Serbian politician gunned down in Kosovo
Who else is ready for a new Balkan war?
Balkan wars are the best
Serbian politician gunned down in Kosovo
Who else is ready for a new Balkan war?
Balkan wars are the best
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Balkan spawn here. I think the Balkans should be nuked into oblivion, as they bring nothing to this world but misery.
And we have even more countries now it will be fun
Hey cunt its not our faulth that commies ruined the balkans
You could say the same thing about the Middle East and Islam, yet they're deservedly still given shit.
why even leave macedonia at the point?
wow cmon now we are not as bad as those orks
Yeah but only serbs and muzzies in b&h are taught to lie, the surrounding countries would be fantastic on their own without a yoke of control on them
So i can oficially call them skopje
Greece,Bulgaria and Serbia can share the rest of the land why let it go to waste
High Elf masterrace reporting in
Its 300k popultion and they refuse to join bulgaria when the east fyrom would celebrate, id give it to serbia so that we share borders but it would look too weird
Is Slovenia not part of the club?
You and Turkey shouldn't border each other. It's unnatural.
No. Most of Croatia and Vojvodina aren't either.
>toothless albo diaspora
Spain and spain america should invade and bring order to balkans.
>slovenia is the rich country
Yea thats true i made some borders that are on top of rivers so maybe it could work. A turkey that has lost its east to kurdistan and armenia, and thrace to greece they would become albania tier anyway
My life is meaningless in this shithole, let's at least have some fun by killing each other
Why do you have to post your weird face everytime
I meant something more in the lines of this.
Well atleast we have 2 seas
Yea 5th time is a charm right?
Since orthodox croats declared themself as serbs and muslim croats as bosniaks I dont care what happens in the balkans desu
The idea of a greater serbia is more than dead and only complete retards belive in it
Herzegovina sould simply rejoin us and leave the rest to the wolves
>we wuzz germanski
Ne :)
Serbia can take back Kosovo only if they will shoah the Muslims. Same goes for Monteniggro. Bosnia should be split between Serbia and Croatia. Serbia and Croatia should get rid of pro-EU politicians, hang them publicly. A new union should be formed, with Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Russia and Hungary, a union based on real fair trade and Our People First mentality.
This Ivanovic dude was obviously assassinated by Vucic's peeps, FSB should just kill him already, he is a EU stooge.
Maybe I forgot to add some countries, idk what's going on in Bulgaria desu, I keep forgetting they are Balkans.
The biggest wonder lasts three days
Last time we tried and actually had a chance, Britain saved them.
My family are nigger elves?
What kind of sick joke is this
Maybe if it wasnt US best buddy turkey wouldnt exist today
Serbia is not Balkan
Look how flat the country is lmao. All the mountainous areas are inhabited by minorities.
KEK this is good hajde hajde hajde
Turkey is inching itself further and further from the US and NATO, I reckon they will ally themselves with Iran and Pakistan more now
Why is /pol full of the most retarded people who blame Vučić for the assassination of a minor politician?
Are you people this dense?
OR are you just DOS/Drugosrbijanski bots?
Pazi ovog retarda. Jebem ti mater
This -is- perfect.
Sta kurac?
Bratko, Serbs on /pol are very often political agitators.
Opposition ones.
They spread dumbassery and fake news.
The best part is that they call out Vučić for "betrayal" and "EU cuck" nonsense, while in reality they voted for EU and NATO stooges, fifth column and outright mafia kingpins like Đinđić.
Still fail to understand why do you prefer to be Russia cucks based on some Orthodox brotherhood meme rather than accept reallity, join EU(Bosnia too) adn remove the fake borders you installed over there.
Bosnia will never get in the EU
I thought we and Romania would never either, but go figure.
>prefer to be Russia cucks
>NATO supported Croatian ethnic cleansing of Serbs, aggression on UN protected zones in Croatia
>Serbs drop from 600 000 to 150 000 and be branded agressors and bombed by NATO
>NATO bombed Serbs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, even though Croats and Bosniaks UNCONSTITUTIONALLY seceded and started the war
>330 000 Serbs less in Bosniak held areas
>Serbs again bombed by NATO
>UČK, KLA terrorist organisation on USA list
>kill mailmen, police, officials
>abduct people, torture, harvest organs
>US drops them from the list
>USA apoints a CIA agent William Walker to OECD "commitee"
>he "discovers" "Račak massacre"
>Serbia gets bombed
>Serbs again cleansed
>UN resolution 1244
>ignored afterward
>2004 Serb pogrom, no one does anything
>Why do you like Russia? Join based West
Go fuck yourself, you German lapdog. 1 200 000 Serbs died in WW1, 700 000 died in WW2 and more than 100 000 in the 90s with 1+ million refugees from cleansed areas.
Both of you guys are considered premature entries intended to expand into the Balkans which is why theres still no schengen while bosnia is a whole new lvl of fuckery
Lmao those numbers, muh 6 gorillion
Beat me to it.
You should be worried, I hear Russia is taking a more active stance in Serbian politics now. When the time comes again for proxy-war between Russia and USA, it will most likely be in the Balkans.
>be Bulgaria
>sign a huge energetics deal, making Bulgaria European gas hub
>huge financial benefits
>get visited by McCain
>drop it immediately
>Germany builds another pipeline and takes the money that would have gone to Bulgaria
Romania and Bulgaria were admitted ahead of schedule to close off Balkans for Russia.
Those are actual, peer-reviewed numbers you vermin. Even the fucking anti-Serb English wikipedia lists them.
It's always that simple right?
Sign a deal with Russia and we become Switzerland of the Balkans.
Or in reallity a few oligarchs get even filtier rich than they already are at the cost of being 100% dependent on Russia for energy. Even you are not! You have your own petrol.
In other words, when the West again supports Ottomans, Bosniaks and Albanians against indigenous, native Orthodox Christian population.
Just like France allying with Ottomans, just like Britain, France and Piedmont attacking Russia to prevent liberation of Constantinople, just like entire West joining hands together against Russian at Berlin Congress or London Conference, and just like 90s. All over again.
>tmw you commission your militrary counter-intelligence to concoct a fake plan for the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo and mistakenly name it Podkova instead of Podkovica, but that's okay cause the germans won't know the difference anyway
No, they're not, the only ex-yu country to do an actual post war appraisal of world war 2 casualties is Slovenia. The rest are Yugoslavs post war figures upon which reparations were paid depending on the numbers by Germany and are literally made up by commies.
we hate the turks aswell m8
Oh boy here we go again.
>100% dependent on Russia
You do realise that the point of gas pipeline, storage and hub is that you make money for doing nothing, just charging other countries for transit?
How can oligarchs get rich if the money from gas transit goes to budget, and Bulgaria is in EU?
No one would force Bulgaria to buy anything from Russia. Holy fuck. The pipeline would just give you a possibly cheaper alternative. That is just like saying that building an LNG terminal would make you dependant. No, it would just give you more choices.
Serbia doesn't have enough petrol production to satisfy own needs, and state petroleum industry was sold to Russians, unironically by EU/NATO party, because it was a money sink and no one else wanted it.
You personally maybe but Albania and Bosnia are Turkey's vassal states in the balkans.
why even have borders tho? pretty sure we can just take half of macedonia, give one half to the bulgarians and make a serb greek federation, we won't wait on the border for hours going on holiday and you get cheap serbian goods because our land is much more fertile
Like Ukraine does money from nothing right? Until Putin closes the valve and declares a price increase.
No, I am not taking those numbers.
Those meme numbers speak of 700 000 in Jasenovac alone and other crap.
So, instead of being a LMAO retard, why don't you give your "numbers"?
wont argue with that
Ukraine signed that "unfavourable" deal when the post-Orange revolution government headed by that disgusting Jew "Timoshenko" negotiated it.
You missed the truth completely. Ukrainians literally didn't pay for gas, they scammed the PAYING EUROPEAN customers by stealing gas during transit through various means.
Their nigger behaviour and US/British support for that is what made Germany, Austria and other Central European nations wary of future blackmail and nigger behaviour, so NordStream and South Stream were approved.
>muh hubs
>muh billions of dollars
>muh Russia
What financial benefits?There were none for Bulgaria.Why waste 4 billion + for something that "might"turn a profit by the year 2057.
South Stream was the same retarded scheme as Belene - waste billion of dollars for a project that would never be profitable so a bunch of oligarchs can line their pockets, while at the same time sucking off the pomeschiks in Moscow.
>Serbia doesn't have enough petrol production to satisfy own needs, and state petroleum industry was sold to Russians, unironically by EU/NATO party, because it was a money sink and no one else wanted it.
and somehow we still fucked ourselves over because now the russians own everything that flows underneath the ground in serbia so despite having great conditions for installing geothermal heating and spending basically nothing to stay warm all winter you can't install geothermal heating without being sued by the russians and paying shittons of cash
Lmao yugoslavia didn't have 700k dead in total while you are sperging about muh jasenovac do you see how fucking hilarious that is?
you're a filthy turkroach yourself, quite literally not just religiously.
New Yugoslav war + Romania, Bulgaria, Albania WHEN
We will never now. Enjoy your prosperity.
PS: Your arms industry rebuilt in the recent years solely to arm Jihadists and Islamofascists will not be overlooked.
>wanting even more bulgaria
>wanting C*priots
I would rather have the Bulgarians if we have to
Perfect map doesn't exi...
Dumb faggot the Yugoslav government concluded some 600-700K people died during the war, these numbers were hidden because reparations were paid depending on the number of dead.
As I already said Slovenija is the only country that did an analisys on world war two casualties thus far in ex-yu.
>The overall number of World War II casualties in Slovenia is estimated at 97,000. The number includes about 14,000 people who were killed or died for other war-related reasons immediately after the end of the war,[11][12]
For yugoland;
>After Germany requested verifiable data the Yugoslav Federal Bureau of Statistics created a nationwide survey in 1964.[80] The total number of those killed was found to be 597,323.[80] The list stayed a state secret until 1989 when it was published for the first time.[17]
Hahaha user you're a funny guy, I like you
if not bait, true
Albania needs a Christian renaissance imo
>Russians own everything
>51% of NIS
Drop the bullshit, kid.
Point me to the contract term that does that.
Even better, tell me how would you as a private person harvest geothermal energy for heating, and your estimates on return on investment.
>Geothermal in Serbia
Literally where?
I am not sperging. I have just told you that those Jasenovac numbers are nonsense.
The point you retarded disgusting ungrateful would-be Austrian stableboy and serf refuse to admit is that there were several concentration camps across Yugoslavia, and Serbs were the majority victims in all of them. Some were exclusively for children, some exclusively for women.
Furthermore, the 1941 uprising in SW Serbia left more dead Serbs than Jasenovac camp. Roughly 70 000 Serbs were killed in fights and German reprisals.
Even before that, following the April war and backstabbing by Slovenians and Croats, more than 200 000 Yugoslav Royal Army officers and soldiers, and many "potentially dangerous" Serb men were taken to work and prison camps across Reich, from Norway to Germany and Austria.
You called me out on my "bullshit" numbers yet you still fail to produce a single credible number yourself.
do this and we have a deal, hate wasting 10 hours on the border every summer
entire vojvodina, installation costs about 2000 euro, NIS will remove it tho so it's a wasted 2000 euro
Join the EU(and Schengen) = no border.
>Enjoy your prosperity.
Why thank you I am.It'great when i don't have to pay The slavic brotherhood tax.
>muh fascists
Christ you russian shill are the same in every country
Albania is literally the least religious country in the Balkans
>2000 euro installation
How deep are the hot water/steam deposits that you can successfuly exploit with a 2000 investment?
This is going to be good.
Top fucking kek I provided you wih literal government numbers both from Yugoslavia and Slovenia since Slovenia is the only ex-yu country that did an analisys because the rest of you are dumb fucking mythomania retards as expected and make up numbers out of thin air while prete ding they are credible. Case in point, you dumb faggot
most of us are undercover atheists
dont do that son
about a 100 meters in vojvodina, probably a bit deeper down south
2k wouldn't get the bore hole drilled in the UK.
>I work in renewables
>the ME was ruined by Islam
If by Islam you mean 'The US and their kike masters'.
>100 meter drilling
>pump and heat exchange
>all for 2000 euros
Yep, just like I thought. You're talking out of your ass.
Now tell me in which European country can you legally exploit underground deposits of anything, and in particular, harvest geothermals by yourself.
Post based Balkan cities