How long are these debt collectors going to call me? Until I pay the $2,000 to them or until they sue me?

How long are these debt collectors going to call me? Until I pay the $2,000 to them or until they sue me?

until the statute of limitations for your state runs out

If I move does it restart?

document anything and everything, sue them for violating FDCPA, you will come out ahead and owe nothing

until you aren't gay

it restarts anytime you pay a dime, so don't

What is that in Texas?

What if democrats win in 2018 though.

It's a possibility.

Will Trumo he like Bill Clinton and manage to purge them in 2022 when they try to impeach him?

can i get cash with credit cards? there is nothing i want to buy except drugs.


Doesn't your debt being passed to a collector ultimately mean that the debt you owed to the first people has been forgiven? What can collectors do other than pester you?

>max out your credit cards with cash advances
>dump all your cash into an IRA
>declare bankruptcy
>retire at 18 while you begin rebuilding your credit

don't actually do this

7 years

Ruin your good goy credit score so you can't "buy" things with it like houses and cars.

>>retire at 18 while you begin rebuilding your credit
you wouldnt be able to take our more than like 3000 dollars unless you have a cosigner. Fail plan

6 years here

okay, max them out buying expensive shit, resell expensive shit for cash

Expensive stuff worth 3000 or less? Do you not know how credit cards work? You can only take out money based off how good your credit is. As a random ass highschool kid your credit score will be "unknown" or however they word it and you get basically the minimum credit. So when you get your credit card the max will be really low. "max them" wouldn't be over that.

but you are right that your plan would work. but your credit would be fucked for life. its a plan that only works once and its obv not worth doing over the minimum amount

I had a 55k limit by 21, so maybe not 18. Yes I know how credit works, I bought my first house at 23.

>but your credit would be fucked for life

no it wouldn't, nothing would be on your record after 10 years. plenty of time for that money to be managed into a significant wealth and earlier retirement

I always just ignore them, haha silly Jews.

you think you would have gotten your house with the credit of someone who maxed out credit cards and then never paid them back? They should just live in a hole until age 28?

I'm getting sued over ~$350.
>have insurance
>take kids for state-required shots
>receive paperwork with huge letters saying THIS IS NOT A BILL
>think nothing of it because I had that with Tricare while in the Army, assume it's taken care of
>receive mail that I now owe over $500 as it has been transferred to a debt collection agency
>tell them what's up
>receive summons for February

How fucked am I?

>How fucked am I?
now you probably have to pay 1000-2000. pay it or you get even more rekt

Guess I'll give them a ring tomorrow and see what I can do.
Thanks, home slice.


>he has debt

good goy

pay in court though. if you pay the debt collector, you might still owe the full amount to the doctor as well.

News flash. You can tell them you'll never pay them. I said I would move to NYC and become a drug dealer so they couldn't attach my wages. They stopped calling and the bills dropped off my credit in 7 years - like (pretty much) all debt. Worked at cash jobs, credit improved. Living well, and the banks ate my 20s.

I don't have the full amount, anyway. I'll just ask them tomorrow it the entirety of the debt was transferred. The extra $200 was for their services.

My plan was to use my tax return to pay this off after court to learn and see what I could do. The only thing I found online to help is that I have no income or assets (wife works but they don't know that) so what I found is a term 'judgement free'.
I just wish the damn Dr. office told me all this so I could have paid them and not some weak ass collection agency.

court will let you work out a payment plan and everything. its not the end of the world. if you pay them directly you will end up paying interest forever

>I had a 55k limit by 21

For real? I'm 33, Have a 787 credit score and my limit across my cards is only 35k. I've said no to a couple of increases though but still no way I could've got that high at 21 imo.

collection agencies try to trick you into thinking they are suing you to scare you into paying. so just wait until you have to go to real court

So should I wait until the court date or go to the Court House?
Thanks for all the info, by the way. Glad I saw this thread.

>so just wait until you have to go to real court
So stick with my original plan. Got ya

That's a lie. If they didn't mention the word cop or actual legal documents when talking to you then they are a zombie death collection
Former debt collector

its possible they dont even show up to the trial and you get off scott free and dont even have a debt after that. how did you find out you are being sued?

Is robbing a bank illegal if I don't use a gun? pls bee srs

Theft of anything is illegal. Not using a women just reduces the charge but you can be sure that if you take money from a bank, they will fuck you anyway they can.

I received a court summons.

I had paperwork in the mailbox to pick up mail. I went there and it was a court date.

Yeah, apparently it's disorderly conduct even if you just ask for money. gay

well just make sure that you really have to go to court and then when you go you will find out how much you really have to pay. you arent going to go to jail or anything though im 99% sure

You can't go to jail over debt, anyway.
From everything else I've looked up I'll have to pay the court costs and their attorney fees (if I lose, and I'm sure I would as it's an unpaid bill). This is why I figured I'd just call them tomorrow and set something up.

7 years