How will the white race ever recover?
How will the white race ever recover?
>Top Jew
who legitimated this?
Same way it always does, by showing people why they shouldn't provoke white people.
Its kinda like that movie top gun
You've probably figured this out by now but here's the pattern:
When attacking whites:
>oy vey, whites are responsible for slavery the holocaust, colonialism, they're racist, they have white privilege and supremacy, they need diversity quotas against them, look at how many of them vote this way, whites need to do this and that, whites should feel guilty and ashamed, whites need to pay reparations and redistribute their wealth, whiteness is oppression, there are too many white, we need more "diversity"
When whites defend themselves:
>oy vey, whiteness doesn't exist anyway. What is "white"? You know that group wasn't considered white some time ago? Skin color is meaningless, we are all one race the human race. The concept of "whiteness" is itself racist! "whites" are just racist and afraid of "equality" and losing power!
When referring to the white race:
>the white race doesn't exist
>but at the same time whites are responsible for all the problems in the world
When referring to the Jewish race:
>Jews are God's Chosen people and need an ethnostate to be protected from anudda Shoah
>Jews are innocent and criticizing Jews or their legitimacy is "antisemitic"
She's the President of Rome's Jewish Community, which is probably the most ancient Jewish community ever. Some of their prayers are from Canaan and predate the Babylon captivity, even if the main Jewish community doesn't credit them.
Good summary.
Jews are like slime in the hands, they are deceivers
mirror mirror guilty conscience.
The jewish race doesnt exist outside the confines of the books code down to each and every letter of the law. they once did roam the earth in search of greener pastures. todays jews are the remnant of post imperial aristocrats and elites in the shadow of rome and tri continental trade hub of Israel British Palestine and intergalactic senate Palpatine.
I like the turn this took
They can't keep getting away with it.
Whats their end game. Once intelligent race that paved the way for western civilisation is gone what hope do they expect. Rome couldn't handle the barbarian hordes so what chances to thesw Jews have.