[x] Rape the maids.
[x] Rape the maids
Fuck off Battler, you like dicks.
Anime Battler is another story.
Shannon is a cute girl.
>yfw all would have ended right there if Battler touched the boobs
>implying the maid won't rape you.
That's my fetish
Every thread until all of you accept the true Umineko OTP.
This kitten is pretty cute.
imoutos are NOT for lewding!!!
Nothing wrong with giving your imouto some sweet handholding
Decided to get Umineko off my bucket list about a week ago, currently on Episode 2.
Really enjoying it so far, and can't help but feel sorry for Gohda.
He didn't deserve this shit.
you better get off this thread fast. Really.
Episode 3 is a masterpiece of fictional storytelling and nothing will ever come close in our lifetime.
Is this a meme ?
Have you read Episode 3?
Beato a cute. A CUTE!!
her/his microdick is really cute too
What is sex with a maid like?
By touching boobs all the deaths could have been avoided.