literal pedos on /bant/
this is where the shills linger who shit up your pizzagate threads
this is where your redpill threads get moved to by fucking mods
how do we unfuck Sup Forums moderation?
literal pedos on /bant/
this is where the shills linger who shit up your pizzagate threads
this is where your redpill threads get moved to by fucking mods
how do we unfuck Sup Forums moderation?
Did you just get bantered on bantz you fucking faggot?
Call the NSA tell them their toy is broken.
Go be a newfag somewhere else.
spotted the /bant/pedo shills
Nice meme flag fagballs
At least they fap to drawings instead of real kids like on /soc/
My mistake, missed the spaniard. He's probably on /soc/ too, though.
fucking gook moot needs to step his game
Imagine being this much of a newfag.
Loli is an integral part of Sup Forums, if you don't like it you can always fuck off to r/the_donald.
*step up
fucking 9yo is an integral part of Sup Forums?
this is the future you chose Sup Forums
keep crying jews and nigger while you're surrounded by literal pedos
You will be surprised of the crap that is a integral part of this place.
Dude is probably larping. Stories like that are what made Sup Forums reputation and kept the normalfags at bay.
Where's the problem
What is the problem newfriend?
look faggots i've been on Sup Forums for years and spend years on Sup Forums
this is not usual behaviour
the fact how open and careless he talks about it is anontalk tier
Sup Forums and its moderation is fucking compromised
of course you faggots downplay it you are probably part of it
>look faggots i've been on Sup Forums for years and spend years on Sup Forums
Being on Sup Forums since 2015 doesn't make you any less of a newfag, faggot.
>i've been on Sup Forums for years guys
>9gag images
KYS nerd
dont you have cp to fap to faggot