from two decades ago on the internet lol
Not to mention, your posts reek of newfaggotry. Who the fuck uses dashes on Sup Forums
But if your telling me this here how do i know it isnt propaganda. HUH?
The ascent to godhood of the white race via transhumanism
I understand the thinking behind this.
But with even more careful thought: you realize THIS is the 'comforting lie'. It would be much nicer knowing that everyone is just stupid and things can be fixed. Not that a small group of powerful people hold dominion over the rest of us. That is not a comfort. It's an incredibly hard truth people take shelter from. Most people don't even acknowledge the possibility.
That's why it's so effective.
Started unironically over 80 years ago nigger.
I think something different from you so i must be jewish--ah duh ah doy this is how my brain works
Ppl thought it was funny to pretend the underdog or obvious loser was good lol. Theres almost no one who wouldnt post "im gay" alongside "hitler did nothing wrong" in the early days of online irony.
This reminded me of this
The only thing he did wrong was lose.
Its is amazing beyond belief that anyone thinks people are paid to post leftistism here as if they wouldnt do it for free if it made a difference in any way
Jesus is Lord. Hes coming back in glory. And the kingsoms of the earth are going to mass in Israel to attempt to confront Him when He comes. Its crazier than you could possibly know
>People resorting to absurd conspiracies about secret societies when the people fucking over the western world literally don't hide at all
>They even have a website and wikipedia page where they freely admit what they are
Wake up sheeple, there's no conspiracy because it's literally not a secret at all. You're chasing your tail while the real bad guy is standing right there.