>claim to be conservative
>be pro-Israel
what the fuck is his problem?
>claim to be conservative
>be pro-Israel
what the fuck is his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
most conservatives, at least in the western world, are pro-israel. also, not an argument.
color me surprised, the jew's real interests lies with jews. READ SIEGE
The kosher sandwich, user.
Jews are only capable of Jewish nationalism. When they feel American nationalism, it’s only bc they see America as good for Jews (ex: defeating Nazis and allowing them to escape the pogroms)
you can't be both. that's the argument. learn to extrapolate, you autist
Pro-Israel is a very neo-con position. They love the kikes. It's a whole religious thing with them especially with the bible thumpers.
hes a good goy.
listen to him if you want to be the modern typical good goy neocon.
He's conservative. Zionist/jewish conservative. Move along, goyim.
incoming you's for obvious bait
What would you politically call someone who is pro Israel Jews but anti Jews of porn and Hollywood and distinguishes between them?
If you're against Israel, then you're for Palestine and the Muslims
that's just wrong, maidood
Then who's clay does it belong to?
He’s a ZOG trog
I don't care and neither should american politicians
a confused person
>what the fuck is his problem?
He will never be loved like his sister.
Yup, they fight honestly for their culture, land and traditions. Muslims are an honorable opponent, kikes are insidious backstabbers
I need challah (bread).
He's Jewish, what exactly did you expect?
There is nothing wrong with supporting israel. USA uses SA and Israel as their assets in the middle east to maintain control over the region.
>muslims are an honorable breed
You are an idiot and you should die an idiot's death.
what more do you need to know
these people love Israel more than America
stop funding this POS country
all they do is make Americans poor and keep them at war
Hitler's rise to power didn't happen in a vacuum
it was the same shit ZOG did back then they are doing today
thery are fucking relentless! WTFU!
This is what I am, and I am also part Jewish. We don't need a label for this, but I suppose it may be convenient to point out in simple terms. What's good enough for me is explaining it just as you had; pro-Israel, and against Hollywood and pornography degeneracy.
go look and see these high profile political leaders who are jews
they join the IDF, they won't join the US military, they are traitors
let the middle east take care of the middle east, bring the troops home
make America First AND Last!
both China and India laugh at how the US cucks for Israel
both know Israelis are greedy assholes
stop funding ----PAYING A TAX---- for Israel
they hate all goys
they laugh and spit on you
they steal your labor and money
they push to send your kids to war FOR THEM
go out and wake Christians up
They offer us nothing we can't get elsewhere
>t kike
Ben is a huge orthodox jew. Which means he's incredibly socially conservative.
The correct term
>a true Jew
>USA uses SA and Israel
Aren't most "right wingers" pro Israel anyway? He's just some religious Zoydberg. He could be a robot created by ZOG.
>Claim to be conservative
>Be pro socialist policies
>Worship socialist autists like Hitler
>Fap to animu
Not really sure if he even actually is conservative, he is doing what jews do best lying and making money. He is obliviously a smart guy yet he always quotes incorrect statistics and straw mans everything, he couldnt be just doing it for the money could he?
Zionist jew that is looking to make $$$ case closed.
>Jewish individualist
In other words he is an elitist and thinks the working and middle class should serve him.