Is it because of capitalism? Should students be paid to get good grades to give them an incentive to work harder?
Why is the education system broken in the United States?
Its a combination of an outdated system, funding issues, and this generation being very lazy
I work at a company that is in contact with teachers constantly. The problem is the people running the schools are fucking retarded and have no idea what they're doing.
Letting niggers study with the good white children
seems like there wasnt an issue until they enforced "diversity" in schools
>be me, grade 10
>sitting in chemestry class next to best friend
>it's a substitute teacher episode
>She's going around and making sure everyone did the homework, just walking by and glancing not collecting.
>we didn't do the homework.
>we look at each other and psychicly panic
>start rapidly flipping papers in our binders randomly
>she just walks past us and keeps going.
There is absolutely no incentive to work hard in school.
The type of person who actually becomes a teacher today is a retarded cunt
The US shoulds just copy Finland's education system, but instead we have to make our own hogshit common core No kid left behind garbage. Every few years our education is "fixed" by some nobel politician, but really they are just shuffling the shitpile.
Oh you have no idea. These people are incapable of learning that I talk to every day. Everyone at my job is pro private school because of how much public schools suck.
this + no rewards for actually doing well since everything is about networking/connections/relatives now
I am a teacher. Have been for over 10 years.
1. Compulsory - by making literally everyone, we include a lot of problematic individuals that cause fiscal and educational damage to the rest.
2. Less responsibility taken now as a society. Also, less authoritarian/patriarchal structures make it difficult to create social cohesion to motivate youth to work on their education.
>There is absolutely no incentive to work hard in school.
Pain avoidance. Why caning was traditionally used
Plug them and never put an allegedly heterosexual individual to teach them ever again.
Other than the fact to get a good gpa in order to obtain a good scholarship in order avoid debt in order to get the career of you're choice sounds like incentive to me
There's no incentive to be intelligent anymore. Why study away the best years of your life then claw your way up academia when you can just act like a lovable retard on YouTube and make more money while having more friends?
Especially #1. I taught for fifteen years, mostly in majority black schools. On a 1000 student campus, I'll bet we could have cut disciplinary incidents by 20% and raised scores by almost as much if we'd permanently expelled ten or fifteen chronic offenders.
Capitalism? Do we have a completely private system the government doesn't run? No? Then it's not capitalism, it's socialism. Without economic competition schools have zero incentive to actually produce a product -- smarter people -- for a profit. The system gets paid regardless of how retarded it's outputs are, it'll just complain it needs more money for some reason and never deliver results.
White Americans get the same PISA scores as Finland. 3 points from the top scoring euro country Estonia.
Our education system is actually pretty good
We are just brought down by all the blacks.
Plus how we are tested is different. In other countries students are largely tracked out/ have to test into schools. This results in the very best students being tested.
In America everyone goes to high-school and everyone is part of the testing pool.
When I went to school all we were taught was how to take tests; we were constantly told we would be losers if we didn't go to college.
I was never taught things I'd actually use in every day life.
school districts having a dick waving contest over who gets higher test scores
Why do that when you could just be black?
Congrats. Honestly. I got 16 tears in one of the most violent, poverty stricken areas of the US.
Love to hear some stories.....I bet you got some good ones.
I always build my team's to target certain kids. You get rid of them first. Then, things go a lot smoother
I have no qualms sacrificing a few tough ones for the greater good.
Why did you teach in black majority schools for so long, m8? Got any funny stories?
it's broken because they want people to be ignorant and opinionated because then they are easy to divide and control.
It's the culture, nothing more, nothing less. What the fuck does funding have to do with it? The Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans spend far less on education than we do and they blow our students out of the fucking water. Poverty has nothing to do with it, either. Immigrants make the leap from poor to wealthy within one generation because they place an emphasis on education and force their children to do well in school. That Hindu kid sitting next to you studying for his degree in chemistry didn't come from wealth.
Since money and socio-economic backgrounds have nothing to do with academic success, it can only be the culture that determines how well a student does in school. If the family puts an emphasis on education and forces the child to study, that child will do exceptionally well. If they don't, they won't.
Culture, culture, culture, nothing more, nothing less.
This. Bring back caning.
I was a terrible student in high school. I absolutely refused to do any of the homework, was almost last in my class, and only was accept to college because of my high ACT scores.
I would have actually done the homework in highschool if the alternative was getting caned.
It didn't actually end up mattering because of testing out of it, but not everyone can do that. But everyone can do with some more motivation.
The incentive to go to collage is dwindling quite a bit, many colleges are downsizing or even starting to close up.
High schools need to start teaching employable skills
niggers, sand niggers, mexican niggers,and the idea that equality of outcome is favorable over equality of opportunity. Niggers ruin schools and whites flee from city to city. The south is by far the worst area in the country. They were always behind but they also have the "nigger belt".
Once I had this fairly smart "high yellow" kid in my English class. Got Cs, but could have easily been a solid B-average student if he hadn't been so lazy. There was a "juicy" (I'm talking Nicki Minaj-caliber) girl in his class he was interested in. So, one day, when sitting behind her, he...stabbed her in the ass with a pencil. The point broke off in her, she had to go to the ER to get it removed, and he got suspended. I was trying to talk sense into him, saying "If you like a girl, ask her out. Give her flowers. Don't stab her in the butt with a #2 pencil."
Wanna know the best part? He nailed her while still suspended. Apparently, ghetto love has its own rituals even stranger than I imagined.
No its beacuse of your lo IQ and lazy ass
Fuck that shit, it barely works if they hit you as you do something.
Because of socialism. The gov is paying for people to go to school who shouldn’t, driving down the average and taking resources away from those who should be there.
Kids don’t want to learn. I sure as shit didn’t when I was in high school. You can only blame the system so much.
I came into teaching when I was well into my twenties after deciding corporate life wasn't for me. Some misguided idea of "giving back" or some shit. I was the classic liberal turned conservative.
I've got lots of stories. Short one:
After teaching a lesson on Chinua Achebe's "Things Fall Apart," I said to my class: "OK. Any questions before we dismiss?"
One hand shot up with light speed: "Mittah XXXXXX! Why do Mexicans smell like hot dogs?" As I stood there dumbfounded, one of the girls in the back snapped, "Nigga, why you axin' him that? He teach English, not no Social Studies!"
The average Asian student is dumb as a fucking rock. They have high average scores because most schools in China literally pass out answer sheets with tests to boost scores. And cheating is encouraged. The actual smart students are all off studying abroad where legitimate schools are located, which is why every Asian you see is pretty smart. They were sent/their parents were smart enough to leave their shithole country and move to Europe or North America
combined efforts of the existence of teachers unions and fed dept of education
Nice. We had a kid set his bottle of cologne on fire in his backpack today, melting the linoleum floor and burning his arm where he already had an infected wound from surgery just last week.
That teacher quit at semester and it's been a sub bloodbath daily. They kicked in the class door and broke it. Fights during class. Weekly.
Can confirm about the teacher thing. My sister is one and she is definitely retarded, not like diagnosed(she's been evaluated), but consciously chooses to be a complete moron that has childish outbursts when she doesn't get her way. I truly fear for these kids she teaches because I know how stupid she is. The worst part is, she toes the lefty multi-culti line to a T.
The point of school is to find out who will work hard in exchange for a promise and a pat on the back.
Oh, that definitely sounds familiar. My first semester teaching was as a "long term sub" to replace a teacher with twenty-four years who just couldn't take it any more and walked out of the building. Literally just abandoned everything and left. Mailed in her resignation and got some doctor to give her a diagnosis to cover her ass and keep her pension.
Six months later, I couldn't blame her one bit.
oh boy
Don't make schools mandatory and reduce the curriculum to language, maths, science. School should be from 8-1pm. Parents should use the rest of the time to develop the personal talents of their kids
Love to stay and chat bros, but off to sleep. If only it was earlier. Thanks for the stories. Makes my life feel normal.
Back to the grind tomorrow. God bless.
niggers and spics
>We are just brought down by all the blacks.
and the mexicans
The highschool I graduated from back in 2008 kept putting most of their funds into sport shit like a new track and field, gym floor, and a lot into the wrestling team shit. Meanwhile, realistic classes just dumped loads of homework on people and said "Do work. Test Friday." The school didn't have a shop class or an auto class since the 80's and 90's.
>Too much homework each class
>Too many tests
>No useful skills taught, unless special signup after school shit (Good luck if you have time for that.)
>Horrible with spending money
>Students affected by Jew MTV-era media just wanting to be emo or skate and smoke pot and try to be the next Bam Margera
>Too many spics who just wanted to cut class and then acted shocked when they were told they weren't going to graduated.
Also, here's the biggest issue at my school. They favored females. The females were beyond retarded and just cared about drinking, smoking weed, MySpace, and skater boys. Teachers seemed to go easy on them, and don't say they're good at regurgitating and memory. These girls were legit dumb. Either girls literally sucked dicks, or staff gave females higher grades. We had some of the DUMBEST girls pass with higher grades than people who did their homework and studied hard, somehow going to those fancy colleges along the CA coast. Today, they're roasties.
more like this
Yes our system is perfect
K-12 was pushed by American industrialists to enslave the common person.
Let Gatto explain:
The unfortunate truth is, the American school system is run like a prison designed to separate children from parents and condition them into state dependency
My high school had a girl get caught cheating TWICE, in the same class. The teacher only lectured her with no punishment and she went on to get her free Hispanic achievement money at a nice uni.
>United States education system is broken
No it isn't. It's doing exactly what it's been designed to do.
Once had the school resource officer burst into my room, hand on his gun. "Mr. XXXX," he said, "we need to lock your room down. There's an armed parent out front looking for you." My hoodrats burst into hooting spider-monkey laughter, saying things like, "Who bitch you done fucked? You steal some nigga's stash?" Eventually, they arrested the guy. The next day, everyone was mocking one of the girls in the class. I eventually got them to quiet down and asked why.
"Aw, Mittah XXXX, dat was Tyresha daddy yestiddy. He was goan shoot you fo' givin' her an F." I gave him a blank look, checked my grade book, and told the whole class that Tyresha had not, in fact, failed. She didn't pass by much, but she had passed.
Turned out she and her father couldn't tell the difference between me and the social studies teacher, the only white males teaching at that grade level.
Schools suck because most of the time it's all about separating the best from the average and placing them on a golden pedestal throughout MS and HS. And predictably, this makes the actually good students snobby pricks or lazy fucks because they don't realize they've been handed all the "academic awards".
A quick story by they way.
My 10th grade bio teacher caught two students cheating on a test with each other. One was your standard student, and the other was very involved in school activities. He reported them to the (whatever it was I don't remember) and they decided to suspend the nobody to make an example of him, and do nothing to the other kid because he actually matters.
The teacher was kind of an ass, but he was actually really helpful. After that incident he stopped reporting students to the thing because he saw it as really fucked up.
More, please and thank you.
It's broken because the government is involved. Education began through the church and only accepted people who were truly brilliant. Stupid cunts with retarded kids couldn't stand the pain of their little rat babies being left out, so they fought for every kid gets a trophy bullshit and now, here we are.
If we truly had a system based on merit, only the truly gifted would be allowed in the club. Past that, those who work hard and earn a place deserve it. Handing out responsibilities to everyone because of their skin color and gender I'd what is ruining everything, not just school.
Thankfully, everything will eventually collapse in the West and a large percentage of these useless cunts will either starve to death or be hung. Hopefully, Russia invades instead of China, because we need more white people here and Russians aren't pussies.
Frankfurt school plan created by the commie kikes.
>work or we will hurt you
Are you a slave?
Bloated administrations and government-backed student loans
Hey buddy I’m in school to be a teacher. Take that back!
jews and niggers. you can't refute me.
Learning can be fun if it’s made interesting and compelling, reading from a textbook for 45 minutes then being shoveled homework like they’re the only teacher that gives it drains the life from you.
Government involvement (common core/ State education) , sjw English and history teachers, little to no useful skills.
Personally I just want education privatized, would rather pay more money for my children to get a better education than I did in public school.
Elementary school teacher here, it's a couple of things:
1. It is impossible to retain students now. This is entirely for political posturing. The school district with the better looking graduation numbers is more likely to get funding from independent studies to make money with bullshit "initiatives".
2. School districts are very much in bed with companies that sell textbooks and technology. Every new textbook edition, every new laptop, every new education classification system like Marzano is nothing more than the leaders of the school districts lining their pockets with extra cash.
I'll give you a personal example. I was teaching at a poor inner city elementary school for the last two years. In 2017 the district got word that a brand new grant was being offered in the area to poorer schools. The catch was these schools had to have a majority of teachers who received a final evaluation score of "satisfactory" or higher.
I knew I was going to get satisfactory for that year but my final evaluation scores were not going to be released until around November 2017.
Because they wanted the money and couldn't wait, the district chose instead to use my evaluation score from my 2nd year of teaching ( I've been teaching for 5 years) from when I was teaching a completely different grade level. I was forced to leave a week before the start of the 2017-2018 school year. They were kind enough to place me in a school on the complete opposite side of the city where it takes me over an hour to travel to work every day.
This kind of shit happens all the time in school districts, it's very frustrating and the reason why many states have high turnover rates for teachers.
The system is designed to fail.
If we were serious about education we'd take the women out of it, reduce it down to 10 years max, focus on physical conditioning, hit the grammar and rhetoric hard, drill the boys in basic pre-calculus, and then some good fascist history lessons. That's it.
You do not need anything else.
There is absolutely no point in teaching a boy physics, calculus, chemistry, or biology. These are all niche fields specific to very narrow fields only a tiny minority of people take an honest interest in. Leave these for university.