Yfw you realize god doesn't exist
But He does and it is God. Capitalize it you filthy, hellbound sodomite.
Think about it, faggot. Regarding creation, nothing comes from nothing. You can't have infinite regression. At some point some sentient uncreated being with intentionality had to exist to start creation off. Pure logic, you godless, filthy, hellbound sodomite.
Someone would've had to create that sentient being you kike, evolution explains this, religion doesn't
>God is by definition the initial uncreated being
You're really bad at logical thinking.
God is nothing by definition. There are one billion definitions of what a God is.
God is supernatural, therefore isn't bound by the laws of nature. Like Said, you can't have infinite regression. If you follow time backwards there had to be one thing to start the ball rolling on everything else that always existed.
>inb4 "then why couldn't the universe have always existed?"
That's not physically possible which any explanation other than God would have to be.
you can't define your way out of it.
It's far more likely that there is an infinite universe and that complex life falls out of the simple rules we know to exist and know to produce complexity (which I am defining as the opposite of chance, i.e. non-random selection and self-replication). Even the fringes of what we know about the physical universe defies (evolved) human logic. Because you FEEL like it had to start at some finite knowable time doesn't make it so.
Ok, but this is a different argument. The former was totally illogical. Saying that God can't exist because something should have caused Him into existence is simply idiotic.
>far more likely that there is an infinite universe
Most scientists think the exact opposite but ok
These are not arguments, these machinations of a moron.
And even if that mind numbing garbage had any validity it doesn't prove the existence of any specific gods or goddesses.
>god is illogical so it's logical
(You) embarrass your dumb self
>God came to existence because muh magical powers
Is this what atheists imagine they look like rotmffl?
why is capitalization important? i don't think he'll mind me not hitting the shift key
Prove a atheist theory
>big bang
>one of your choosing which is verifiable
And I'll give you 10 bitcoins
God does exist. God is the eternal force that created this universe. Jesus is a myth just like all the other Gods.
can't tell if im at the bottom or at the top.....though i had the number 5 realisation not too long ago so hopefully 6
So what? I am still going to hell and there is nothing that can be done about that.
>mfw God only allows beings who are worthy of the knowledge of its existence, knows it exists. Especially in territory operated by God's enemy, such as this world.
when the bitch took my son
Why do atheists start using more and obscure words as they attempt to discredit something they can't disprove? Who are you trying to convince your intelligent by doing that?
Nobody said anything about specific God's. The fact is that everything in the known universe from stars to us came into existence by 2 or more things combining to make them so whatever the first thing was to create the next thing not only must have always existed, but also capable of creating other things to interact with each other. Explain that with science. Break out some more 4 syllable insults if you cant.
When you realize god is a black female.
Holy shit this is the most reddit post Ive seen yet.
>and he gets mad and sends to you the bad place if you don't believe in him
Level 6: Realizing that gods don't exist.
>follow Christian doctrine or face collapse
When was the last time you sold all your stuff and gave the profits to the poor? When was the last time you and your neighbors stoned a woman to death for menstruating in the wrong seat? If your answer to either is "never", you're not very christian. I hope you won't tell us that on top of that you also live in a country in which the basic freedoms (e.g. freedom of religion and the right to live) contradict the most important commandment and the punishment for breaking it.
Big beautiful deity who don't need no mankind
>anything about specific [of God]
Who's that person called 'God' and what does he own? I don't suppose you were talking about gods user, right? I know you're too dumb too even grasp the grammar of your own language, but believing in ghosts is still way bellow that.
>Capitalize it
>Capitalize on it. Make dat money pimpin God.
Weird how when churches have to choose between holding fast their moral principles and surrendering their business license, they never once in the history of the US surrender the business license.
>Pure logic,
the moment you start loading up math equations with magic beans and pixie dust, they stop being math equations. The moment you add leprechauns to logical syllogisms, the syllogisms stop being logical. Even the slightest bit of supernatural being destroys a sound logical framework.
The mental crutches up in here.
>Universe had to be created. Everything has to be created.
>god didn't have to be created.
>le supernatural
Hahahah, so much mental gymnastics.
>Prove a atheist theory
Prove atheists have theories. Atheism is just non-belief. It doesn't have anything to do with any unrelated math or sciences. Ergo, it has no beliefs or theories.
>big bang
Oh the theory by that Christian scientist?
a tiny subset of biology, but the DNA evidence, the fossil record and the trapped gasses give us overwhelming evidence that has yet to be contradicted by any legitimate claim.
>one of your choosing which is verifiable
You're not really very smart about this, are you?
>And I'll give you 10 bitcoins
You're far too dishonest to ever pay your debts.
>believes in an OMNIPOTENT creator
>”you can’t have X”
>goes on ranting about logic
The absolute state of christcucks
First there was God and nothing, then he created everything (this is written in the Bible itself!), evolution and physics included, because it’s a preferable choice to not have to manage all his creations for all eternity, and as he’s omnipontent it’s safe to say he did this, because it’s the smart thing to do, how is this hard to understand, you pawns?
>Thread is almost two hours old
>Fewer than 50 replies
Sup Forums dun' changed.
shouldnt you be wearing a fedora?
People who use the cosmological argument automatically assume that the universe must follow standards of physics equal to everything else. This is false, the only thing that HAS space and does not take up space is the universe itself. It does not have any kind of heat or energy associated with it, the universe as a 'thing' doesn't necessarily need to be caused by anything.
There is no telling if time is cyclical, a single point, caused or uncaused, a simulation, or any other number of dumb ideas. The truth is that edgy contrarian christfags on Sup Forums like to spread around their anti-intellectual discussions here and claim anyone who disagrees with them is fedora or should go back to rebbit instead of embracing the process of philosophy.
I think you edgy faggots should tone it down a bit. Yes you're very original and unqiue for so strongly believing and God and making sure everyone else should too or else you'll say edgy mean things to them. Cool story.
im right here though
>yfw you realize god exists but he doesn't care
No thats when you realize race dosen't exist
death scares me while it simultaneously eliminates any reason to live
The simulation theory actually provides evidence there is at least some sort of higher power. It could be a Type 4 or Type 5 civilization, which to us would pretty much be gods.
Yes, emergence explains a being evolving to understand it's own existence, seeing itself as a creation of an eternal being he is the image of.
Fuck off. The Matrix was overrated.
The nature of causality is proof of a god.
An all powerful entity that created existence itself, and of which we are incapable of comprehending. This god is the manifestation of perfection in which everything else has arisen from.
This logical outcome has been around since at least Descartes. Atheists git gud and lrn2god.
>kys atheist and you will know.
>I am the beginning and the end
It is written in the bible. Our universe is physical and all that's within it, time is a constant factor that decays all matter. For something to create something, it must be beyond it. Video games are a good example but on a much smaller and simpler scale. Game developers can program a universe, an AI, and a time cycle, but the game developers aren't subject to any of the laws in the universe that they created because they exist outside of it. Would the AI know of the game developers existence if they were programmed to evolve just as we have in our universe? No, because no matter what the AI does, the game developers exist beyond their reach and in a whole different form of existence. God has developed our existence, he is not physical he is not subject to the laws of time he created.