>tfw this is the czech politcal map
I fucking hate city faggots
>tfw this is the czech politcal map
I fucking hate city faggots
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Is the majority of the population in prague?
Pol Pot was right about them.
>The electoral college is ba-
I thank the Founders every day that they manage to hold back the liberal hordes for so long with that incredible invention. It'd have wonders for Europe and other Western countries
This country was made for the production of cheap alcohol and nothing else.
Tell me about it.
Fucking city fags. Why are they so fucking self-rightous pieces of shit? They think they are some kind of cosmopolitand
San Francisco and Los Angeles do this to the rest of northern California so they can keep their stupid pet spics and restrict your second amendment rights while increasing taxes.
And to eastern California in general (southeast especially has plenty spots similar to conservative areas of Arizona) but local govts also fuck people over
Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump
All city people voted for Hillary
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Zeman.
City people voted for Drahoš.
makes u think
To be entirely honest, I understand your point if city fags ruining elections, but I don't think it applies here. The faggot In red color is only voted by old people in either low income or low education area. He brings nothing really to the state except taking on debt, his ideals are somewhat communistic and his prime minister is literally wanted for stealing money. This man has been nothing but a disgrace and a shame to the Czech Republic, he even showed up drunk several times to official events, the retard. To be honest though, if he doest get elected again he'll probably die in office, which would get him some special burial, but he does not deserve thst at all. This faggot also pretty much made it impossible for small business owners to make a decent living. He claims it is to ensure they don't steal anything (tax evasion and such), but in the process made it harder for the honest non stealing companies to actually make money, ironically almost forcing them to start to steal to make a living. Can't belive we have this person who acts like a homeless man in public as a president and a Slovak dude who is literally wanted for several counts of basically theft (using funds for his personal shit and such) (who isn't wanted in any other country really) running the state.
Yet old faggots vote for him because it will get them their one dollar a month more. "we lived nice lives during communism" as well, some say, and wish to return to that, and the faggot getting elected is the closest they can get for now
Czechia isn't shitskin in the cities though, so how does this happen? I know most whites vote the correct way even in cities, though in slimmer margins.
Does he keep out the ((((((peaceful migrants)))))))? That would be my main concern.
>i was using ejew flag for some reason
Anti white much?
deplorable indeed
The current one is against Islam in the country, yes.
Then you shouldn't be so quick to disavow, specifically if the opponent is pro-shitskin.
Your people must come before shekels fambo
/po/ is national socialist, this means people here want the nice parts of communism (gibsmedats, assured jobs, free flats) for themselves and their blood kin, the bad parts of capitalism for the rest.
They’d love Miloš.
Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Zeman. All city people voted for Soros.
Yes honestly. Pol has a similar opinion, most of them. Daddy Miloš is something they would enjoy
The urban swarms like those policies though. I think the city is causing people to turn into insect-like cretins, like as if they were part of some huge termite mounds.
Why should only rural people get to decide?
pretty sure that both zeman and drahoš are against that
The nonretard and well paid 1/5 is.
I never thought about it like that
Cities: bugmen consuming ZOG chemicals every second of their lives just by going outside nevermind the birth control laced drinking water and under 24/7 surveillance
That's not tru... hmm... ya you're right
Drahoš seems to be way more open to immigrants, he has to because otherwise he would have no chance of getting elected. But he signed the anti islamofobia declaration
I take muslims over Putin’s bootlickers to be honest.
Fuck, I meant that he has to oppose quantas and economic migrants to get elected. Am I retarded?
ALL cities exept prague voted Zeman...
not even close
its not that bad..even prague is competititve in certain scenarios. its like 70% to 30%. Basically its SJW, progressive, brainwashed "we are Europeans, we are westeners (let me suck western dick)" 18 - 35 yo kind of people
still vast majority (70 - 80% of all people) are conservative anti eu anti liberal people OR do not care about elections at all (sadly)
>Swedish flag
can any czechbro remind me, which candidate was libertarian anti-EU anti-immigration?
*pic related our president
fucking hell, what went wrong?
why are there so many communists in Prague btw?
on every corner there were communist stickers, posters etc.
+ only in prague most votes in Parliament election have won Piráti which was the best political party so far.
>he has to because otherwise he would have no chance of getting elected
not really
all he has to do is assure the middle-ground 90% of people who aren't absolute welcomers
city-cucks will vote for him just for not being Zemen
he was REALLY uncharismatic and bland
never been prouder to be a rural/suburban retard
wrong ppl in prague hates communist only bcs czech is not the richest country we still have communist architecture etc.and the stupid things you can buy on every corner at city centre is just for tourist... just 4fun
all comunist politicians won in brno,olomouc and moravian parts
kys cuck
went to prague for LOTR orchestra about 2 months ago.
fucking hell, half breeds everywhere, a shame. love Czech country side, went to Kutna Hora and Tabor in 2017, beautiful place.
lots of anti-trump liberabl shit spewn out on our free tours, saying that people who voted for anti-immigration were typical dumb farmer type of speech.
Except that is a meme, to me most of Sup Forums seems ethno nationalist, conservative and economically right, not natsoc.
But most would without a doubt choose Zeman, because even if he is economically left (most likely for populist reasons), he is ethno nationalist, conservative and the other guy is literal soros/eu/nwo puppet who wants to flood another country with shitholistan parasites.
I certainly would and you czechbros should take note from our presidential elections, because "but he is corrupt russia loving commie" is how we ended up with president that literally went to report to soros and calls everyone not wanting to import rapefugees extremist.
conservative here means communist russian cumdumpster(male) with masochistic desire to be utilized by his ingrian* master to clear minefields during neosoviet drang nach westen
*Putin’s real ethnicity, dumbass.
t. libtarded gay porn actor
> if you dont suck eu dick, it mens you suck russia dick
t. Typical citizen of Prague who can think only in terms of gaysex
>its not that bad..even prague is competititve in certain scenarios. its like 70% to 30%. Basically its SJW, progressive, brainwashed "we are Europeans, we are westeners (let me suck western dick)" 18 - 35 yo kind of people
still vast majority (70 - 80% of all people) are conservative anti eu anti liberal people OR do not care about elections at all (sadly)
is this kind of people are common curse for all eastern european countries?
This is a great example of a fallacy of direct democracy. Electoral colleges were enacted in the united state to specifically stop this kind of shit. The loyalist (British dogs) would be considered leftist now compared to our revolutionaries.
So when we finally won our independence we made sure the population centers could never form a tyranny over rest of the sparsely populated country side. Our founders knew we were a collection of groups fighting for independence, so we were given power to those groups. The electoral college and the second amendment were made to keep that power in the hands of the people.
In big Czech cities I saw relatively lots of Antifa graffities. So there is a relatively high commie-libtard presence there but fortunately rural or small city people are based af. Rural Czech girls hate niggers and muslims, but urban Czech girls like burn the coal, sadly. Czech males should deport muslims and nigs, to prevent Mutt-factories.
Drahoš only lost because he was competing with three guys who said basicaly the same things, while Zeman had nobody to steal his votes. Now its just Zeman vs. Drahoš and Drahoš is gonna win by the landslide.
>made to keep that power in the hands of the people
If I am ever forced to become American by cruel circumstances, I make sure to move to the most remote hamlet in the middle of some desert. Should I be to become American I want to be full American, not second class citizen from a city.
A the city folk hate bumpkins like you.
Electoral college hasn't fixed it. Cities like NYC, Seattle or San Francisco/LA control their states.
Zeman had 26% in the first round last election
how he had 38%
I'd like to think of it as a scale. I live in the city and have my vote on certain matters reduced, but enjoy many benefits of city life. The more remote your area the higher your political power, but the less there is to do. I do mean there is very fucking little to do.
>pic related is all arable land with temperate climate that has vast amounts of land with few people in it.
>Electoral college
>control their states
no shit sherlock states are districts not electoral colleges.
I know that, the point is that the electoral college doesn't solve the issue of cities controlling states (or countries in this case)
>muh Russia
Opinion discarded
this bait deserves at least one (you)
It's not a new phenomenon either. The difference is that before "big cities" were actually medium sized (the best situation) compared to contemporary ones so the critical density of population turning people into bugmen was still far away. Only in the late 19th century does it appear and it was a based enough time not to matter much then.
I remember Petrarch in the Solitary Life talking about how population density turns people into zombies and how he was scared what the cities of the future would be like. Also Kierkegaard said the same thing but I don't remember the book it's in.
Our government was formed with only 13 states acting as mini countries themselves. There has always been a debate about federal rights vs state rights.
for the sake of argument Georgia has roughly the same population with about 5 times more area. The colleges themselves would mean that every time they vote a small drive would massively impact voting power.
>pic related
Voters voiced their criticism of Zeman in the first round, but they'll settle for him as the lesser evil in the second round.
screencap this
mixed up km with mi. It is only almost twice the size with comparable population. NYC also has almost as many people with 8.5 million in 1,213.37 km2
most people don't realize this is how trump won.
You can undo even complete communism in two decades tops of libertarianism.
You can't undo ethnic replacement. It may seem a distant problem in Middle Europe right now, but things can turn sour very, very fast if you show the slightest vulnerability in this respect.
wrong retard, drahos signed this without hesitation: