How can we get all the niggers hooked on sex dolls?

How can we get all the niggers hooked on sex dolls?

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Niggers get laid unlike the people who shill these things here

No ones spending $2000 plus on that bullshit. I can fuck a white bitch for much less

Niggers are only in it for the sensation, they don't care about starting a family. I bet we could get 80% of niggers dry if we subsidize white sex dolls, more as the technology improves.

Funny cause I don’t think you’d be sticking your peepee in those disgusting, fat, obnoxious “queens”


Your 1488 movement is pathetic. If you want to outbreed us then get to fucking

>niggers are actually going to fuck 2B like in those SFM vids

Adverts claiming they feel like the real thing without the bitching, clingyness and child support.

Tell em that sex dolls never try to claim child support


Why aren't ships just dumping these on the shores of africa 24/7?

two THOUSAND? HAHA. I bet it's the manufacturers that shill these pieces of shit here. That's hilarious.

Bosoms too big.

You would have to make them way cheaper. I'm a white nigger and I could never afford one of those so I guess nigger niggers are in the same boat.

We should


>Manufacturers shilling
I guarentee this is happening

The cleanup process fucking sucks. I barely ever use mine other than to kiss/cuddle.

easy, make them a status symbol like bling, cars, and weed.

I don’t think you understand. It’s actually white women that chase niggers. Niggers aren’t really to blame desu. I bet you’d fuck pretty white women when they throw themselves at you for your bbc. Righ?

Gonna need to force the manufacturers to start accepting EBT, and increase the dole considerably if you want the nigger market cornered.

Sauce on model

That's a WM Doll.

Not many white women in africa. Loooootts of niggers. Need to fill africa with white sex dolls to stop them breeding and get those nigger numbers down.

Make the sex dolls resemble black men. It's played down, but homosexuality in black gangs is something like 50%

you don't need to give them all sex dolls. that's retarded. we need to just get the fuck out of africa, leave them to their own devices and most importantly stop letting them mass exodus into our countries when they fuck up their own.

Buy insertable vagina. Much easier to clean.

Make it come with a basketball?

99% of the normies I saw who expressed interest in this were black men. I wonder why that is.

by shooting them in the head