Do Americans really wrap their houses in plastic?
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I have never seen this before.
ya its called plastic siding and its absolute shit
Yes, this vinyl lining is also very popular in shower sorounds.
Also, america is gigantic and the climates in different regions are incredibly different and so to are the housing materials
Where I live all the houses are made of brick, i went to the southwest on vacation and everything was made of wood and plaster.
lets turn this slide thread into something education most Sup Forums kiddos didn't know about.
your homes literally melt LMAO
Why did I watch this whole video?
because it's addicting af desu
forgot your memeflag nigger
One of my neighbors wrapped his house with seran wrap a few weeks ago, it didnt last very long lmao. Ps they got raided for meth and selling pot
This Old House is comfy, bro.
do americans really wrap their houses in plastic before they wrap their houses in plastic?
They can also be replaced cheaply and easily. It's significantly more cost effective than repointing brick or stone veneer. And fuck fixing an entirely masonry wall that has cracked through. Plus it shits on tin for looks. Best investment is hardi plank though imo. Cedar shake looks good too but Christ it's pricey. And replacing it is a cunt of a time. Vinyl is a significantly more effective moisture barrier than stone and brick as well. Basically you cunts have no idea what you're talking about. Your houses are not only shit but feasibly irreparable. Plus the vast majority of you fucks just use stone veneer on a stick built wall now any way. At best one Wythe of brick. Why? Because we have electricity now. And it has to go behind the drywall. Unless you want it in metal conduit exposed on the interior stone like savages as many of your superior stone homes have. Also the codes made for housing now are set internationally. Ibc doesn't apply to England because there's so much grandfathering it isn't feasible. Your houses wouldn't be legal in the states because they are literally unsafe. Kill your self's ... Or whatever let your houses do it.
our infrastructure has lasted literally thousands of years
Uh, you have an American flag there bub
You are surprised that pushing rocks into the ground would last a while? Especially when it's someones job to maintain those rocks?
do americans really not know that people vacation here? jesus christ...
ummmmm no
You'd think that mold would be a problem with a building wrapped in plastic.
Seems like an odd time for a burger land getaway
The only infrastructure you can say lasts thousands of years are cobblestone roads. Rocks in the ground.
>A fucking This Old House video
These threads are getting worse and worse.
how do these shit boxes cost $100k+ to build?, why do people pay it?
10 amish could build something better in one afternoon using hand tools.
>10 amish could build something better in one afternoon using hand tools.
That would easily be 10x the price.
no, not our. you contributed nothing to the architecture style of thousands of years ago. the new trend is to make these cheap easily replaceable houses with shit plaster and low quality materials.
My house looks like this and was built in the 1880's. It's only been renovated once and repainted three times, gone through countless cyclones (hurricanes for you murricans) over the century that flattened other buildings. Countless floods and it's still fine. People put the time money into it to make it quality and people will probably still be living in it in another 100 years.
you have zero understanding of current building construction practices
our castles and cathedrals are doing pretty well too
>inb4 muh thousands
shut up nigger
because suburbanites are retards. I'm stuck here with some friends of friends and they literally have no social life. they work and shop and eat and watch netflix. that is the entirety of their existence
My country makes me cringe in new ways daily.
And yes. I have seen pic related many times. I think they leave it on to protect the wood beneath from weather and are supposed to tear it off before the siding goes on. I am guessing most are too lazy to remove it though.
looks like shit
Search for Zip panels user, you'll love it.
Labor usually. Housing materials are fairly cheap if you know how to do the work yourself but you're always paying for the labor and when you get into the specialist labor for shit like plumbing and electricity their rates shoot up. I replaced my toilet on my own and it cost me a bit over 100 bucks between the new toilet the supply lines wax ring and the bolts. My aunt had a plumber do hers and it was 600 bucks.
>stack rocks on top of each other
>pay men to fix rocks if they get messed up
>surprised that the rocks are still there in a castle shape
im really impressed, but how is a castle "infrastructure"? Are the pyramids the worlds oldest infrastructure too?
>think they leave it on to protect the wood beneath from weather and are supposed to tear it off before the siding goes on
Why bother? Just a little extra insulation anyway. Just there to keep it dry like you said
are roads not? your roads look like shit and are literally glued together
It is. Most modern homes have horrible ventilation issues. Mold/mildew are a nightmare. The homes may look great on the outside, but the terrors inside will turn your stomach. Just look at that nice neighborhood home in Cali where all those kids were found....
>your roads look like shit
>road aesthetics are important
That isn't glue, those are filling cracks that form with the freezing and thawing of the summer/winter cycle you fucking moron.
It's basic fucking thermodynamics.
vinyl you moron
You can tell the boomers and such are online right now. GO TO BED IF YOU ARE OVER 45.
>Most modern homes have horrible ventilation issues. Mold/mildew are a nightmare
That's not true at all. Such issues are usually older homes
He has to go back.
So roads that are made out of random rocks in the ground are better because they lasted longer?
as if that's any better. jfc americans are hopeless
yes and we use a certain glue to keep it in place
>I think they leave it on to protect the wood beneath from weather and are supposed to tear it off before the siding goes on.
gg tho
Lel Implying what you sperg?
literally yes
holy fucking hell, you cunts literally tape your houses together. what the fuck is wrong with you
Vinyl siding is pretty durable and affordable. Unless there's a fire or you aim a giant mirror at it or something stupid it's not going to melt.
My great grandma had it put on her house in the 80s and it's still perfectly fine, and never needs painting.
americans have no sense of aesthetics
>Do Americans really wrap their houses in plastic?
>every response is american flag
>don't know vinyl sheathing is one of the most used residential cladding in the us.
being this ignorant
>literally yes
can you explain why? i dont understand why you think that
its insane, i can understand why someone would buy a german car worth $80k. few people can build something as complex as a 2017 mercedes S class on their own.
but houses are literally just wood and nails.
why don't more people assemble a foundation and frame themselves and bribe a licensed builder to say he did it?
>something lasts 40 years in burgerland
>"hurrrr that's some quality matinerals right deer mmmhmmm"
gas yourself
Is that supposed to be an example of something bad? Because it's not...
I can but I'm not going to
Tyvek wrap is supposed to stay on. It's a one-way moisture barrier so moisture can exit the house but not enter. It helps prevent mold.
wtf I love mcmansions now
>why don't more people assemble a foundation and frame themselves and bribe a licensed builder to say he did it?
Are you retarded? Most people don't have the time/ability/resources/tools to even begin a job like that.
bricks have poop in them
it's still a shitty fucking road, even we don't get it that bad with freezing, you're supposed to put a ton of gravel and shit under the asphalt so the water drains and that crap doesn't happen half as bad in the first place
>Wtf I hate houses over 1k sq ft now
and ten Mexicans can take a month and cost much less
there are tutorials on youtube showing how to install a concrete slab with plumbing in one day.
you can rent all the tools you need.
Function > Aesthetics
enjoy your 8 foot wide single lane roads tho
>wrapped in plastic.
it's mesh sheathing, water vapor can pass through. the vinyl siding is the same, the joints alow water vapor to escape. you're talking to ignorant burgers.
>I'm gonna wing it off a YouTube video instead of getting someone who knows what they're doing
because most american men have no idea how to swing a hammer. they are by and large fatherless betamales who've never done a day's worth of manual labor in their entire lives. they are quivering, gelatinous husks of men that pretend to be superior because they dump all of their money into their military.
>Zip panels
after reading about it, that shit is actually pretty cool.
Because most people would fuck it up. A foundation isn't just cement in a hole. A DIY foundation and frame is a lot more likely to fall apart in a few years than any of the other shit you guys sperg out about and when those go lives are at risk.
For what it costs 40 years is good. It will probably last another 40 though, if not more.
There's an enormous difference between knowing your way around power tools, and being able to construct a house, retard
i like smooth roads, not bumpy roads. i think american roads are better. agree to disagree i guess
my point is you don't even know the basics, let alone how to construct a home, which isn't really that difficult anyway. learn to read
Developers try to use the cheapest, most efficient materials they can while selling at market price. They look good when they are done.
Also not all the components are cheap
A huge portion of the cost is also often due to local regulation requirements.
>Wiring, pluming , HVAC has to be done by licensed professional
>Double Paned glass
>Insulative siding
The costs add up pretty quick
Even super cheap Habitat for humanity houses cost at least 80k to make.
That is insulation. Its a lot quicker than the spray.
You will find shitty roads in residential and low population areas. You can't block access to the house by re-doing the road. Also find me a country that doesn't tar cracks in the roads. Its a pretty effective fix to prevent ice damage.
Literally yes. Enjoy you glorified storage shed
>bribe a licensed builder
you can build your own house here, it's not illegal.
you just need to file a owner permit, the building inspectors inspect your work and will even help guide you. I built my home this way.
>let alone how to construct a home,
No shit? That's why contractors exist
You think american builders don't know how to build stuff out of concrete and rocks? You know it's about price and stuff right? I think you are pretending to be retarded on purpose and this is a waste of time.
ITT people who don't understand how to build a house and why using this or that materials for certain environments to save both cost of building and cost of living in it.
If ypu were going to build your own house it would be easier to build pier and beam, not concrete slab.
>ITT Europeans
I guarantee you there's more 19th century houses in America than Australia.
Which I like, because I'm buying one soon.
Same here. Helped build my brother in law's house. Then we bought our own house with a completely unfinished basement and finished it ourselves. Felt good man. Learn a bunch of new based man skills, saved a shit ton of money.
>You think american builders don't know how to build stuff out of concrete and rocks?
no, no I don't. slapping rocks on some glued together wood chip board isn't building with stone
not really.
i got a job building luxury motor homes with zero experience even working at mcdonalds.
it was my job to construct the wooden frame and fiberglass / aluminum siding, i literally learned to do it in two days.
>because most american men have no idea how to swing a hammer.
speak for yourself, faggot. everyone I know does their own home improvements. It's literally nigger tier easy. Why do you think beaners can get construction work with absolutely no skills?
It's a trailer house, and clearly after storm damage. Metal siding is a thing, too.
If you paid a builder to make you a home that would last forever, you could. There is nothing stopping you other than the fact that you can't afford it.
>motor homes
>street-facing garage door
Big open houses are nice.
This is a million dollar property. It comes with 28 acres and is 35 minutes from a 150k nice white city.
Compare that to a million dollar shack in europe or canada.
We have wooden siding in houses down here
Also, why the fuck would you?
>every eurofag ever: hurrrr my house will last hundreds of years
Over paying for something that will outlive you by that much is literally retarded
silly burgers, us frost niggers don't have this problem
it's nigger tier easy because you use lego-esque building materials. literal plastic, man. you would have no clue how to set a foundation or join timber without a nail gun. you home improvement stores have mislead you as to what building actually is
yeah, in europe