Hi cuties!
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
Is GT canon yet?
Rate Champa's team
>[saiyan named after cabbage]
>[saiyan named after side brussels sprouts]
>[saiyan named after kohlrabi]
>[saiyan named after kale]
>[saiyan named after broccoli (not Broli)]
>[saiyan named after cauliflower]
>lol nope I still alive
>Namek blows up
>I'm still here you know
>get cut into pieces
>pulverized by a Super Saiyan
>OK I'm dead now but I'll back
>vaporized by a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
>I'll back for a future arc
Is Freeza indestructible?
hiya cutes, i hope you all are having a nice week with plenty of kisses and hand holding and always remember that freezie pop loves you all
When Zeno erases each universe does he delete the "spirit" side of the universe. You know heaven and hell and stuff.
Is Frieza really a lot more popular than Buu and Cell in Japan?
Its ridiculous that he even wanted to use the dragon balls to be immortal when he clearly already is
By fucking light years.
Are you actually asking that question...?
He wanted immortality in case someone wants to vaporize him. Also why did the Dragon Balls get sidelined from the story after the Namek arc?
where's the rest of that set?
is there one when frieza sodomizes kakarot?
We all know Freeza is a power bottom.
No, there are only 3 pics.
Why doesn't Goku just call the police?
>Is Freeza indestructible?
Everyone is
theres no stakes whatsoever in DB, you can just resurrect people and befriend gods of destruction and deus ex machinas like Whiz
Fully updated for new spoilers/info, pic has gotten too big to fit even as a gif
Frieza is sexy and mysterious, jap school girls dig that
can we have another thread the op makes me feel funny
Caulifla is for ______
what would you prefer smug pup as the OP?
what's wrong with the op, anony-kun?
Botamo mignt not come back. I don't see him in the Opening
unironically yes as long as it's the profile pic one.
alright, you've posted this too many times. its spam now. fuck off.
Are there any other characters like Bardock in the sense that they started as non-canon characters but were later canonized or is he unique in that aspect?
she's ours. we call dibs.
jobbing like a little bitch in the ToP
Never was never will
jobbing to jiren to make Goku's victory more impactful
So how does she see Cabba the stick?
No. She's for Kale. She was there first.
she thinks he's a faggot
Can you tell the difference...?
he ain't a stick, he just has been toei'd in this shot
why is Caulifla make my dick so much harder than Kale?
the prince of all jobbers at it again
Because she's the best
because Kale looks autistic
Not being as pure as Note!
Autism is necessary to become SS Green/SS Berserk/Legendary SS
Someone post the pasta
Mr. Satan disciples appeared in Super even though they were filler in Z
>Gregory and Satan's disciples are canon because they appeared in Super filler before appear in Z filler
W...What's wrong with Torankusu in these pics?
Nothing at all
>meme si je
Caulifa and Kale are going to outsell Vegeta and Goku in merchandise with ease for at least one or two months (if there's not a Universe 6 arc... cause if there is, the girls will probably be the focus and they will sell rivers of money of toys and t-shirts for toei and outsell them for more than two months) maybe body pillows for the weirdo fans, articulated action figures...
the fans asked for a female saiyan a long time ago, now not only we recieve one but two! and two really cute and powerful saiyans gals
based toriyama and toei getting richer and richer while making the product better
Say something nice to Broli.
He's a god now you know
Any good Supreme Kai of time doujin?
is Dicasty /ourguy/?
As far as Dragonball itself goes? Closest thing would be the South Kai, who first appeared in the Other World Tournament arc and then makes a brief Buu Saga cameo. He was a Toriyama design, but so was Bardock and some other filler/movie characters.
Is this a trace of the fucking Hope Solo roast beef selfie?
That shit is official, it's not a doujin
That's actually a nice face. Is he improving? Will his art be passable one day?
>Gogeta is reading a novelization of Resident Evil 2
My fucking sides
If toei/dragon ball were American and super was running in the modern day I could see the lesbian stuff being "cannon"
To satisfy the feminist in this country.
Is japan filled with "progressives" who would consider it "victory" if they were lesbian
No, if you haven't noticed or known yet, his artstyle and ability to draw anatomy and perspective is completely inconsistent because he traces random porn artists.
this is a weird daily dose thread
I really REALLY love Broli's god form man
Why the SS3 form was not like that? (without the muscles and green hair)
Can't wait for the figuart
Doujins when?
So that's like his special Legendary snowflake form of SSGSS right?
don't post mai
Welp! I know what I'm doing tonight!
posting smug to fight the freeze
Taking your Daily Dose I presume?
Please tell me that's not supposed to be the furry from the opening because that looks nothing like him
Posting best boy to fight the smug.
Because best boy is finally in something.
>Frieza/Caesar fusion
It's an autistic OC based on him.
Fuck off you degenerate faggot
OK, so how exactly will Cabba bully Kale? Cabba doesn't really look like the bullying type.
Is it just me or does it feel like they went out of their way to shit on Tenshinhan?
>All the other characters get hyped up in their focus episode
>his focus episode focuses more on Roshi
>he doesn't even really do much in said episode
>Also he gets bodied by Roshi
>Goku didn't even go SSJ against Roshi which makes Tenshinhan's wipeout against him even worse
>preview of the next episode has him getting fucked up