>"Just remove the Jews and all of our problems will magically disappear."
Do people really think this?
>"Just remove the Jews and all of our problems will magically disappear."
Do people really think this?
It's really true, unless your "problems" are petty degenerate trash like "why can't I find a girlfriend"
yes. and they have admitted themselves in a number of different ways that they desire the wars.
I'm sure some do. But those would be retarded. Jews having influential positions of power where they can affect negative changes =/= "Da jooz did everything bad eva"
Worked every single time before it when it was tried. The great depression would have never happened if it were not for them controling the Federal Reserve.
Lurk more
Not all of our problems. Just most.
t. Emanuel Rosenstein
No. The white race is fucked. Only thing we can look forward to is the massive global race war aka WWIII between east Asia and our HAPA descendents against the unending horde of african/Latino/arab/Indian shitskins
You KIKES can't dodge the ovens forever.
Strawman fallacy.
Nobody states that all problems will magically disappear.
Save that tactic for mainstream media and whatnot to try and subvert the rest of the population. The goys here are too wise
I'm not even against the JQ on principle, it's just that there are a lot of underlying factors that are contributing to societal decay right now besides just "the Jews".
Yes, but we will be faced with new and arguably worse problems.
They will metaphorically be taking the ball and going home, and the game will be hard to continue.
Short term disaster with long term benefits.
name one
Have to get rid of niggers and spics as well.
The Jews are selling bad ideas to the goys and the goys are buying it willingly. If you want to beat the Jews and stop Jewish influence then you're gonna need to prove that you're better than them.
Also, we're witnessing some of the end results of cultural Marxism right now. A lot of the societal damage and degeneracy we're living through can't be undone, at least not easily. And besides just that technology is advancing faster than humans can adjust and it's had some permanent disastrous effects on human interactions.
you couldn't actually name one, but the advice is sound nonetheless.
>Do people really think this?
The poorest white countries have no jews. Richest ones have Jews who control all the finances. You're literally niggers on welfare from Jews who keep thinking you are kangz
More or less.
If a society has the capacity to defy and reject Jews, I have complete faith in their capacity to solve their problems without such a foreign agent fucking society up.
The mindset required to gas the kikes is the same mindset that drives entire civilizations into new eras of progress and prosperity.
I said technology, and also modernity in general. Not sure how much of that is Jew-controlled but it seems like it's a natural consequence of time anyway.
>You have two leaks. Fixing one means still leaves another so why bother
If you teach your child self hatred and the child hates it's self then you can't blame the child for accepting your teachings.
Whites were unaware of the malicious intent of Jews. This allowed the Jew to manipulate them en masse. While whites aren't children they carried on with the same level of naivety. Why should they be held responsible for not assuming that there is a subversive tribe of parasites engineering their demise?
I don't blame the victim, I blame the rabbi.
>The mindset required to gas the kikes is the same mindset that drives entire civilizations into new eras of progress and prosperity.
Poorest white country is Ukraine.
Ukrainian government is 80+% Jewish.
Nice try, Shlomo
No but at least I wouldn't be getting Jew'd anymore
>Parasite only latches on to healthy host
>Parasite becomes so deluded it thinks it's responsible for the host's health
>Parasite blames host for deteriorating health that it it's self is responsible for
You faggot kikes haven't built a civilization and leached off Europe and their diaspora's excess wealth by infecting finance with your nepotism.
The only thing you've given us is usury and degeneracy.
The oven is too good for you
Whites are failing right now because they've failed to recognize that Jewish group interests are at odds with theirs. It's something they should've realized a long time ago. Now I fear it may be too late to reverse the spell.
They are bugs on our windshield. We have no solid idea where we're going or need to go until we get the wipers working. It's not that problems will go away, it's that we can see problems for what they are and solve them.
Jews are not going to be the only ones removed. Also, kys.
What's wrong with usury? You wouldn't be able to start any huge projects without it (unless you want the government to fund everything), get a mortgage, or have any kind of financial system. You're a dumb nigger who has no idea what he is talking about. Money is a resource that costs money(interest). If there was no interest on money, I'd take a 10 million loan, invest it in a very low risk investment and make loads of money.
>The only thing you've given us is usury and degeneracy
Watching how completely oblivious you stupid niggers are is amazing.
POST ROMAN ARISTOCRACY gave you usury through the kike. The Jews are the face men and fall guys for the old money of the last 1500 years. humorously it is a pack of inbreeding whites that have fucked you retarded "muh racial purity!" slaves in to the dirt.
ooh we gotta comedian here
When you remove Jews you finally realize who the real problem is
>t. ShitholeJew
If it wasn't for Britain and America, Israel wouldn't exist. But if Israel ceased to exist, America would be fine, better. And we'll know soon enough lol.
>Do people really think this?
Jews are basically a proxy army of rothschild.
Without his money and influence, they would be nothing.
There are hundreds of millions of whites in North America alone. It's not too late or even close to it.
There is, unfortunately, a lot more suffering ahead before the awakening finally happens.
>"Just remove the Jews and all of our problems will magically disappear."
user believes it's a good and logical beginning.
Loans itself is fine. Predatory interest rates, factual reserve lending, and all the other jew tricks are the issue.
>the illegal action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest.
>The porn industry
>The Fed
"Gee golly goy, how would the economy function without private banks issuing currency that already has debt attached?"
Oy vey, Nazi Germany seemed to do just fine without Jewish handlers charging usury. How quickly you forgot. Nazi Germany was more advanced than Israel, comparatively, and its government work aesthetics? Oy vey, Hitler crushes Bibi. Your Knesset is dog shit. Technion is boring looking.
Marxism- Jewish creation
Feminism- Jewish creation
Mass waves of third worlder immigration to the US- Jewish creation
The Iraq War and Afghanistan War- Jewish creation
The 2008 financial crisis- Jewish creation
The destruction of numerous white powerbases- Jewish creation
It's not da j00s. It's da Zionists. Big difference. J00s are just normal d00ds.
It won't solve all problems, but we can't work to solve major problems unless they're taken out of the way.
i think people who believe this really mean 'globalist elite banker types' 'liberal social leaders' many of which are ethnic jews.
I dont think any anti-semite on this board actually thinks 'all jews should be removed' except the highly autistic and stupid ones.
I think they mean they want any amibiguity about social causes to be scrutinized with reasonable logic and have a traditional white/christian identity/value system to be praised and looked to in decisions and policy making effecting social program, military, and the economy.
In other words, i think most anti-semites here would be satisfied if we could return to the religious/white additutdes of how the 1930s supposedly were.
let's just try it and see if it works.
Hey. Nigger
Reading comprehension. Try it.
>except the highly autistic and stupid ones.
So all of them. Check.
Hey Kike, an actual argument.
Try it
The Jews already got us into a fine mess. There's no going back, now. If the right wins we eliminate the Jews. If the left wins then all Whites are eliminated, and along with them the Whites. Their plan is always to subvert, breed hatred and be eliminated, but when they do this they delay our progress and bring down the civilization. That's their role in this world, you see. They truly are God's chosen people, and when you realize what The Plan is then you realize why we were never meant to achieve an advanced ethnostate.
Refute this hypothetical
>there are suddenly as many Jews on Earth as there are whites IRL
>and suddenly as few whites as Jews on Earth
>everything else is exactly the same
>what happens?
Whites are genocided from the top down in such methodical fashion it takes under five years. Every last one, except for Shabbos Goys etc, is massacred. Before Jews go after Muslims. Or the Chinese.
Not even a Jewanon can refute this. Jews would not hesitate to exterminate whites if they could. They might save the hotter women and men for breeding, because they're so unhappy with their faces. But that's it. Now, we sense this animosity IRL but they are such a small minority, so snappy with their media prowess, we can't be sure. But it's there. It's psychotic and sophisticated. It must be countered with extreme prejudice.
Anyone who can’t see that the argument against jewish control is much more nuanced than this is dumber than a down syndrome FAS crack baby nigger. Kevin MacDonald literally wrote volumes of material on the subject and you reduce it to a simple strawman fed to you by jews. We’re hitting irony levels that shouldn’t even be possible
European royalty. Not Jewish. Neck yourself you dumb cunt. Kikes aren't at the top. If they were you wouldn't have fucking pictures of all of them.
Not all jews are demons
Not all demons are jews
Not all jews or demons are evil
Nice try Shlomo. “German Economic Miracle” during WW2
Inb4 404
to be fair, they to seem to be connected to most of the problems
The Hebrew word for usury means snake bite
>Who runs the FED?
>Who runs the WTO?
>Who runs the porn industry?
>Who ran the Frankfurt school?
>Who runs our media?
Those (((royals))) really fucked things up, didn't they?
Idiots believe "jews" are pure lol nope! Mixed! The so called "jews" are not a race studies show
If the bath has been left running and is flooding the bathroom, turn off the tap before you clean the mess up.
I do. We have yet to have this theory tested on a world scale.
It was proven removing jews from one's nation was good, via Hitler (the greatest man). Why would this success not transfer exponentially to the world?
>God's chosen people
>According to the people who wrote it
If you really believe that then just go ahead an off yourself now, we'll be better off without your faggot ass.
History has proven over and over again that jews are the problem,
Who are the FRONT MEN of the Fed etc etc etc.
There is a +/-15 million group in control of paper money and kept around to be thrown to the rabble when shit gets hot.
Then there are the handful of families that own ALL THE GOLD AND LAND IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. It's the Catholic Church and the same handful of families that have been eating your food and sitting removed from you for 1500 years.
If they weren't in our countries it would be alot easier to solve the problems - which they caused in the first place
No, that's the beginning step needed, nobody is stupid enough claim it's the only one. Saracens aren't jewish after all.
Blacks too.
Jews have been kicked out of 142 nations, mostly for sacrificing got children and draining their blood.
The Talmud and Torah say its fine to rape girls from newborn and boys from three years.
Gas chamber time.
We will be able to solve them if we don't have kikes constantly fucking everything up and lying to the masses all day every day
jews are typically mutted genetic trash. the men are usually manlets and autisticly bad with women and the jewess is usually ugly with an eye gor any shade of non jew cock.
>ITT degenerate goyim thinks in terms of edge
I thought it was, first they came for the niggers, but I wasn't a nigger so I said nothing. Then they came for the mexicans, but I wasn't a Mexican so I said nothing. Then...
They came for the Jews and I asked them, "What took you so long?"
No, just a lot of cancer.
>usury = securities trading, real estate-drive wealth building, and other ethical forms of commerce and investment at the small and large level
and many other such false notions. get off yourself retard. not even you must enjoy such ego masturbation.
Look, Sup Forums, I made it so that Jews never existed! Now let's look at all the wars and bad shit that still would have happened:
>French revolution
>American independence war
>American civil war
>Ancient Rome civil war
>Invasions of the huns
>invasions of the vikings
>7 year war
>100 year war
And many many, MANY, many many more.
>The Talmud and Torah say its fine to rape girls from newborn and boys from three years
Citation needed.
as true as this is, it makes them no less an enemy to western civilization.
we know more today than in the past and the top of the foodchain who would sacrifice every jew alive today to save themselves in a heartbeat, will be the final boss.
this is bait, dont reply to it
Thank fuck at least one of you gets it. At no point am I saying "YAYYYYY KIKES!" Just saying "look behind the curtain ya fucks" thanks user
>admits he lost the argument
Every time.
Checked. Gotta remove niggers too.
All facilitated by gullible or treacherous goys. They didn't force these things upon you, you accepted them willingly. You have yourselves to blame.
I don't. Remove the Jew and Europeans still have ethnic strife with one another, such as the Germanics fighting the Mediterraneans, or Slavs. All of those groups are racially different from each other and therefore nature's law dictates they will compete with each other. This pan-European movement shit is retarded, especially with its anti-American sentiment about it. Let's think as shrewdly as a serpent for a moment. Because even if you remove the Jew or reduce America to a pile of ashes you'll still have age old ethnic tensions in Europe. Uniting all of Europe in a pan-European movement against one or two bogeymen such as the Jew or America wont change that. Only one group will come up on top and dominate the others, and I'm rooting for Germanics. Not to say Jews and America aren't toxic by the way.
No, it'll be like stopping the pipe from putting water into the bucket though, we'd just have to empty the water.
What a sick argument.
The logistics of that just wouldn't work; the Ashkenazim depend on white gentiles to continue their bloodline. Successive inbreeding with other Jews just increases the risk for genetic diseases. If whites disappear then so will white Jews.
Umm Nope.
There were a lot of Jews of the Comittee of national salvation.
And remember Robespierre's last speech and how he was shot in the mouth so he could not defend himself.
WW1 wouldn't have happened without Jews. Not on that scale anyway, and it would've ended differently. WW2 would definitely not have happened.
>Not even a Jewanon can refute this. Jews would not hesitate to exterminate whites if they could
I'm a Jew and I refute this. You're full of shit.
>WW1 wouldn't have happened without Jews. Not on that scale anyway, and it would've ended differently. WW2 would definitely not have happened.
Did Jews assassinate Ferdinand? Did Jews put Hitler into power? Did Jews tell him to piss off Russia? Did Jews tell the Japs to pre-emptively bomb the U.S.?
No? OK bye.