Confess your soy boy's habits Sup Forums

Confess your soy boy's habits Sup Forums

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What does the Sup Forumstard enjoy besides sucking Trump’s cock?

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cuck porn


I got a PS4 as a surprise gift for Christmas and I love playing Crash Bandicoot and GTAV.

I still play videogames a lot, watch porn sometimes and I like eating sugary cereal in the morning.

I am too lazy to get up and go to the bathroom, so I have multiple gallons of piss by my bed. I took six crystal geyser gallons to the bathroom to dump them, but decide to do it later. I think I have a total of about ten now.

Sometimes I pretend blacks are human in public to avoid social ostracization.

I play quite a bit of vidya but nothing extreme in terms of playtime. I have a few thousand hours from the past 10+ years. Some sad fucks will garner that in less than half the time

I still play videogames to distract me from my horrendous life. I stopped almost all my other hobbies because I cant afford it anymore.

Those soyly digits

I like rick and morty

I don't play vid in general, don't own
consoles etc, but i am a wow casual.

FACT: beer increases estrogen more than soy products

I enjoy video games and play them more than I should.

I unironically watch Rick and Morty; I just like the idea of a kid and his crazy grandpa going on interdimensional adventures and it's a lot of fun to watch high. The concept was done really well until whatever the fuck happened with the 3rd season, it immediately became total shit after a certain episode when they hired those female writers. Show plays like a fucking sitcom now. I'm pretty pessimistic about the 4th season, if it isn't fixed fast I'm dropping the show.
I also love the Nintendo switch. Fuck you Nintendo is making a comeback.

I program in Rust.

People say one is soy because semen tastes like soy right?
Faggots would know what semen would taste like right?
How can you draw a comparison and then call somebody else soy without being a faggot yourself?

kys faggot
>in all fields

Time to get your life together brother

Finding new and interesting hobbies, then declaring them as degenerate.


Loads of degenerate porn.
I also enjoyed the new MST3K.

Im also lactose intolerant but I drink lactaid milk, not soy.

>Sup Forums

Who hurt you?

Sometimes I skip leg day.

I like women

Top fucking kek. You degenerate faggot

Porn and videogames

I have a beard and receding hairline.
I also like to play vidya.

Smoking weed.

I like Tofu
I own a Nintendo Switch

I enjoy getting choked and railed by my boyfriend.
I unironically drink soylent.
I attend my university's queer group.

Those are probably the big three. But to counteract them I
Am studying a real degree (accounting).
Dress like a normal person.
Don't vote for socialists or greens or participate in any of that dumb shit.
Have a job and pay taxes.

You have to go back.

Me too


I like soy sauce when I eat vegetables, but that's because vegetables are fucking digesting alone and salad dressing is literally homosexual. Literally... Like...

I like having fun


>People say one is soy because semen tastes like soy right?

I drink soymilk instead of cows milk
I'm getting a psych degree (I/O)


You need a viking adventure to England. Kill them all


>Nintendo Switch
>Paying this much just to play fucking Mario

>I unironically drink soylent.
Is the powder worth the price? I was thinking of getting it as a cheap meal replacement for breakfasts and/or lunch.

Soy is no joke. Stop making light of the soy problem.

I was having dinner with my gf last night and we went for chinese. She used some soy sauce on her rice and a tiny little bit splashed onto my plate. I mean, just a minimal amount. It was like one or two drops. I didn't think anything of it, seeing as how small an amount it was. Once we were done eating, my chest started feeling itchy. We got home and my nipples were feeling really itchy and sensitive. I took my shirt off and my nipples were so puffy, and I could swear that I was sprouting little breasts.

Anyway, by the time we were ready to go to sleep, there was a noticeable change. My girlfriend was making fun of me, calling me princess, and saying that I should wear a bra. It was humiliating. Well, she did put me in a bra and my breasts had actually grown to be a full cup size bigger than hers! We went to bed and I had a really hard time getting to sleep. Partly from the concern of growing these tiddies, but also because of how uncomfortable the new weight was. But I did manage to get a few hours in.

When I woke up, my waist was obviously thinner and my hips and butt had more fat on them. My face had even gotten a little softer. I was honestly scared. Anyway, my girlfriend said she'd stay by my side which I really appreciated, but that night, when I went to go have sex with her, she just rolled over and said she wasn't attracted to me. I told her I was still attracted to her, even with all the changes and she said she just wasn't comfortable with a woman being attracted to her. That really hurt.

I told her I wasn't a woman, but she disagreed and told me that in order to make her comfortable, I needed to lock my dick in a chastity cage. I did it for her, but it was really frustrating and it even hurt a little bit. Now she won't unlock me. I'm totally overcome with sadness and embarrassment and I can't stop crying and she just keeps on teasing me, getting me so hard in my cage.

Don't eat soy, you guys.

Fucking kikes.


the american race*

I can't spreak for everyone but I like finding coins on the ground in public places, taking it home, getting super hard and then resting the coin right on the tip of my penis's head. the thought of all the untold numbers of people handling the coin and all their germs just running down my peehole gets me off pretty well

I finally quit video games last year but I don't know how I'm supposed to stop looking at porn, even he purported "benefits" just mar my whole personality so badly I don't doubt that in the long term it would turn me into some kind of rapist.

solution: drink vodka and kefir instead of beer and soy

If the aids doesn't get you, suicide by accountancy will. Good riddance.

Look away Poland don't bear witness to this monster

This, i drank 2 bottles of soy milk, i instantly started lusting for cock. I got lost in a trance looking at sissy boi hypno videos. I fell asleep and then woke up with a dildo in my ass.

My Archmage in FFXIV. Shouldn't love it but I do.

go and fag bash him m8, he's gone too far

I'm an IPA autist.
That's it though.

I play LoL

I'm on a diet, It's slim fast.

Fuck you in advance.

idk, what?

I watch Rick and Morty because I find it funny and fun. I've always been fond of 'mad science' themes.


ha fatty

>meme flag

After the first bottle of slimfast I had the sudden urge to donate to Barney Sandals, it was scary. Still sticking with it though.

Yeah rick and morty is pretty good. You have to be somewhat smart to get the jokes though.

I bought it to use as a lunch replacement because it's cheaper than the $13 I would usually spend at a place in the city. It's about $3 per meal I think. I also use it for breakfast pretty often.

Basically it's not cheaper than eating healthy if you shop smart, but it's certainly easier, and it's cheaper than eating shit by a huge margin.

Just don't use it as a total meal replacement. They claim is has all the nutrients you need but they can't possibly know that because we don't know all the nutrients we need. It may be missing something vital that causes organ failure in ten years time - there are real vitamin deficiencies that we already know of which only present symptoms after years of malnourishment.

Don't worry user, rule #1 of investing is to always keep enough money to buy rope.

t. Mohammed. I feel pity for the innocent people suffering in the Islamic Caliphate of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from its backwards theocracy's autocratic hold on society. Would that liberty and justice never died, and Britain yet retained its one-glorious status as a beacon of progress and a light in dark places, but alas though freedom is not fragile it is reversible.

Australia remains the last corner of the British Empire unsullied by the corrupting sandniggers such as yourself who now infest it. Much love from a former brother - but no sympathy.

you should also be excising at least 2-3 days out of the week


Diets don't work. You have to make a lifestyle change.

You're fat because you eat too much. If you eat less, get skinny, and then go back to eating too much, you'll just get fat again. You have to commit to eating less every day for the rest of your life.

Do you plan to drink slimfast for the rest of your life?

No, it's because soy has a larger-than-usual amount of phytoestrogen in it that has been accused of interfering with the natural effects of testosterone and chemically "feminizing" the male body in ways ranging from hindering muscle gain to causing emotional and feminine thought and behavior patterns to preventing erections and killing sperm. I've never heard of it having anything to do with semen.

That's not even soy, that's just degenerate.

I like some video games and browsing /fa/


>bottled at the source

But how do I find a choke sex boyfriend if I don't look like a huge faggot??

That's terrifying. It could have been me...

It's certainly quality of food too. But, yeah, volume play a major role.

WTF is a sisssy boi hypno video? Jesus! I am afraid to ask, but is that Canadian?

i'm not a paki but you are a sodomite, who's going to burn in hell forever, so fag it up sally, you know whats coming

give it a shot pal

Im afraid... very afraid

>semen tastes like soy right?
No, it tastes salty and a little bit citrusy. Some people say salty and sweet but I say salty and tangy. Salt and sour apple.

And yes, I know apples aren't a citrus.

Semen has a high sugar content (it's good for the sperm) so it's sweeter than you'd expect. But I still wouldn't call it sweet. A friend told me it tastes like salty egg whites.

It's easier to find someone and get them into choking.

Or alternatively just make a deal that they'll indulge your fetish if you indulge theirs.

>i'm not a paki
t. Mohammed

its harder to piss in a bottle then it is to just go to the toilet you disgusting piece of shit

Don't worry about it. If you're already curious about it, you'll probably like it!

I torrent pirated BLACKED porn because I can't afford the subscription

Im jobless and my wife pays for my way in life.

I dont just sit around i got ripped as fuck and learned to cook us delicious food. Still kind of feel bad though but she works nights and the kids all go to school at different times and she couldnt do it and she made over 40k a year more then me so i said id do it after letting her struggle with it for months and seeing how miserable she was. I still make money from side jobs while they are in school but just not enough to provide for myself at the moment.

Good Christ! Why? I'm lost and may suffer PTSD.

You're a housewife!

this thread is such an eyes opener Sup Forums should be renamed /soy/

>drinking the caffeinated jew
>eating the grain jew
>consuming the meat jew
>drinking the hydro jew
>breathing the oxygen jew
>indulging in the sleep jew

Fucking degenerate kike soygoys.

I enjoy nintendo.

either tryhard anti-trump shills or faggy far-right wannabes.


Sometimes I'll download old Castlecania or Zelda roms and play them on my laptop. I'm 24 and I think I play these games at a rate of maybe 1-2 games per year though, so it's purely nostalgic. I have no interest in playing any game that came out after the GameCube though. (Barring call of duty or fortnite with my fraternity brothers)

thanks user


My 20 year old “girlfriend” is a tranny. She pulls it off really well and my family doesn’t even know. She’s been on hormone treatments for years. I’m just worried as time goes by she’ll begin looking more manly and I’ll have to break it off with her before my family finds out.