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Russian tigers thread
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How did this meme start?
A dumb russian makes cringy balls where Russia is the best at everything and always attack poland, then someone decided to make it funnier
lmao can bet it's sponsored by the state
Did you know that Russia has tiggers and Space unlike you and your degenerate western bosses
I love that this became a meme, these comics is one of the most shallow and smug forms of propaganda I've seen
>smug Russiaball outsmarting everyone without effort constantly
For some reason the autist making this seems to be very butthurt at post-USSR countries too. Or maybe that is the sentiment of Russia in general because countries like Poland are joining the west and NATO because they still have PTSD over being set back 50 years in time by communism.
Holy shit, keep em comin
did you say Poland???
Russian tigers Is probably the best meme I've seen in years, the original thread had me in tears
>tfw poland never skipped leg day
I'd pick Poland any day over Russia
Why is Russia constantly shittalking a country that is outperforming them after being raped by them in the first place?
That ogrish face gets me every time
Not really, the know that even the baltics are better than russia
plz explain I don't get it
Is this an ironic joke about how Poland has been Russia's self admitted cum repository for the last 200 years? Like libs projecting about DRUMPF being corrupt and racist?
Why is this so fucking funny, I can't even understand half of it?
it's about russia thinking they are better at everything, then someone dares to mock them with these memes
Found the triggered expat
So it's not a pol meme then? 99% of Russian posters here are cringeworthy self hating faggots who bitch harder about their country and president than nigger liberals do about America. On the other hand every eastern european shithole here larps about how they're gonna fight da russky invasion 3 times a day while simultaneously crying how hard muh gommunism buttfucked them.
Found the leaf
To be fair gommunism did buttfuck they
They have a right to hate Russia imo
>So it's not a pol meme then?
many say it is from krautchan or 2ch
Russian propaganda started to make their unfunny Polandball comics. Basically state propaganda adopted a meme. Then Krautchan and Russian chans started to make stuff that mocks the Russian propaganda balls.
I've never seen such poor English from a toothpaste poster. And I've been on this here nepalese pearl diving board for a very long time, Taras Cockholenko. This thread reeks of proxied salo niggers.
It's because I got up early because wageslaving awaits me
It's been around for what feels like ages and I'm still not tired of it.
plz use your autism for this one
this shit is like spurdo
shit at first but getting more hilarious the more you see it
Poland fucks everybody
no escape from BPC.
How do poles feel about that meme
hard to say, it's relatively new.
Shut the fuck up, Russia isn't perfect and you would rightfully be killed for being a fucking cocksucking retard over there.
Thats fucking stupid
Russians aren't even close to as cringeworthy as Putin fluffers that don't even live in Russia.
Shit belongs on SAGE
shill thread
> meme war went nuclear
> fallout
why is the gaping asshole so far up in the back? drives me nuts
Is this seriously how Slavs meme?
yes, they all secretely love poland's cock
don't get this one, and no I never saw the shawshank redemption
It wouldn't surprise me that these memes were invented by a Russian hating kike.
Who gives a shit, they're great.
can you use your autism to make a good meme
I have created a monster and, by the gods, I do not regret a single thing i have done.
they are a horrible scourge, Hitler did try to warn us
Gawd, those comics are soo bad; such no style, such no funny. Baaad.
this is soooooooo gay.
hahahahah god damn. I always wondered when john was going to stop taking garfields shit.
>taking the bait
It was a meme used to mock Slavs and then Sup Forums through it was propaganda and mocked it even more
Way to take the bait faggots
space niggers
>These are the masterminds that rigged the U.S. election
this is what Hillary supports actually believe.
it's the newly formed asshole he made in russianball
it is really good
There is nothing on this board more annoying than RT-watching, Sputniknews-reading, slavshit-worshipping Putin cucks with Western flags. Nothing. Give me 1000 Shareblue leftists from Canada over a single European or American flag whining constantly about central banks and bragging about mighty S-400 and Armata tanks. At least the leftist shills, they are honest about their flags, or where they live. They don't lie about their convictions unlike Putinboos, who masquerade as "nationalists" but advocate the downfall of their own country in favor of Russia. Literally a fifth column.
I prefer even Russian flags who are Putinboos, they are more honest and genuine than these cuck Westerners looking for a le based Christian strongman to guide them from globalist degeneracy.
we need to deploy more Makeevs to Mexico
what the he is he doing here in the first place
Making fun and moking mexicans. He is an interesting person, very artistic i must say.
>Being that triggered
Ayy cucaracha.
I'm not quite sure if I completely understand this meme, but I am thoroughly enjoying it regardless of that
did he die after the attack?
In his last videos there he chased mexicans with machete.
He killed one mexican with machete then they got him.
>"B-but muh based russia!"
Next time use a meme flag so I know to ignore your comment before I read it.
He should have been shot