If god isn't real then explain this

Well? I'm waiting

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poo in the loo's were the first to draw your cherished symbol

it sure as fuck isn't the christian one.


Funny, because in the Bible it refers to the Jews as the synagogue of Satan.

No, the oldest swastika is not from India. But even if it were, the "Indians" of that time were Aryans, not poos. Before they tainted themselves with the Dravidian shitblood.

Why would the King of the Satanists be worthy of worship ?

>king of Jews
>gets killed by Jewish hierarchy of zionists

He thinks Salt loses its flavor.
I mean goddamned even our children know that is not correct.

Checked. The King of the Satanists wouldn't be. But Jesus wasn't the King of the Jews - he was the answer to the Jewish corruption of the day and was murdered by them because he exposed them for what they were.

>causes a thousand years of terror.
You can continue worshipping man who was arrested for infanticide but when you start messing with Kids that is when I will step in and show you God.

He claimed he was King of the Jews, No amount of word play will change that fact.
His arrest writs are for the murder of children.
He didn't even stop the pharisees for industrializing child abuse he just said bad names after they said "You are not on the guest list" as he was trying to go in to play with the children.

You need to actually read your holy book.

Why do you even have this picture?

I'm Chris Hansen, why don't you take a seat over here?
Want a cookie?
What were your intentions with this little boy user?

Actually why don't YOU go and have a seat right over there.

I'm not Christian. Can you provide support/passages for these things?

kid gets cold-sores a few days later lol

Its one of the most famous stories in the bible.
The one with Judas.
Calling him a child murderer.
that is what Infanticide means.

No please, you first.

Oldest swastika is slavic, found in today Ukraine.

Do you know what the pope's job entails ?
they deduce the only way one can be able to converse with the Father is to be as evil as the devil to catch God's attention.
Hows that for fucked up ?
He has to be the most sinful man possible in their distorted belief they will be able to talk to God through the children they are harming.

Excuse me but I am the one that posted the image you are the one trying to cover it up.
Police are waiting outside they have you surrounded so go ahead and take a seat and tell us why you came here, What is in your bag? What ya got in there hrm ?

I can't tell if you're serious or just Aussie'ing it up. I'm not going to watch some 10 minute parody video made by faggot edgelords. If you have an actual point just post the passages.

I never claimed to be a catholic cuck

Mathew 15:26
But Jesus replied, “It is not right to take the children’s (jews) bread and toss it to the dogs. (Goyim)”


Judas : "Jesus please stop killing children"
Jesus : " No huehuehuehue , I have to fufill prophecy"

I can smell it on ya.

No please

No, it were the Tibetans.




That's not what that part of Matthew is about. He helps that woman right after describing her that way. And the people "whose bread it was" were not the Jews. He basically says elsewhere that he came for the lost children of Israel or some such, not the tribes of Judah and Levi.

Show me the exact passage you keep referencing where Jesus is killing children. 99.9% sure you're just pulling shit out of your overgrown, kanga-raped, blown out asshole.


>Ask for a sword to cut her and her daughter down
Pick one.

[Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! You will be given what you are asking for.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.]
Literally what the fuck are you talking about? Truly you kikes know no boundaries.

Her daughter was bed ridden.
We are supposed to believe the words of the perp over the victims ?
His entire point of arrest was for slaughtering the children of THAT very place.

The Bible
Victim blaming 101

Again, can't tell if you really believe this or are just kiking it up, not giving a fuck, living life in the tard lane. If you provided evidence it would be one thing, but since you've been asked several times I can only conclude you're a mentally ill schizo tard. Bodhi Mantra?


That's the Alaska flag

>The Bible is not a good source for the bible
It says right in the passage a woman came it didn't say a woman and her daughter.
Does she become a shrodinger calculation or is it more likely she is just in bed because her mother says she is ?

christians are hypocrites just like the jews and the muslims.

Abraham must have been one mean son of a bitch child rapist.
Just like moses when he fucked his youngest son.

Fucking schizos man. Is there a shortage of medication? Why are you all here this week?

The Bible
Genesis 9:22
Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside.
>Its ok to rape kids if you are drunk its a perfectly reasonable excuse.

You guys actually think this garbage is holy, hahhahahahaha
You are in for a big shock when you meet the creator and he says to you "You faggot nigger"

Alcohol doesn't exist


I will show you da way

God exists. His name is Perkele, and Finnish paganism is the one true religion.

To Where ?

Oh god is real, very, very real. I got to see him once.

As for your image you forgot to mark fall.

What you think as being somewhat new, is rather old. Norse sea men used the big dipper and the north star as well as the moon and sun to navigate. So the positions you have marked would go along with sewing, reaping, preparing and thing as well as other activities. For them .

So what position have you nnt then noted?

This song speaks to the cycle and of god and of the wheel.

I helped write the lyrics, i hope you enjoy them. The film used, stolen ideas, a wandering viking traveler left out in the cold now, havamal broken by my own people.



Well your just admitting aliens are god.

Oh there is summer, i was comfused by the moon there.

>I got to see God
Surprised your still here then.
There is a few ways, Don't get Emo on me now.
This opinion is tragic when it comes to what our descendants will think of us.
>"They actually thought the space-jews where Gods , ahahha"


Oldest version of that symbol we know of comes from north american tribes who become rather light when out of the sun for long periods.

Oh boo hoo i hate jeshua for being better than me and having more influence to humanity than i ever will.

Here is yer new hate so you can pretend to be smart.

Has god abandoned us?

Way to take it out of context.

Nah you are just learning to spend time with him again.

You are aware I am talking down about Jesus Right ?

Of course God is real, it is religion that is garbage.

That is conjecture based on propaganda, not genetic testing.

Stop acting like nig, we waz not stinkdians n sheit.

Modern religion has NOTHING to do with God.

Evidence or be outed as a pathological liar.

You got problems, keep on lying.

Still trying eh

What do you mean evidence the last thousand years of burning people as witches and throwing babies into rivers because they are "demon-spawn" and burning virgins at the stake is not enough evidence for you to know that the teachings of these groups are not to be trusted ?

Oh wait you are definently right they where casting magick spells.
You fucking idiot.

You realize how you look right ?
Go one cast a magic spell.

I am not the one trying to prove they have magic powers, The burden of proof is on you.
What I stated comes from your own literature.

You are a child murderer, because i do not like you.

See how that works?

>Crucified for sedition and infanticide
Is a pretty damning conviction.
So why did Judas betray Jesus?
Or did that never happen now because your caught up in a web of lies.

The big dipper faces down in the winter.

Everybody from Iranians to the West to the Malaysians to the east have Dravidian blood. It isn't as prevalent or as bad as you think.

also you have to prove it, Seems they proved it enough to sentence him to death.
So why do I have to get evidence to disprove myself that is your job Mr Sky Fairy.

You just love to make up bullshit and then hope people believe it, dont you?

>make up bullshit
I must be pretty powerful if I can influence billions of people.
Maybe I should be given those white robes don't cha think ?

Geez you came prepared I'm impressed

Goyim is not dogs, you are still not capable of research and study.

Its time to stfu and pull the aethiecuck cock out of yer mouth.

Pis is you.

I do not recognize the jewish people.

Also I stole all their collected Sparks.

And you are retarded.

Look at me now, Now I am King of the Jews.

The Ukrainian swastika claim is dubious at best. There are no pictures about and most researchers, especially the ones who found it, claim it isn't a swastika.

Completely wrong.

My astrology sign is The Big Dipper

lets see what the crazy kikes are up to ?

You do know they have science about astronomy right?

Who is the false jew?

I put your God in a box in this very thread, you might as well worship me now by your logic, you'll never look outside your self-imposed cage to find the Seat of God.


Wrong, it was for breach of sabat, you are talking about barabas. You are a retard.

lol so dumb

every lib is dunning-kruger in action. they're so sure of themselves awhile being so astoundingly wrong.


Barabus was arrested for killing Roman Soldiers he never killed any Kids.
They had different charges.
Also Romans would never release a prisoner for a holiday that is some stupid shit.

"Hey I am a cult member" Levels of stupid

Ausie proxy cuck, one day, we will find you, and then beat you.

Right after you are done spreading your religious bullshit though right ?
So Never?

So Sorry I don't care about your children's stories.

This is why we used to lock them up.

Tfw someone chews the Shasta of tobacco

>Closing your eyes and Praying for Jesus to protect you while going 200mph on a freeway
And you are the reason THE GENERAL public doesn't have flying cars.

You are super tard.



>Just like moses when he fucked his youngest son.
I read the bible and I don't remember that, I remember Lot and his daughters so, what the fuck are you talking about?