Name one other scene in anime that was even close to being more hype than this scene. Like holy fuck, YYH isn't even my favorite anime, but when I first saw this scene I lost my shit, and I've continued to lose my shit every time I've watched it for like the past 6 years. This shit is rad as fuck dude. Shit.
Name one other scene in anime that was even close to being more hype than this scene. Like holy fuck...
The scene where toguro reveals to yusuke that he was only using a fraction of his power, and begins to destroy the pillars holding up the ceiling of the abandon building they were in
what ep is it again?
Everytime he pulls that fucking dragon man
The best one was against Bui
This. Other contenders for me are:
>yusuke using his life energy against suzaku
>saving Puu
>powerup after kuwabara's "death"
>kurama reverting to human form in the demon world tournament
>yusuke's mystery aura and the last moments of his fight with yomi
Goddamn I love this show
YYH is a gem in the world of battle shonen because it has multiple hype moments that are actually legit. A big part of that is the animation. The regular animation was nothing to dismiss, it looked damn good for the early 90's, but when something big happened it more often than not had energetic, fluid animation leading up to it so when the big reveal came you were already excited and it made you lose your shit. The Hiei vs Bui episode was just on another level as far as animation goes, its really stands out from everything else going on in battle shonen back in the day.
The episode where Kurama was reverted back to Yoko was also hype as fuck and I don't even give a shit about Kurama. Jin vs. Yusuke had great animation, the entire rescue Yukina arc had great animation. Yusuke vs Doctor? Fuck me right in the ass, the cinematography was on point. I'm not even naming them all because I'm making a point. How often did DBZ have big budget fights? I've seen a lot of shonen in my time and I really can't think of a single show that had half as many great battles as YYH did.
Oh shit nigga, that episode right after Genkai died and Yusuke was losing his shit in the cave?
>yusuke's mystery aura
desu that was some hard bullshit. Like, you could have just said "oh shit it's sacred energy, that thing that only one person we know of has ever used before" but instead, its some brand new type of energy that doesnt really have any reason to exist since its the last fight anyways. Like it's just a throwaway line, but fuck is it unnecessary (much like many things in that whole arc). Even when I was like 14 I thought "wow thats fucking dumb" when I watched it.
Thanks for reminding me of another. When he raged at Toguro after he killed Genkai. But she was still alive when he was in the cave. He raged at a tree a bit, but after that I think it was an episode of sulking and then they got right into the last match.
user how could you i thought it was a good send off
Is YYH as unpredictable as HxH?
The only thing I know is that Togashi did almost the entirely of a tournament offscreen.
Imagine Goku turned super saiyan for the first time in the second to last episode of dbz, with no prior buildup or explanation afterwards about what the hell that was, and then doesn't even win with the new powerup.
That was the ending, because the madman was spending 20 hours a day working on the manga and wanted to die
it's more predictable, and much more shounen (despite not being a Show about Nen) but it's still a fucking blast with extremely likeable characters. Also yeah, the final arc had a kind of shitty non-tournament, but the last episode of the show made up for the boring stuff before it. The Dark Tournamnet arc though was a proper tourney, and it was fucking sick as shit.
It was really that bad?
Maybe that's why he's immune now.
I always liked that it actually had the protag lose. And it's fun to speculate. I just figured it was a combination of spirit/demon energy with a pinch of muh friendship. While that is cheesy and dumb in its own right, I don't think it can't be simultaneously hype if done well.
I guess? I mean, the part about yusuke losing is fine in itself, but the fact that he gets a brand new powerup beforehand kinda diminishes the point of there being a brand new powerup. I still think its dumb, but at least I get where you're coming from
always come back for that scene
but the completed one was cool too
genkais shotgun on the boat, yusukes final hit on jin and genkai destroying that mountain was great too
I haven't finished this so I'm fucking off
It was an asspull, which is typical of the series because nearly every other major fight was, too.
>pretty sure rando was but can't recall exactly. think he shrunk himself and yusuke fell on him or some shit
>life energy against suzaku which was never explained either
and of course
>you're the demon yusuke
Does anyone know how the YYH rerun is doing in Japan? Or know of any way to check?
I want my fucking merch and the goods page on the official site is still inactive.
Yusuke fell in a bog and got moss stuck in his ears. Thats why he was immune to Rando's sound based attacks which in turn made the attack rebound on Rando himself. Yusuke was exhausted at this point so yes, he did just let himself fall on top of Rando to finish the fight. If you want to consider that an asspull you're free to do so but what it was supposed to do was reiterate that Yusuke has dumb luck. Which he definitely does. He won Genkai's tournament through sheer, stupid luck which was something both Genkai and Kuwabara gave him shit for.
Life energy was mentioned a few times but never actually explained how its different between spirit energy. The implication throughout the series seems to be that spirit energy is essentially a persons aura/ki whereas life energy is a persons actual life essence. Every time it came up, it was a last resort after the character in question had used up all of their spirit energy and it seemed to take quite a toll on whoever got that desperate.
No, it came out of left field and didn't really have a place within the narrative but it is what it is. Definitely an ass pull in regards to the Sensui fight but other than that it was an unnecessary side note to a character that was perfect without it.
Why did gen kai survive, that was the biggest break for me in the anime, everything was set up for it and people had accepted it. Bringing her back to life didn't make any sense nor did it make anyone happy. in fact it made the rest of the series lack tension.
Akagi paying the chombo penalty (8k points) just to hide information about his playing style against Urabe. The first time I saw the anime, I knew he was going to do this because this very same situation also happened within the first 3 episodes (though it was his opponent, back then), and even despite his considerable point disadvantage and this move leaving him with only two rounds to make his comeback against an opponent that has a good defense (enough to prevent his former opponent from finishing a cheap, 1k-only hand which would've won against him, worth mentioning that he was only this close to losing there because his opponent was lucky and he milked him to double the next matches' pot value, by preventing both of them from getting first place).
When he actually did that, I thought, "he's insane! there's only two rounds left, it was already difficult to close the point difference gap, and he further increased it! I don't see how he's going to win this!"
it's cool as shit but when hiei absorbs the Jaō Ensatsu it's when I absolutely lose my shit, no matter the age I just go apeshit when I see that.