I believe in the Wall and all, but justify this

>gf is 19y/o 10/10 studying pharmacology
>brought here illegally when 2y/o
>speaks only English, aces classes, top of her pharmacology class and is incredible at engineering
>facing deportation even though the rest of her family isn't

>you know what goes under options shareblue

If she's that smart; how come it never occurred to her to apply for citizenship?


If I steal your child kidneys for my own child how long has to go by until they can't demand them back

fucking Kikes

You marry her she gets to stay.

If she is so great than why havent you?

sage because your GF problems are not Sup Forums related

It doesn't require justification.

Sounds fucked up tbqh. Meanwhile, American niggers get to live on welfare for generations, commit most of the crimes, spontaneusly chimpout and loot without repercussions and in general be complete fucking cancer just because they were born here.

>gf is 19y/o 10/10 studying pharmacology
>>brought here illegally when 2y/o
marry the bitch if you care so much

If she's that good then her own country needs her more.

Burn the coal, she goes back to the hole
Pottery my nigger

She has to go back.
Fuck that shit skin and fuck you OP you can go with her.

Green text, Bullshit story, asks to explain/Justify.
This is Shareblue bait. sage in all fields. And the asnwer is the made up cunt is illegal. kys Oliver

You are right this is unfair, the rest of her family should get deported as well.

>facing deportation even though the rest of her family isn't
How is that possible? How is it only she has to go back yet her family that came over illegally with her gets to stay. That makes no sense.

If she is that smart she would applied for citizenship already.

Or you can also be a moron and marry her so she can stay, she will 100% not marry you out of her interest and the marriage 100% will last the decades until one of you dies. Yep.

>Brought here illegally
She has to go back.


She's going to be such an asset to the great nation of Mexico, or wherever the fuck she's going back to. You should be happy for her and remember, the United States has no exit visa and you're free to join her on her journey into a new life.

You forgot to mention the part where she was an illegal alien staying in the United States who has broken our laws. If she's as smart and capable as you say, she should be back in her shithole point of origin making it less of a shithole, maybe if they stopped sending 10/10 valedictorians to the United States they wouldn't be such shitholes.

But of course we both know that nothing you've said is true and this is all a LARP. Those people are 99% low quality drains on our society and the sooner we can rid ourselves of their parasitic presence the better.

why deprive mexico of such a top shelf citizen?

she has to go back

Also probably a nigger

Pics nigger. Lets see if she's worth fighting for. If shes that hot she will get raped by the ICE agents before she gets to the airport.
>Also 1 post by this ID combine with "justify this". totally faggot

are you implying that amnesty exists?

well i guess you should be petitioning every senator you can find to take the deal trump is offering

she's a criminal and so are the people that brought here to america illegally its as simple as that. a criminal that kills someone but also happens to have a phd is still a criminal, law is the law, there is no exception because "theyre smart"

also, why would you deprive her home country of someone like her? doesnt the shithole she came from need smart people to help make it better?

fucking this. OP is a faggot

if she's that great, marry her to give her that green card. The "sexiness visa"

She is not a legal citizen.

All your emotional bullshit is a manipulative trick.

Cool, she can me a pharmacist in Mexico

your appeal to emotion is denied

Where does it all end? Someone sneaks in and flies under the radar for several decades, what then? I say no, fuck them. Deport her, deport the people who raised her here, and deport anyone who gave her a job and an education. Basically anyone that's enabling illegal immigration, deport them all.

OP destroyed

Post more than once and I'll justify it.

She can be good at what she does in her home country.

>Hey guys look how this wild exception proves that we shouldn't deport illegals.

Her parents shouldn't have been here in the first place. I don't know how the hell they got in without bringing their child. I'm pretty sure family re-unification puts one near the top of visa applicants, so why she's being deported is beyond me. What's your larger point OP?


That is the justification


>Republican Flag
>Conforming to our beliefs in title
>Curious and contradicting challenge in title
>Heartfelt story about a hyperintelligent, and cosmically beautiful young female that totally happened for real
This checks out.
Be sure not to sage.


Fuck, man.

Did you just Windows 98 me you son of a bitch?

>studying pharmacologgy

Why should she get priority over indian qt?

She is an illegal immigrant

>top of pharmacy
False. Unless she started school when she was 17yr and got into a program straightaway this is incredibly fake.
Also, sage

Her parents created this problem.

Sorry Bud, fair is fair. If you do not belong here, get out.

Second place doesn't get a pass simply for not being first.

She can apply over the internet retard.

She's a dirty illegal spic

Why does the US get to steal the best and brightest from the countries most in need?

>insert "children don't get to benefit from their parents robbing a bank" argument
Sage goes in all fields.

How about this
>my gs is 19y/0
>born here legally
>her fathers going back 5 generations have fought in wars for this country
>speaks english, aces classes and top of her pharm class and aces engineering classes
>she now has to face competition for someone like your girlfriend, whose parents came to the party and made none of the sacrifices my gf's forefathers made yet sees no problem with reaping the benefits those men laid out for their descendants

Explain why this girl should even have to compete with her. Let your girl go be part of her parents country. Your GF already got the benefits of american education for free and now she wants more shit.

It is never enough with immigrants they come to the party late and ask for premium appetizers that not even the on time paying patrons got.


She's had plenty of time to become a citizen.
What's wrong with wherever she legally has citizenship status?
That's the real racist part...not wanting to live with her true ancestry.

You couldn't even kick start that bike without ending up in the hospital, you lil faggot.

She's here illegally. She has to go back. WTF is there to explain. There is no reward for avoiding detection. This isn't a game show. No ones concerned about the citizens these people are displacing. Sustainable policy can't be built on outliers.

4th time I've seen this copy pasta. are you even trying?